in need of help PLEASE


New member
Her weight sounds okay to me... my Abby is only about 22.5 lbs at 15 months old & with her length her BMI is staying at or above the 50th percentile.
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<br />We've also found that it takes some trial & error with the enzymes. Also, is she teething? Abby's stools get looser with teeth coming in. Some days, it's hard to tell what's causing her stools to be the way they are. Can you check with your pediatrician? Ours is really helpful & if he feels it is not typical baby stuff, he sends us to our CF clinic. Also, ours allows us to come in for a weight check (even though we have our own scale at home too) then it is on record if she does lose weight. He's usually helpful to relieve our concerns. Is she still active or is she more lethargic? That's usually a sign for us that Abby is not feeling well.
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<br />Good luck!


New member
I would definitely take her in. Even if they tell you the same thing, at least it is some peace of mind.

I will speak from my experience. My daughter's issues are heavy on the digestive side. I compare her stomach to a chemistry set. If all of her meds/food are not all perfectly in line then she will be pooping like crazy.

She fluctuated in weight for a LONG time and now is doing great. They will try you on something and give it a week or two to see if her body adjusts to it. If that does not work they will change it.

Is she on any antacids? That was the key to a lot of our issues....

Good luck and keep us posted!


New member
I would definitely take her in. Even if they tell you the same thing, at least it is some peace of mind.

I will speak from my experience. My daughter's issues are heavy on the digestive side. I compare her stomach to a chemistry set. If all of her meds/food are not all perfectly in line then she will be pooping like crazy.

She fluctuated in weight for a LONG time and now is doing great. They will try you on something and give it a week or two to see if her body adjusts to it. If that does not work they will change it.

Is she on any antacids? That was the key to a lot of our issues....

Good luck and keep us posted!


New member
I would definitely take her in. Even if they tell you the same thing, at least it is some peace of mind.
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<br />I will speak from my experience. My daughter's issues are heavy on the digestive side. I compare her stomach to a chemistry set. If all of her meds/food are not all perfectly in line then she will be pooping like crazy.
<br />
<br />She fluctuated in weight for a LONG time and now is doing great. They will try you on something and give it a week or two to see if her body adjusts to it. If that does not work they will change it.
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<br />Is she on any antacids? That was the key to a lot of our issues....
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<br />Good luck and keep us posted!