Information on CF


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I am a RN in the ED at a community hospital in NJ. I am pursuing my master's degree in nursing so that I can continue to provide and promote care to all. I am in a genetics course and chose Cystic Fibrosis as my topic. I do have a family member (age 4) in the process of being diagnosed, however, a family member for study is discouraged. Would anyone care to provide me with your loved one's history, treatment, family history (anyone else tested or tested positive for CF?) This would include your sisters, brothers, parents, grandparents, offspring, etc. I am truly dedicated to learning more about CF and what our family may face in the very near future. Thank you for your time. Joanne


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MY husband had CF, and if you want to write out some questions for me, and email them, I'd be happy to help.

RyAllieAhava AT Yahoo DOT com


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Thank you so much for your help. I would like to get a family history for about three to four generations. I guess some questions would be:
-how old is your husband (name optional) and when was he diagnosed with CF
-is there anyone else in his family that has been diagnosed or has been told they have a trait (gene that causes CF)?
-what symptoms does he have, what is most difficult for him?
-are there adequate resources in your community to help him and your family? if so, what resources are they?
-what kind of treatment is he receiving now? Past treatment?
-has he or does he see a genetic counselor? Has your child or children been tested/counseled?
I know this seems like a lot of questions. I need to have a family tree to assess for genetic risks so I can better understand CF and what all of your are going through. Are his parents, grandparents alive, if not age they passed on and if alive, their current health? Same for his parents, sisters, brothers, nephews, neices and children. Thank you so much for your time. My thoughts are with all of you and I truly thank you for taking the time to "speak" with me. Joanne


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Hi! I have an interesting case for daughter was diagnosed in the summer of 2003 1 month prior to her turning 18. She had been struggling for about 2 years with her health but no one could diagnose her. After watching her health decline dramatically all summer I finally took her to Children's Hospital in Little Rock to the ER and told them I wasn't leaving until they found out what was wrong with make a long story short, the first test they did was the sweat test and it's history from there. To make things more interesting, my 21 year old son was diagnosed 6 months later. And, to get even more interesting, my brother's son ( it's just my brother and I) who is 6 now was diagnosed with PKU at birth - which is also a genetic disease. He does have a 3 year old son that does not have either disease but his wife was pregnant between the two boys with a girl and had an abortion at about 7 months because she was so genetically challenged - the doctor's told them she wouldn't have lived even if she carried her to term.

I could give you alot more information if you are interesting in all of this but you won't hurt my feeling if you are not interested.

C from Louisiana


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My daughter was diagnosed at age 8 this past August.

No one else in my family has been diagnosed with CF. My husband and I did not know we were carriers. We had her 6 year old sister tested and she does not have CF and is not even a carrier. Something interesting though is that my father and grandmother both died of pulmonary fibrosis (age 65 & 73). No cause of the fibrosis was determined. Maybe they really had a mild case of CF? Unlikely but I guess I hope that is the case because maybe then my daughter has some other genes that will make her case mild and she can live to be 65 or 73!

She has very mild symptoms. She was tested for CF because of a persisent cough (6months) but since starting treatment her coughing has pretty much stopped. She is on enzymes to help her digest fat/protein. But she really wasn't that underweight. After a month on the enzymes she gained 4 lbs and that put her at the BMI the dietician wants to see her at. She does of some nasal issues. She has had a sinus infection once last year, but she has always had the tendancy to get stuffy. She deals with everything very well and has never complained about any of her symptoms. She always has/had energy and is a very happy, playful little girl.

We have not looked for any resources in the community. Right now she is so mild no one would even suspect that she has CF.

Right now she takes Creon 10 with meals and snacks (usually 1/2 to 1 with snacks and 1 1/2 to 2 with meals). She does nebulized medicines and chest physical therapy twice a day. In the AM it is albuterol then 20 minutes of CPT. In the PM it is albuterol, pulmozyme and 20 minutes of CPT. When she was first diagnosed she was on oral antibiotics for 20 days, I think it was agmenton (sp?). Her cultures came back good, no "bad bugs", just the kind every non-CF gets.

She has not seen a genetic counselor. She is not ready to learn the cold, hard facts about CF. She knows she has CF, and she knows why she does her medications. She will tell people that she takes enzymes to help her digest food. And she also knows that we do nebs and CPT to help get the mucus out of her lungs. (I never thought I would be teaching my 8 year old daughter how to "hock a luge" in the trash can!) And I think she understands the CF will never go away. She does not yet understand how sick people with CF get and the this disease shortens your life span.

Female CFer 8 years old. 6 year old sister good health.

Mother, 35 years old good health
Father, 34 years old good health

Maternal Grandfather died at age 65 from pulmonary fibrosis.
Maternal Grandmother 70 good health.

Paternal Grandfather age 64, fair health.
Paternal Grandmother age 64, poor health (cancer).

I hope I got all your questions answered.

Post again if you need anything explained more.



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You'll probably get more responses if you post this in the adult/family section, but here's my answer to your questions

-how old is your husband (name optional) and when was he diagnosed with CF -My husband is 25 now and he was a little over 18 months when he was diagnosed with CF. He was diagnosed a few months after his mom stopped breast feeding him and he had "failure to thrive" because he was loosing weight and always eating but NEVER gaining weight, and actually loosing it.

-is there anyone else in his family that has been diagnosed or has been told they have a trait (gene that causes CF)? Mark has one brother and he isn't even a carrier of a CF gene. He has a 1/2 sister (his brother is full) and she is not a carrier either.

-what symptoms does he have, what is most difficult for him? Weight/digestion problems are difficult for him. He also has lung involvement but his PFT's are pretty high, about 85-90 which is good but he does have frequent lung infections and has to do nebulized TOBI 28 days on, 28 days off. This consistent TOBI use just started about 9 months ago. Porior to htat, he just used tobi 2-3x since it first came out. He has also used nebulized colistin (colymycin) when he was showing a resistance to cipro.

-are there adequate resources in your community to help him and your family? if so, what resources are they? Not at all, CF is a very unknown diseasse and those who do have some slight knowledge about it are always shocked to hear that people are living past their teens. People look at my hsuband in disbelief when they find out he has CF. THey always ask, "don't people die with that young?" Times change and so do meds but people aren't kept up to date. It's great that medicaid insurance is available in some states for children with CF. What doesn't make sense to me is that as soon as they turn 19, they are kicked off of it-like CF just goes away or something when they hit adulthood. CF is an EXPENSIVE disease, my husband and I (and I am about 110lbs and eat VERY little) spend over $850 in food a MONTH, just 2 of us. This helps him maintain a very healthy body weight and keeps him healthier that if he were really thin and frail. That $850 DOES NOT include any of our out of pocket purchases of Boost/Ensure shakes which cost us about $200 a month.

-what kind of treatment is he receiving now? Past treatment? Chest PT, it use to be manual but now we have a vest ( Tobi 28 days on then 28 off then back on. Advair discus, Pulmozyme neblizer

-has he or does he see a genetic counselor? Has your child or children been tested/counseled? Yes we have seen a genetic counselor, we are in the process of going through IVF to have a child and they had to ensure that I was not a carrier. Otherwise, we probably wouldn't have gone if we weren't going to have kids.

I know this seems like a lot of questions. I need to have a family tree to assess for genetic risks so I can better understand CF and what all of your are going through. Are his parents, grandparents alive, if not age they passed on and if alive, their current health? Same for his parents, sisters, brothers, nephews, neices and children. Thank you so much for your time. My thoughts are with all of you and I truly thank you for taking the time to "speak" with me. Both his parents are a live, his dad has a lot of breathing problems though-coughing, athsma, green sputum.... His mom is much healthier-no problems like that. His grandparents on his moms side are still alive and really healthy, his grandparents on his fathers side have both passed. His dad is older though, and his grandparents on that side were much older. His dad is almost 70, and his grandparents on his dads side passed when his grandpa was about 65 and his grandma was about 70-just of old age pretty much. His brother is pretty healthy and he has 2 biological sons who are very healthy and an adoptd daughter. His sister has one son and he is healthy. We have no children yet but are working on that.

Let me/us know if you have anymore questions.... I'd be happy to answer them!


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Thank you so much for your response to all the questions. Everyone has been so kind in responding to my emails. Tough choices to do a pedigree as you all have such difficult experiences and continue to have these struggles. I believe I have enough information at this time. Even if I don't use your family history for this paper, it has given me a lot to think about and research. My thoughts are with you and your family and I give thanks everyday for all of our health and happiness. Joanne


New member
Thank you so much for your story. I believe the information you gave me so far would be perfect to do a pedigree on and conduct research. The PKU diagnoses with CF in the family is even more compelling. Would you mind giving me a little more information as you mentioned? I really appreciate your kindness and honesty. I can imagine how hard this must be. Again, if you don't mind responding with more details, I would be honored to use this information for research in school. I thank you so much. I look forward to hearing from you when you get a chance. Joanne


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I am glad to her that your daughter has few symptoms. I am glad that everyone else is healthy. Your view on the pulmonary fibrosis being CF is probably right on the money. I wonder what testing they did or what was available when they were young and started showing symptoms. I responded to an email today indicating that her story would be very good for my research. That being said, I truly appreciate your honesty and wish you all health and happiness now and through the holidays. Colds and flu are showing up in the ED. So, please stay healthy!!! Joanne


New member
Okay, sorry I didn't respond yet, I got kind of busy with going away.

1) Ry was 31 years old when he died, and he was a few months old when he was diagnosed.

2) his parents are both carriers, and his little brother Darius is a carrier, but other than that I don't think any of his aunts have been tested.

3) He had trouble with lung involvement, which was what eventually ended his life. He had problems with pancreatic insufficiency too, the lungs were just worse. I think the most difficult part for him was when he had to go on o2 full time, that really upset him.

4) Now he's not recieving any treatment, small benefit of losing him, he's healthy. But in the past he did everything..the Pt and/or vest, pulmozyme, pulmicort, Tobi (cycled) we tried zithromax, he was on Iv's a lot, took creon for pancreatic insufficiency, ibuprofen for inflammation and pain....I'm most likely forgetting something too.

5) We knew the genetic risk, and decided to adopt, but never saw a genetic counselor. My daughter is adopted, and has been tested and is not even a carrier.

6) His grandparents are still alive and in fairly good health, and his parents are still alive, although his father is a diabetic, and his brother Darius is helathy as a horse, he's a cross country runner. He had a nephew who died in an accident at 5, and his aunt is in good physical health, but struggles with depression. His other aunt is Healthy, and her two kids are fine, although the youngest son has asthma.

I hope this helped somewhat.


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Hi, I noticed your post about your eight year old being diagnosed with CF. My eight year old daughter is currently being tested for it because of a 3+ YEAR history of cough (went to all doctors you can think of....I'm a nurse and have been persistent!) and chronic sinusitis. Her diagnosis has been asthma with sinusitis, but we have never felt the cough was clearly asthma for many reasons. Of course I hope it is not CF, but know that we need to test for it. We have an appt with a pulmonogist this Thursday and I was wondering if you might be willing to email with me briefly. Thanks whether you can correspond or not. Nancy Nakae


Super Moderator
I am the mom to the 8 year old that was just diagnosed. I just joined this forum, so if you join also you can private message me with your e-mail address. If you don't want to join and feel comfortable posting your e-mail here I will contact you.


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I would be glad to give you any kind of information that would be helpful - sorry for the delay...don't really know what kind of time frame you are looking at. My email address is if you would like to email me with the information you are wanting - I would not be opposed to a phone conversation either.


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hi C,
I'm getting ready to do my paper on you and your family. Could you give me your children's ages, current health, symptoms, treatments (medicine and therapy) and whether you have been to a genetic counselor? Are you getting support from a parish or community center? Anyone else in your family have CF or any symptoms similar to CF? HAve you or your husband been tested? I know a lot of questions. Sorry.

I need about four generations of information that would just take a moment. Could you start with your grandparents on both sides, ages, living or deceased, diseases if any and then you and your husband's parents then you and your husband with the same information? ( i.e. my grandmother Alice, age 85 and healthy, grandfather died 1985 from .....) Thank you so much for your help.I will look forward to your posting and if you would like, give you information that I have found through research. Joanne


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could u tell me any information please could u send it to us it would be a big help as we are raising
money 4 people who suffer with cysic fibrosis thankyou very much . boston spa


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Sorry for the confusion, are you "C from Louisiana?" If so, then I will email you. Let me know. Thanks so much. Joanne


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hi. I'm a student in the seventh grade. myself & 2 of my classmates are doing a project on CF, can you tell me some stuff?