Im starting pulmonary rehab to raise my fev and oxygen numbers to where i will not need oxygen i understand this will not happen over night and i understand itll be hard but im very
Strong minded and will give everything i have! sats just siting is 97/98no oxygen but when i walk i do drop to 90 sometimes 87 soo its time to change that and help myself..i also would like to share i enrolled in getting my ged today i start classes july9th!..i must say this is the happiest ive felt about myself in along time im going to raise my fev to my goal to start which is 37% what i was two years ago! The transplant team told me they have had patients who required 6litres of oxygen for exercise an now dont need it is possible but will proly take me a minute to get there..i will update eveyone on my road to a new life and raising my fev!!! :-D
Strong minded and will give everything i have! sats just siting is 97/98no oxygen but when i walk i do drop to 90 sometimes 87 soo its time to change that and help myself..i also would like to share i enrolled in getting my ged today i start classes july9th!..i must say this is the happiest ive felt about myself in along time im going to raise my fev to my goal to start which is 37% what i was two years ago! The transplant team told me they have had patients who required 6litres of oxygen for exercise an now dont need it is possible but will proly take me a minute to get there..i will update eveyone on my road to a new life and raising my fev!!! :-D