in classroom, what do u do when u needed to cough?


New member
I must say I usually swallow it! But every chance I get I suck on a mint or candy,
that usually makes my coughing stop, and It's much more sweet!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
<b>Hey Everyone</b>

I really have never had that problem before and that really scares me that I might have the problem sooner or later... I dunno just kind of freaky. I would spit it out and not care what other people think... i wouldn't leave that junk in my lungs... some times when i takin a test and i get really hot and crap then i start having cough attacks and i freak out but thats the only experience i really have with this situtation.


New member
hi my name is rebekah and i'm only 15 but read what you had to say about the subjuct of swallowing your mucus when you cough and you think it is not a big deal now i respect your opinion but the turth be told it is not that nice. think of a milkshake that you hate so much and your husband  makes you drink that whole thing you would feel so sick after it wouldn't you and that is how our CFers feel, we nearly every time  have to do that when we cough because we will get so embrarrasment  we get spited that gross colour flem. so maybe you should lighten up on us CFers.  


New member
Julie, your response made me laugh<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I liked the way you gave that anonymous person a piece of your mind!! And you're right, he should learn how to post properly!! Anyway I usually always swallow. If I had a bad infection like now theres no way I'd be able to-yuck!! But then again Im not in school when Im really sick!! Shamrock x


New member
<b>Gross warning on this reply!!!</b>

I dont think its that gross to swallow it. It comes from your lungs anyway and lets face it it doesnt really taste that bad. I wouldnt go for it if it was on a menu but it could be worse. Some of those supplements they give you are way worse.

I have always swallowed it(unless im activly doing physio). Dont ever remember being told not to. I find that if I go to the bathroom and do a few minuntes of coughing before classes I can usiually go the whole class without any big coughing session.

When Im sick and coughing loads it does tend to make me sick if ive swallowed a lot but Im willing to put up with that. I know someone said that you should think of your health rather than what other people think but there is a limit to what you can do. I cant imagine taking out a tissue or a little cup to spit into every time i needed to cough in public. I admire anyone who has the nerve to do this but I just couldnt do it.

example: I went on holidays with two friends last summer for a few days. They know I have cf and do nebs but dont know the details of physio so when it came to the time to do meds I asked them to leave. Any way one of them was a bit put out and didnt want to go because she thought she knew and didnt mind watching me dong nebs. Later I tried to explain why I asked them to leave and she nearly freaked when I explained that I had to cough phlem into a tissue!! I knew she would react like this and thats why I didnt tell her in the first place.

Extra gross part:
Has anyone noticed that it tastes different if your sicker or of a different bug ie. psudo/mrsa is "acting up"?

Sometines I wonnder If someone will discover a fantastic use for it one day that will make us all millionaires :)
Maybe a lubricant for machinary or something? - proibably too high in salt content for that though.


New member
<b>Another gross waring reply!!</b>
Shamrock here, yeah David, I agree that it tastes different when you're sick. At the moment, I have just completed 3 weeks of iv's and am quite dry. My last sputem cultured a heavy growth of pseudamonas. My sputem is still green but really small, thick, sticky and hard to get up. It also leaves a coat on the roof of my mouth so i have to rinse mt mouth out!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"> So at the moment its a catch 22 situation-swallow yucky stuff and make myself sick or spit it up and make myself sick. Shamrock x


New member
My mucus changes day to day, depending on what kind of cough I have. If I have the kind of cough where you can feel there's stuff in there that you want to cough out, but it takes you half the day to be able to... it's usually hard and chunky, sticky. But I believe that is also an effect of pseudo growing.


New member
Speaking of gross; sometimes when I bring up a whole bunch with one cough, I don't want to swallow it because there's so much, so i hold it in my mouth until I can spit it out. Ewwwww! Ha ha. Unrelated note, does anyone else ever look at what they cough up? I always do, not because I like looking at it, but because I always want to know what color it is, if there is any blood, etc. I can usually tell if I'm getting sick by the color. My snot is the same way, when I blow my nose.


New member
Whenever I spit mine out (whether it be on the street, in the sink, in a tissue, etc), I look at it to see if it has streaks in it, or is bloody at all, or how dark/light it is.