Insurance and Working



Hello All!
I was curious for those of you who are well enough to work, what you do and what kind of insurance coverage you have? My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years, and he has CF. Currently he works at a local business record store getting paid under the table 3 days a week and has Medicaid and SSI benefits. Here's the problem.. He had a job about a year ago working at Lowe's Foods, making decent money (we are both college students). He worked there for about three months, and his parents, of whom he lives with, made him quit his job because he was making too much and was evidently at risk of losing his insurance. Personally, I think they were upset that they were not getting the SSI check they were before he started working (they keep his entire check, he sees none of it). So that is my other question, is that even possible? For him to lose insurance before his SSI, or was that just a lie? Also, now he is scared to try to find a "real" job because he fears losing his insurance. So in the case he does, what else can he do to get coverage? Thanks!


New member
No they are not lying I don't think. For concrete answers you can call medical directly or talk to his social worker at the CF clinic (might be faster to call directly).

You can Work with SS but it has a limit cap (normally under $1200 a month. If you go above that limit medical coverage can be jeopardized.

Personally I think it's stupid and if you goes few pages back you can see a lot of responses for this topic. It makes it really hard for the average CFer to move up financially at all.

As far as his parents taking his check it is really up to him what he wants to do about that. If he is healthy enough to work and go to school without his parents support you can just call up social security and have him change his a dress to your house. Since he is an adult not much they can do to stop it, but he has to be sure he can make it on his own. That would probably mean talking to social security/medical first to find out the rules/stipulations and then maybe finding an employment agency to help him look for part timew that Will keep him under the cap or full time with good medical benefits