Insurance Question?



I'm a medical billing specialist.I don't know where you live but in our state if there is not a lapse in coverage of more than 60 days the company can not impose a pre-existing. The letter you need to get from your current insurance is called a letter of credible coverage. When your current coverage ends you will be sent a letter from the new insurance notifying you of their intent to impose a pre-existing clause. They will request info from you and you will provide them with your letter of credible coverage and they should give you an exclusion. Hope this is helpful.


I'm a medical billing specialist.I don't know where you live but in our state if there is not a lapse in coverage of more than 60 days the company can not impose a pre-existing. The letter you need to get from your current insurance is called a letter of credible coverage. When your current coverage ends you will be sent a letter from the new insurance notifying you of their intent to impose a pre-existing clause. They will request info from you and you will provide them with your letter of credible coverage and they should give you an exclusion. Hope this is helpful.


I'm a medical billing specialist.I don't know where you live but in our state if there is not a lapse in coverage of more than 60 days the company can not impose a pre-existing. The letter you need to get from your current insurance is called a letter of credible coverage. When your current coverage ends you will be sent a letter from the new insurance notifying you of their intent to impose a pre-existing clause. They will request info from you and you will provide them with your letter of credible coverage and they should give you an exclusion. Hope this is helpful.


I'm a medical billing specialist.I don't know where you live but in our state if there is not a lapse in coverage of more than 60 days the company can not impose a pre-existing. The letter you need to get from your current insurance is called a letter of credible coverage. When your current coverage ends you will be sent a letter from the new insurance notifying you of their intent to impose a pre-existing clause. They will request info from you and you will provide them with your letter of credible coverage and they should give you an exclusion. Hope this is helpful.


I'm a medical billing specialist.I don't know where you live but in our state if there is not a lapse in coverage of more than 60 days the company can not impose a pre-existing. The letter you need to get from your current insurance is called a letter of credible coverage. When your current coverage ends you will be sent a letter from the new insurance notifying you of their intent to impose a pre-existing clause. They will request info from you and you will provide them with your letter of credible coverage and they should give you an exclusion. Hope this is helpful.


New member
Hi there! We live in Louisiana. Thanks for your advice. We will be going from a corporate policy to a private policy so will that make a difference. I called a couple of companies yesterday and am waiting on them to get back with me. Thanks again for your advice. Kristan


New member
Hi there! We live in Louisiana. Thanks for your advice. We will be going from a corporate policy to a private policy so will that make a difference. I called a couple of companies yesterday and am waiting on them to get back with me. Thanks again for your advice. Kristan


New member
Hi there! We live in Louisiana. Thanks for your advice. We will be going from a corporate policy to a private policy so will that make a difference. I called a couple of companies yesterday and am waiting on them to get back with me. Thanks again for your advice. Kristan


New member
Hi there! We live in Louisiana. Thanks for your advice. We will be going from a corporate policy to a private policy so will that make a difference. I called a couple of companies yesterday and am waiting on them to get back with me. Thanks again for your advice. Kristan


New member
Hi there! We live in Louisiana. Thanks for your advice. We will be going from a corporate policy to a private policy so will that make a difference. I called a couple of companies yesterday and am waiting on them to get back with me. Thanks again for your advice. Kristan


New member
You need to find a group health insurance program versus an individual policy. Individual policies can do whatever they want, including applying pre-existing condition clauses or outright refusing to cover you. I would be VERY surprised if you found a private health insurance option that would cover CF.

Nearly half of our family has something that would ding pre-existing. When DH changes jobs, the one major requirement is that the new job has to have decent group health insurance coverage or its absolutley non-negotiable. He just turned down a job offer this summer because the company had group health insurance but the out of pockets difference from our current to the new insurance would have eaten up all but $1K of the pay raise they were offering. Um, no thank you!


New member
You need to find a group health insurance program versus an individual policy. Individual policies can do whatever they want, including applying pre-existing condition clauses or outright refusing to cover you. I would be VERY surprised if you found a private health insurance option that would cover CF.

Nearly half of our family has something that would ding pre-existing. When DH changes jobs, the one major requirement is that the new job has to have decent group health insurance coverage or its absolutley non-negotiable. He just turned down a job offer this summer because the company had group health insurance but the out of pockets difference from our current to the new insurance would have eaten up all but $1K of the pay raise they were offering. Um, no thank you!


New member
You need to find a group health insurance program versus an individual policy. Individual policies can do whatever they want, including applying pre-existing condition clauses or outright refusing to cover you. I would be VERY surprised if you found a private health insurance option that would cover CF.

Nearly half of our family has something that would ding pre-existing. When DH changes jobs, the one major requirement is that the new job has to have decent group health insurance coverage or its absolutley non-negotiable. He just turned down a job offer this summer because the company had group health insurance but the out of pockets difference from our current to the new insurance would have eaten up all but $1K of the pay raise they were offering. Um, no thank you!


New member
You need to find a group health insurance program versus an individual policy. Individual policies can do whatever they want, including applying pre-existing condition clauses or outright refusing to cover you. I would be VERY surprised if you found a private health insurance option that would cover CF.

Nearly half of our family has something that would ding pre-existing. When DH changes jobs, the one major requirement is that the new job has to have decent group health insurance coverage or its absolutley non-negotiable. He just turned down a job offer this summer because the company had group health insurance but the out of pockets difference from our current to the new insurance would have eaten up all but $1K of the pay raise they were offering. Um, no thank you!


New member
You need to find a group health insurance program versus an individual policy. Individual policies can do whatever they want, including applying pre-existing condition clauses or outright refusing to cover you. I would be VERY surprised if you found a private health insurance option that would cover CF.
<br />
<br />Nearly half of our family has something that would ding pre-existing. When DH changes jobs, the one major requirement is that the new job has to have decent group health insurance coverage or its absolutley non-negotiable. He just turned down a job offer this summer because the company had group health insurance but the out of pockets difference from our current to the new insurance would have eaten up all but $1K of the pay raise they were offering. Um, no thank you!