in classroom, what do u do when u needed to cough?


New member
when i am in class, sometime i do need to spit, but i shouldn't swallow de flem or whatever u called it anyway how do u do it? i usual bring empty bottle then spit it in or go to toilet everytime i needed to!


New member
i usually took a travel size thing of tissues and put into a small or side pocket of my bookbag. I would take one out, spit into it, fold it up and put into the bag with the tissues or in a small plastic sandwich bag near the tissues. when i got a chance on break or got home i would clean the pocket out and put more fresh tissues in there.


New member
I think your best bet is to try to spit it out like blindhearted...sorry Emily but I dont think it is recommended to swallow it, it just goes back into your system. I realize it may be hard to spit out, but that is best...maybe ask at your next CF clinic if they have any suggestions <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Yeah but if you swallow it, it's not as if it goes back into your lungs. It goes into your stomach, digestive system and all that. It does make me feel a little nauseous sometimes, but it's not as if it goes back to blocking my breathing.


New member
ah jesus u swallow it? god that gross!!! sometime i swallow by accident, then later couldn't cough up properly or feelin sick. u shouldn't swallow it.


New member
I've always just swallowed it, too. blindhearted has the best system, of course, it's much better to spit it out, but I'm too lazy and forgetful to have tissues, or anything. =-) And it's not THAT gross. =-)


New member
It really won't get back into your lungs if you swallow it. Besides for me as a girl I always felt weird spitting it out because girls aren't supposed to spit.


New member
huh? you only think of how you look, just cos ur girl doesn't mean it stop u spittin, u ve cf for christ sake!!! do u ever think of keepin ur self better? god help u


New member
when i swallow my spit over and over again i get sick and it all ends up coming back up :-/ but i usually just spit it into a tissue.

Emily - 13 w/ CF


New member
Good lord, I am not a CFer and I don't think the swallowing of it is such a big deal. It might bother some peoples stomachs so those people ought to spit it out. But if you've always been swallowing it, it isn't a big deal. Emily is right, it just goes into your stomach and gets digested with everything else. If it went into your lungs that would be another story but it doesn't. And anonymous, get a clue, swallowing it won't adversley effect your health so lay off and before you are SO rude to somebody get your freakin facts strait.

and just out of curiosity, kind of off topic here-are you the person who posted a question in the exercise and fitness section about the statistic that 99.5% of males with CF can't have kids? If so, I have been meaning to give you a piece of my mind. I went out on a limb for you and explained the reasons why, and the ways CFers can have babies. I also explained it in Laymans terms, the doctor probably would have made it much more complicated than that. And all I get from you is some snotty remark about how I should write it in english and you don't understand what I said so I better explain again. I wrote back and told you it was in english so if you have any specific questions, post them and I will be happy to help. Well let me tell you, reading back on what you initially posted and then the rudeness you posted back to me, you ought to try cleaning up your engilsh, what the hell is "huh? you only think of how you look, just cos ur girl doesn't mean it stop u spittin, u ve cf for christ sake!!! do u ever think of keepin ur self better? god help u" BEFORE you criticize anybody else about ANYTHING-especially their english, you ought to clean up yours. My 5 year old nephew can spell and write better than you.

If you aren't the same person, I sincerely apologize. I am just really frustrated with ungrateful people on this site and feel the need to express that because I have been sitting on that for a few days. Sorry to everyone else who had to read this, I have been holding off for a few days, but then reading all these responses to emily (and some others) really set me off.

Julie-RN (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Im not a CFer either my children are but I dont understand how this is so bad either. We all get colds CF or not and I think most people I know including myself dont spit anything out when we cough.


New member
When I'm in class or in a place where someone is talking (like a speaker) and I need to cough, I just get something to suck on like a mint or a piece of gum. If that does not work I usually excuse myself to the restroom to cough everything out and then gracefully return! Hope that helps you out! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Haha. I wish I could leave class to cough it out and then come back... if I did that, I'd miss all my classes, and never learn a thing. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Emily tried spitting into tissues when she was little, but it was costing us a fortune in kleenex....LOL I'm not sure where, but somewhere along the way, she just started not spitting it out and that's her way of dealing with it. Thanks Julie, for clarifying for some of those less educated that it doesn't affect her lungs if she swallows it.
She's right...she will never get through Northeastern Univ. if she leaves class every time she has to spit.....hang in there Em! We're proud of you!


New member
I have no problems with swallowing it. Sometimes if i do it a lot I get kinda sick... but really during school it was just the easiest.. and once you're used to it you don't even notice you swallow it after awhile

Ashley 20 w/cf


New member
Sometimes we are just in situations where we are no where to be spitting out the junk. I usually spit it out when I can. There is a trash can by my bed and the couch. Anyway during school I tried spitting into kleenexs but would run out evintually, plus i would be made fun of (oh well i didnt care but it does get to a person after a while)...anyway when I would run out of a kleenex i would be forced to spit out. Not all my teachers had tissue and if i went to the bathroom everytime i had to spit I might as well have not gone to school. Yeah its gross, yeah if there is to much in my stomach i throw up, but sometimes I have no choice. What happens when your asleep and you cough in your sleep....what happens to the mucus? You automatically swallow it...yes you do, you just dont know it cus your asleep. I used to not think i did this till i started getting sick to my stomach most mornings and would throw up if i drank milk...milk and mucus in tummy do not mix. At first i thought it was drainage from my head but once my head was clear i still have the problem. So my conclusion is we swallow in our sleep. I mean if your in a deep sleep and cough up junk do you wake up with it all over the pillow? just a thought.