Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

At my hospital we fight all the time for the same reason, PLEASE CHANGE IT or at least wash it.The sad part I told the infectious disease doctor and he told me not, the bacteria will not live in that ambient I almost died I couldn't believe it but I don't care we know what is best for ours kids and we keep fighting and asking for new ones, for me is disgusting after they have the mouth piece on the mouth and let it seat in a bag and go back to the mouth NO NO NO. My kids know and they ask for new ones or they refuse to have the treatment until they get the new bag. Some RT care others don't even try.


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

At my hospital we fight all the time for the same reason, PLEASE CHANGE IT or at least wash it.The sad part I told the infectious disease doctor and he told me not, the bacteria will not live in that ambient I almost died I couldn't believe it but I don't care we know what is best for ours kids and we keep fighting and asking for new ones, for me is disgusting after they have the mouth piece on the mouth and let it seat in a bag and go back to the mouth NO NO NO. My kids know and they ask for new ones or they refuse to have the treatment until they get the new bag. Some RT care others don't even try.


Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

sad situation...


Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

sad situation...


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

Now before you all start yelling at me I also have CF and I completely understand your concerns, expecially when your lung functions are so low and you are working your !$@ off during the hospital visit to get better. At this point(hopefully) almost nothing they docontradictory to what you have been doing will go unnoticed.

However, I always try to look at it from the other side. Now I'm not trying to say this in a bad way, but many times these people feel "entiled" to your care, it comes with the job. They have no idea who you are or just how much you know about your disease. Just imagine how it would feel if they always bent down to a patients wishes and then a mistake happens: wrong meds, wrong order, exc. Even the small stuff that you think is no big deal if theyjust do what you ask of themcan mean a talk with the boss and possibly a lost job.Just as they have empathy for you, you also have to have empathy for them.
99% of the time it is not their fault, it is hospital policy (sometimes stupid policy to cover their own @#@ in case they get sued), and I always try to remind myself of that. As others have said, if something is really out of whack you reserve to right to refuse/force a doctor call (i've had people straight up lie to me saying theyalready called the doctor, I called BS and forced them do REALLY do it).
Occasionally you will get those up-tight people (who knows, maybe something happened in their past) that will follow the rules to the core no matter what, but for the most part, if you are openly honest and demonstrate an understanding of what they are going through they will do the same for you. The last thing you want as a patient is a power struggle, so in some cases giving in just this once may be a better option long term.
Give it a try, common understanding will give you a better shot at the recieving end than constant bickering.


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

Now before you all start yelling at me I also have CF and I completely understand your concerns, expecially when your lung functions are so low and you are working your !$@ off during the hospital visit to get better. At this point(hopefully) almost nothing they docontradictory to what you have been doing will go unnoticed.

However, I always try to look at it from the other side. Now I'm not trying to say this in a bad way, but many times these people feel "entiled" to your care, it comes with the job. They have no idea who you are or just how much you know about your disease. Just imagine how it would feel if they always bent down to a patients wishes and then a mistake happens: wrong meds, wrong order, exc. Even the small stuff that you think is no big deal if theyjust do what you ask of themcan mean a talk with the boss and possibly a lost job.Just as they have empathy for you, you also have to have empathy for them.
99% of the time it is not their fault, it is hospital policy (sometimes stupid policy to cover their own @#@ in case they get sued), and I always try to remind myself of that. As others have said, if something is really out of whack you reserve to right to refuse/force a doctor call (i've had people straight up lie to me saying theyalready called the doctor, I called BS and forced them do REALLY do it).
Occasionally you will get those up-tight people (who knows, maybe something happened in their past) that will follow the rules to the core no matter what, but for the most part, if you are openly honest and demonstrate an understanding of what they are going through they will do the same for you. The last thing you want as a patient is a power struggle, so in some cases giving in just this once may be a better option long term.
Give it a try, common understanding will give you a better shot at the recieving end than constant bickering.


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

Yeah, I'm surprised they wash yours. Mine don't get washed. And they do the tobi in the wrong neb. I don't usually fight it because I'm on IVs already anyway.


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

Yeah, I'm surprised they wash yours. Mine don't get washed. And they do the tobi in the wrong neb. I don't usually fight it because I'm on IVs already anyway.


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

they di this to my baby that is 10 months old. She was using abuterol every 4 hours for a severe cough. with the vest treatment. I stayed with her good thing they tryed this on several occasions. i said no way. The cf doctor was told in frount of all his colleges by me about how they were trying to cross contaminate i was tought that this is her lungs a bug like what she was fighting e cloi would grow to a level in that reused cup. HE said they replace it once daily and rince it with sterle water after each use. I think this is wrong. I will bring her pari cup and mask from now on ill boil it myself. Also they used taped up tubes on the vest machine. THese are single use items like the vest. Ill bring my own.


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

they di this to my baby that is 10 months old. She was using abuterol every 4 hours for a severe cough. with the vest treatment. I stayed with her good thing they tryed this on several occasions. i said no way. The cf doctor was told in frount of all his colleges by me about how they were trying to cross contaminate i was tought that this is her lungs a bug like what she was fighting e cloi would grow to a level in that reused cup. HE said they replace it once daily and rince it with sterle water after each use. I think this is wrong. I will bring her pari cup and mask from now on ill boil it myself. Also they used taped up tubes on the vest machine. THese are single use items like the vest. Ill bring my own.


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

you also wouldnt believe that i asked every nurse to not use their own stethoscope but her own one that stayed in the room. They tried to not wash their hands a couple times. this was a pulminary floor at st. louis childrens. The other patients should be protected as well as her. THey share germs. They had to gown up and use ruber gloves because she had cmv. I blame this on them. I researched it how did she catch it with the precautions i take at home. No shoes indoors no carts but stroller in public no un washed hands i watch like a hawk. cmv prevents a lung transplant i've heard when she needs one. i cant keep her in a bubble i know but i try. air filters daily cleaning with "green" germicide on handles, light swicthes, floors, remotes, phone.the bathroom is off limits for her so far but still completely disinfected every day. No public ones ever because of the thought of spores in the air. She has been in the hospital 7 times in the last 10 months. Even after all this. I do her treatments to the t. I wish they'd find a cure so I can live a normal life with her without this germifobic warfare and her infections.


New member
Infuriated!..Respiratory nurse takes my neb cups and washes them in sink and goes to put them in the bag hanging for next treatment????

you also wouldnt believe that i asked every nurse to not use their own stethoscope but her own one that stayed in the room. They tried to not wash their hands a couple times. this was a pulminary floor at st. louis childrens. The other patients should be protected as well as her. THey share germs. They had to gown up and use ruber gloves because she had cmv. I blame this on them. I researched it how did she catch it with the precautions i take at home. No shoes indoors no carts but stroller in public no un washed hands i watch like a hawk. cmv prevents a lung transplant i've heard when she needs one. i cant keep her in a bubble i know but i try. air filters daily cleaning with "green" germicide on handles, light swicthes, floors, remotes, phone.the bathroom is off limits for her so far but still completely disinfected every day. No public ones ever because of the thought of spores in the air. She has been in the hospital 7 times in the last 10 months. Even after all this. I do her treatments to the t. I wish they'd find a cure so I can live a normal life with her without this germifobic warfare and her infections.