Improving sense of smell?


New member
Hello! This is my first post here and I thought I'd ask a sort of funny lovely beau has CF and has a very limited sense of smell. (Though he says it smells like me when I call him up on the phone! I guess that means his cortex is still trying to find smells somewhere!) :)

Anyway, and I was wondering if anyone has had success in getting their sense of smell back? Or their child's?

Every once in a while he'll actually smell something, but sometimes it's miss-identified. The things he can smell tend to not be floral or sweet or's generally darker sort of smells like burning things or pine trees.

Thanks y'all!

Jen, 21, w/out CF


New member
Hello! This is my first post here and I thought I'd ask a sort of funny lovely beau has CF and has a very limited sense of smell. (Though he says it smells like me when I call him up on the phone! I guess that means his cortex is still trying to find smells somewhere!) :)

Anyway, and I was wondering if anyone has had success in getting their sense of smell back? Or their child's?

Every once in a while he'll actually smell something, but sometimes it's miss-identified. The things he can smell tend to not be floral or sweet or's generally darker sort of smells like burning things or pine trees.

Thanks y'all!

Jen, 21, w/out CF


New member
Hello! This is my first post here and I thought I'd ask a sort of funny lovely beau has CF and has a very limited sense of smell. (Though he says it smells like me when I call him up on the phone! I guess that means his cortex is still trying to find smells somewhere!) :)

Anyway, and I was wondering if anyone has had success in getting their sense of smell back? Or their child's?

Every once in a while he'll actually smell something, but sometimes it's miss-identified. The things he can smell tend to not be floral or sweet or's generally darker sort of smells like burning things or pine trees.

Thanks y'all!

Jen, 21, w/out CF


New member
Hello! This is my first post here and I thought I'd ask a sort of funny lovely beau has CF and has a very limited sense of smell. (Though he says it smells like me when I call him up on the phone! I guess that means his cortex is still trying to find smells somewhere!) :)

Anyway, and I was wondering if anyone has had success in getting their sense of smell back? Or their child's?

Every once in a while he'll actually smell something, but sometimes it's miss-identified. The things he can smell tend to not be floral or sweet or's generally darker sort of smells like burning things or pine trees.

Thanks y'all!

Jen, 21, w/out CF


New member
Hello! This is my first post here and I thought I'd ask a sort of funny lovely beau has CF and has a very limited sense of smell. (Though he says it smells like me when I call him up on the phone! I guess that means his cortex is still trying to find smells somewhere!) :)
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<br />Anyway, and I was wondering if anyone has had success in getting their sense of smell back? Or their child's?
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<br />Every once in a while he'll actually smell something, but sometimes it's miss-identified. The things he can smell tend to not be floral or sweet or's generally darker sort of smells like burning things or pine trees.
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<br />Thanks y'all!
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<br />Jen, 21, w/out CF
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It's funny you say that because I have the same issue and I thought the sinus surgeons caused it when they went in for one of my surgeries. I too only have a limited sense of smell - very rarely can I smell something. I could smell steaks once and my boyfriends (now ex) cologne.

Sometimes nasal sprays help or flushing. But you have to be consistent. Otherwise, he may want to go and see a specialist. They may be able to do something.

sorry I can't be of more help! If he does find something... let me know as I'd be interested in trying things as well. I used to have the nose of a dog (I could smell anything) and now I can't. It sucks!! Please let me know what you find!!

Nicki - 32 w/CF


It's funny you say that because I have the same issue and I thought the sinus surgeons caused it when they went in for one of my surgeries. I too only have a limited sense of smell - very rarely can I smell something. I could smell steaks once and my boyfriends (now ex) cologne.

Sometimes nasal sprays help or flushing. But you have to be consistent. Otherwise, he may want to go and see a specialist. They may be able to do something.

sorry I can't be of more help! If he does find something... let me know as I'd be interested in trying things as well. I used to have the nose of a dog (I could smell anything) and now I can't. It sucks!! Please let me know what you find!!

Nicki - 32 w/CF


It's funny you say that because I have the same issue and I thought the sinus surgeons caused it when they went in for one of my surgeries. I too only have a limited sense of smell - very rarely can I smell something. I could smell steaks once and my boyfriends (now ex) cologne.

Sometimes nasal sprays help or flushing. But you have to be consistent. Otherwise, he may want to go and see a specialist. They may be able to do something.

sorry I can't be of more help! If he does find something... let me know as I'd be interested in trying things as well. I used to have the nose of a dog (I could smell anything) and now I can't. It sucks!! Please let me know what you find!!

Nicki - 32 w/CF


It's funny you say that because I have the same issue and I thought the sinus surgeons caused it when they went in for one of my surgeries. I too only have a limited sense of smell - very rarely can I smell something. I could smell steaks once and my boyfriends (now ex) cologne.

Sometimes nasal sprays help or flushing. But you have to be consistent. Otherwise, he may want to go and see a specialist. They may be able to do something.

sorry I can't be of more help! If he does find something... let me know as I'd be interested in trying things as well. I used to have the nose of a dog (I could smell anything) and now I can't. It sucks!! Please let me know what you find!!

Nicki - 32 w/CF


It's funny you say that because I have the same issue and I thought the sinus surgeons caused it when they went in for one of my surgeries. I too only have a limited sense of smell - very rarely can I smell something. I could smell steaks once and my boyfriends (now ex) cologne.
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<br />Sometimes nasal sprays help or flushing. But you have to be consistent. Otherwise, he may want to go and see a specialist. They may be able to do something.
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<br />sorry I can't be of more help! If he does find something... let me know as I'd be interested in trying things as well. I used to have the nose of a dog (I could smell anything) and now I can't. It sucks!! Please let me know what you find!!
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<br />Nicki - 32 w/CF


New member
Nasal washes have helped me considerably (and surprisingly, to me) with that. I use a Neti pot for my washes.


New member
Nasal washes have helped me considerably (and surprisingly, to me) with that. I use a Neti pot for my washes.


New member
Nasal washes have helped me considerably (and surprisingly, to me) with that. I use a Neti pot for my washes.


New member
Nasal washes have helped me considerably (and surprisingly, to me) with that. I use a Neti pot for my washes.


New member
Nasal washes have helped me considerably (and surprisingly, to me) with that. I use a Neti pot for my washes.


New member
Nasal washes help me a little.

My mom had a funny experience with this though. She has had 3 sinus surgeries. After her first she could not smell a darned thing. It was really depressing because she worried if the house was on fire she wouldn't have a clue. But... after this last sinus surgery she has regained some of her sense of smell back! Mainly just stinky stuff, but she is still very happy about it.


New member
Nasal washes help me a little.

My mom had a funny experience with this though. She has had 3 sinus surgeries. After her first she could not smell a darned thing. It was really depressing because she worried if the house was on fire she wouldn't have a clue. But... after this last sinus surgery she has regained some of her sense of smell back! Mainly just stinky stuff, but she is still very happy about it.


New member
Nasal washes help me a little.

My mom had a funny experience with this though. She has had 3 sinus surgeries. After her first she could not smell a darned thing. It was really depressing because she worried if the house was on fire she wouldn't have a clue. But... after this last sinus surgery she has regained some of her sense of smell back! Mainly just stinky stuff, but she is still very happy about it.


New member
Nasal washes help me a little.

My mom had a funny experience with this though. She has had 3 sinus surgeries. After her first she could not smell a darned thing. It was really depressing because she worried if the house was on fire she wouldn't have a clue. But... after this last sinus surgery she has regained some of her sense of smell back! Mainly just stinky stuff, but she is still very happy about it.


New member
Nasal washes help me a little.
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<br />My mom had a funny experience with this though. She has had 3 sinus surgeries. After her first she could not smell a darned thing. It was really depressing because she worried if the house was on fire she wouldn't have a clue. But... after this last sinus surgery she has regained some of her sense of smell back! Mainly just stinky stuff, but she is still very happy about it.
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