Immunosuppressant meds


New member
Does anyone know how being on an immunosuppressant could effect cf? I have an auto-immune condition and my neurologist is contacting my cf clinic to find out if it would be ok to start me on one. I just wondered if anyone had any experience with this?


New member
I've been on methyltrexate for 9 months and I've handled it pretty well. Makes me tired though. I have to get blood work done every couple of weeks too.


New member
Ok, thanks. You haven't found you've been more susceptible to infections on the immunosuppressants?


New member
I was on methotrexate for about 6 months. I didn't notice a difference.
My cf dr was actually curious to see if it would help reduce my lung inflammation... That could have been nice


New member
I have noticed a difference with MTX, less inflammation overall. Havent had a problem with increased infection rates, but prior to the MTX, my immune cell counts were way high and the drug just brought them back into the normal range. I am very careful though, always washing my hands and using sanitizer, wear a mask in any health care situation or on a plane, and stay far away from known sick folks. Think I'm going to have to stop it though if I want to try Orkambi....

Jennyvb17, sorry it didnt work for you. For me, it got me off the daily doses of prednisone.


New member
Ok, thanks both so much. They are hesitant to go the prednisone route with me as my blood sugars can go unstable so easily.