implantation bleeding?


New member
Hey guys, if you read my previous posts then you would know that I am really confused/worried I am pregnant

I last got my period sept 12th, and had sex unprotcted sept 26th/27th and he came in me. Exactly one week later on Oct 4th I started bleeding, idk if it was my period.. I still am bleeding to this minute. I was supposed to get my period around oct 9th/ came a week early. What does this mean? I didnt even have any mentrual cramps or anything. I have searched multiple sites and they say that a lot of woman have implatation bleeding for a few days, but im not sure what this is.

Has anyone experienced this??

Thank you


Hi Angel, did you speak to your CF or transplant team about this? I really urge you to if you haven't already. What is the bleeding like? If it is as heavy as your regular period I would be most surprised if it is implantation bleeding, but there is really only one way to find out and that is to do a test. How long are your cycles normally (i.e. length of time between periods?) If you would normally expect to have started your period now then you can take a test, but to be honest even when people are pregnant, tests sometimes don't show positive results until a week or two after they have expected their period to have started.

If you speak to your healthcare team, they can do a blood test that would be able to tell even at this early stage if you are pregnant. I can understand your being nervous about doing this, but you have said that if you ARE pregnant then you want to keep the baby, in which case you need to know one way or the other quickly because if you are, you will need to be taken off some of your drugs that could be causing harm to a foetus, even at this early stage.

Finding out will also put your mind at rest and stop this constant anxiety and confusion which is no doubt very stressful for you. x


New member
I have done a test 3 days ago and it was negative, but I think it may have been to early to detect pregnancy if I were pregnant. My period was really light at first then got heavier, its like my normal period but i have no cramps and usually i who knows, it may have been my period.


Active member
By now a pregnant test should be showing positive or negative. (Its been 2 weeks since the possible conception, right?)Are you still bleeding?How many days did you bleed?Was it heavier than normal? lighter than normal?Based on the timing of your bleeding it sounds to me like one of 3 things-Your period brought on early because of the stress of the situation.Implantation bleeding.A very early miscarriage.Have you taken another test yet?


I am anxious to know as well. I don't think stress will bring an early period though - it usually will delay a period but only by delaying the phase before ovulation. Generally the luteal phase is the same length every time.


New member
Hey sorry guyys, I havent posted been so busy with school and everything. It was really wierd I had that bleeding for the same time as I would a period but abs had no cramps..and I usually do all the time. I have taken a pregnancy test about 2 weeks ago and it was negative, so I hope its right ! I would love a baby, just not now. I should be getting my next period soon..If I dont though I know why.