In Case Anyone Cares...


New member
I just figured I'd give everyone a head's up. I won't be back on until Saturday the 4th or Sunday the 5th, because I'm leaving for vacation today. I'm going to Orlando, Florida to visit DisneyWorld with Mike's family for a week. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Update on Emily.....She has been e-mailing home daily with her little "Emily updates". She is having a wonderful time. Mike's family treats her like family so she is very comfortable with them. They are staying in a beautiful villa. They have been lots of places already and she sounds like an 8-year old describing everything. She must be having a BALL! She is using a wheelchair because the hot weather is a little too much for her, (too much walking and she gets exhausted really fast!) but she says "it's kind of nice because the people from Disney keep moving them to the front of the line and they got great seats for the Disney Electric Parade because they got moved up front because she was in the wheelchair. I am sure she'll update everyone when she gets home on Saturday (or Sunday). We don't pick them all up at the airport until 8:30 pm on Saturday, so they will probably all be exhausted when they get home.


New member
Thanks for the update. It sounds like she has a wonderful thing with Mike and his family. That's great!
I'm glad she's having fun.


New member
That's AWESOME!! I'm like a kid on trips too. Thanks for the update! Have fun Emily! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Barbara, thanks for the update on EM! Emily, I hope that you have a wonderful time in Disneyworld, I really want to go someday.

Take care,



New member
COOL! Glad to hear she's lovin' it. My wife is in Florida on vacation with her parents, too. She was in Orlando on Wednesday.


New member
Where on Earth would we be without our dear Emily over the next few days? Clearly suffering from boredom! Come back, we miss you!
Oh, and to make the wait seem a little shorter I feel I should entertain the guests with a joke... (no really, its not very funny...):

David Hasslehoff gets on the phone to his agent and says 'Ok, from now on I want to be called by my new name, 'the Hoff'. His agent replies 'Sure, no hassle'

See, I told you!



New member
Emily!!...please...hurry back!!!! Look at the "entertaining" posts we have to endure with out you...please hurry!!
Just joking Rob, all in good fun!


New member
If we're telling's one...

A women with light coloured hair (don't want to offend anyone) is in a little fender bender. When the police arrive the woman is in hysterics and screaming for an ambulance. The police officer doesn't know what to do so he radios for an ambulance and one arrives within minutes. The paramedic runs up to the woman and asks what's wrong...and she starts screaming in hysterics that she's going to die!!! The paramedic says "But Miss, you look fine...what's the problem?" The woman with light coloured hair says "Oh it hurts terribly when I touch here (pointing to her arm), it hurts terribly when I touch here (pointing to her leg), and it also hurts when I touch here (pointing to her ribs), and it really hurts when I touch here (pointing to her head)...and so on for basically her whole body! The ambulance attendent looks at her and says "Relax Miss, sit down here and let me have a look at that broken finger."

31 w/cf


New member people are hyserical....I miss Emily too.....She always makes me laugh at home, but these couple of posts were funnier than she is sometimes !!! LOL
Good "light hair" joke!


New member
Oooohhhh mannnnn. I just got back about a half an hour ago. We did so much, it's hard to believe it was all in 6 days. We went on pretty much everything we wanted to. I went through 3 and 1/2 cameras. I was against the wheelchair at first, but we would've been a lot slower without it, so I'm glad we had it. Plus we had convenient parking with my sticker, and we got special treatment in a lot of places. We got front row seating for parades and fireworks and laser-shows, and we even got to skip some lines. It was worth it. Haha. I had a BLAST. My mom was right, I was 8 years old again. I nearly died when we saw the Cinderella castle. I bought a stuffed Beaker and Fozzie at the 3D Muppets show. Heeeee. We also went to Universal, and there's a Seuss Land there. I thought I was going to die. lol I love that place! I bought Grinch jammies, and we got there at the right time... We actually got our pictures with the Grinch and Things 1 & 2. I also got my picture with Genie (from Aladdin) and Timon (from Lion King). I was definitely a kid again. Mike said when he looked at me nearly anytime during the week, I was "really cute" because I had a goofy smile at everything, and was seriously acting like I was 10. Mike's family was super to me, as they always are. And Mike, despite his huge blisters on the bottom of his feet, pushed me around all week. Heheee. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

But as I said, I had a great time. I really appreciate all your comments, and well-wishing. And it's good to know I was missed. My mom was explaining this thread to me and Mike on the way home from the airport, and Mike says to me "you're a celebrity on that board." Hahaha. But I thank you all again for everything you guys said. And now I'm back!! Haha. Love for all!!!! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh and PS-- I will be developing pictures ASAP and then will scan them and upload them onto my site. So once they're up I will link you all, in case anyone wants to see. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> (And Coll, our pictures are on one of those cameras, so those will be up too!!)


New member
if you like seafood you should try the restaurant "Boston Lobster Feast" in Orlando. It´s an all-yo-can-eat-buffet and its great!!! They have an internet homepage too.

Have fun



New member
Okay, pictures are up!! Here's the link:
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
Em, it looks like you had so much fun! The pics are really really cute. When you were gone your mom posted a link to pics of a ghost, but we couldn't get it to work right. can you try, I would love to see.

Glad you are back, safe and healthy!
