I am quite confused. My sinuses are HORRIBLE as many of you probably know from my previous questions/posts. They hurt, there is a lot of pressure and even motrin is not helping as much as it used to.
Also after I am done with my treatments in the morning (alb., pulmo, and HTS), I cough A LOT. It starts off very junky with the alb, then after the HTS is done, its just sort of hacking, wheezy, maybe a bit junky.
I just finished Zyvox and Azli so I am not on anything at the moment. I have not come down with anything new since before the Zyvox/azli, but almost immediately when I stopped both of those, my cough was back.
When do you decide that its time for something more? I am starting a new job in January and I want to be healthy for that, and not have to take time off for a cleanout right away. But if I take my last two weeks off from my other job, thats two weeks pay that I won't get.
Do you 'ask' or 'tell' your doctor it's time for a cleanout? Or do they just tell you it's time?
Oh and btw...my PFT's were at 85% a month and a half ago. Do you all go by how you feel or PFT's when you go in?
I mean, I think I know what I need to do...I just need reassurance because let's face it, I have been in this position before...
Also after I am done with my treatments in the morning (alb., pulmo, and HTS), I cough A LOT. It starts off very junky with the alb, then after the HTS is done, its just sort of hacking, wheezy, maybe a bit junky.
I just finished Zyvox and Azli so I am not on anything at the moment. I have not come down with anything new since before the Zyvox/azli, but almost immediately when I stopped both of those, my cough was back.
When do you decide that its time for something more? I am starting a new job in January and I want to be healthy for that, and not have to take time off for a cleanout right away. But if I take my last two weeks off from my other job, thats two weeks pay that I won't get.
Do you 'ask' or 'tell' your doctor it's time for a cleanout? Or do they just tell you it's time?
Oh and btw...my PFT's were at 85% a month and a half ago. Do you all go by how you feel or PFT's when you go in?
I mean, I think I know what I need to do...I just need reassurance because let's face it, I have been in this position before...