In search of support for my daughter.


New member
<p>I am so sorry that you guys are going through this now. It does seem like it will never end. I was a single mom for about 7 years after my husband lost his battle against cancer. Josh was just 2 when he died. his fther traveled alot so I often felt like a single mom anyway. Josh was sich quite a bit and his older brother was having a lot of behavioral issues at the time (found out later that he has a seizure disorder that causes behavioral outburst, and the ADHD isn't helping much). We were a mess! I went ot therapy and so did my children. My husband and I seperated at one point in there and I had the kids in therapy. Talk to the school counselor, see if the CF center has a therapist on staff (don't know how close by they are). Family therapy may prove to be the most helpful. I don't know what kind of insurance you have, but with the changes in the health care laws, all insurance companies are suppose to offer therapy.
<p>the spell checker is not working so sorry for any typos.