Let me introduce myself, name is Troy. I recently had visited here after a bout with my nasal mucous. I dont have CF though, actually I have Ectodermal Dysplasia, which has similar symptoms of the nasal passageways, after reading a great deal in regards to some of the personal posts on this website. I began to question the existance of the homo sapien in our most frail form.
So to begin if you need any education in regards to ED just visit www.nfed.org
But my question was spurned out of hatred for my own predicament, the level of severity which cannot compare to what those with CF have to endure. But I have various other issues myself. I was thinking about our establishment and health as a race (homo sapien). It seems to me that our necessity for procreation wraught obviously out of innate emotion from birth has somehow allowed us to self perpetuate beyond natures confines our expectancy of life. I began to realize logically if there were no medications or health care establishments that those of us afflicted with genetic mutations would more than likely have died at a very young age. Thus leaving those suited for natures trials alive, survival of the fittest if you will...
I commented this to my mother who somehow felt uber guilty in repose of genetic makeup. Thus commenting how she should have been tested and how my existance was meaningless, of course this was in the heat of the moment and her response was sarcastic at its height. But to be honest to ensure and prevail our existance as a healthy race of beings would it not be safe to say that those who are not fit to live should not live? Those of you with large hearts and direct emotions would respond quickly with a hasty NO they should live. But sit back for a moment, if I was allowed the severity of death in my current predicment the only thing that would scare me would be the painful death, not the end result of such actions. Actually I would envite such a relief of life. To constantly care for oneself in the manner we are subjected becomes a nuisance, at sometimes it is rather nice to be alive we begin to take things for granted (all be it short) this air of relief defines to me the type of life someone with the basic necessitation of self preservation the body is expcted to provide on a constant basis would have.
Would we along with major corporations be then guilty of self preservation, thus spurring perpetuation of genetic disorders throughout our genetic line? We then are subject to no choice in regards to life or death, if given the choice now i would pay my bills and medically end my life if it were acceptable. However we are bound by laws and rules structured around the basist individual those who have nothing wrong with them genetically speaking but are merely depressed. it has become illegal to commit suicide or attempt it for those who have everything going for them. However being of the same genome we are also to abide by these laws.
However it has become common practice to save every living thing until it is at an inch of its life and maintain it until machines or medicine cannot provide comfort or quality of life or even sustain life. So we spend a great deal of money in regards to these exploits, I have to give it to nature though we have been challenged to explore these issues and somehow bandaid the problem. Rather than allowing genetic manipulation at the site before birth by fixing the source we are forced to give birth a chance and thus inevitably our offspring would most likely be exposed to such defects as well. We are faced with several choices then,
1. I would like to have a child, I would like to know what my genetic makeup would supply me with with my specific partner as I am most intrigued by some innate necessitation. Where does this stem from? Id, is that you?
2. I would love to genetically engineer my child to be free from defects, but I have to face the religious clergy in regards to playing god. As it is somehow the emotion of the religious groups to assume the worst out of the nature of man. I can be most assured in assuming that the stereeotype associated with genetic engineering is in regards to making your child up like a special ordered laptop. I want blonde hair blue eyes.. oops I mean Brown hair, that wasnt intended to be a eugening comment.. or was it? Those afflicted with genetic disorders would love to just have a kid, or so I would think.
3. What is the purpose of life? We havent really ever been able to answer this question its to relevant to the individual. But I find no serious purpose in perpetuation on my own defect. Thus my innate need for procreation seems pointless. It is the objective of most species to be fruitful, no? If I do not retain this ability in a reasonable sense then I have no real need. I can educate myself and become whatever I wish. However everyone has this basic apptitude to do so, so when does materialism and education tower high above quality of life and love? I use love here generally because its easier to understand this term than me using words like genetic attraction, selective mating, procreation. If relevant to the individual education/experiences and materialism are not important, then what is left? Love you say? Ahh blissful isnt it? Mi amor, one reason to stay alive right? Hmm depends on the person but you are then questioned as to wether your love is based of the human instinct of attraction and procreation. Thus if that is the main reason to sustain ones life is to copulate and be fruitful and the inevitability of offspring caring your gene is high, then what is the purpose of life what are you left with?
I believe being part of the "system" not in a derogatory sense, with laws based of the basist human ability for self sustainment, we are a race or species of our own subjected to the lofty obligations of society. I believe if we continnue to perpetuate our existance we would then continue to deteriorate the human species as a whole. The only thing that maintains our existence is the lost of such a loved one or family member and the emotions that surround it, but just like that deer your ran over or the thousands of humans that die each year you dont know, your logical sense takes the best of you and you begin to rationalize the existance of those who departed, they are less important and become expendable over a period of time.
I am for one subject to these expectations and am fed up with them. But what do i have to do? I suppose the only logic sense is to move to Texas and commit several murders so then my death seems merited by the logic of the "system".
Thanks for listening
Troy W.
So to begin if you need any education in regards to ED just visit www.nfed.org
But my question was spurned out of hatred for my own predicament, the level of severity which cannot compare to what those with CF have to endure. But I have various other issues myself. I was thinking about our establishment and health as a race (homo sapien). It seems to me that our necessity for procreation wraught obviously out of innate emotion from birth has somehow allowed us to self perpetuate beyond natures confines our expectancy of life. I began to realize logically if there were no medications or health care establishments that those of us afflicted with genetic mutations would more than likely have died at a very young age. Thus leaving those suited for natures trials alive, survival of the fittest if you will...
I commented this to my mother who somehow felt uber guilty in repose of genetic makeup. Thus commenting how she should have been tested and how my existance was meaningless, of course this was in the heat of the moment and her response was sarcastic at its height. But to be honest to ensure and prevail our existance as a healthy race of beings would it not be safe to say that those who are not fit to live should not live? Those of you with large hearts and direct emotions would respond quickly with a hasty NO they should live. But sit back for a moment, if I was allowed the severity of death in my current predicment the only thing that would scare me would be the painful death, not the end result of such actions. Actually I would envite such a relief of life. To constantly care for oneself in the manner we are subjected becomes a nuisance, at sometimes it is rather nice to be alive we begin to take things for granted (all be it short) this air of relief defines to me the type of life someone with the basic necessitation of self preservation the body is expcted to provide on a constant basis would have.
Would we along with major corporations be then guilty of self preservation, thus spurring perpetuation of genetic disorders throughout our genetic line? We then are subject to no choice in regards to life or death, if given the choice now i would pay my bills and medically end my life if it were acceptable. However we are bound by laws and rules structured around the basist individual those who have nothing wrong with them genetically speaking but are merely depressed. it has become illegal to commit suicide or attempt it for those who have everything going for them. However being of the same genome we are also to abide by these laws.
However it has become common practice to save every living thing until it is at an inch of its life and maintain it until machines or medicine cannot provide comfort or quality of life or even sustain life. So we spend a great deal of money in regards to these exploits, I have to give it to nature though we have been challenged to explore these issues and somehow bandaid the problem. Rather than allowing genetic manipulation at the site before birth by fixing the source we are forced to give birth a chance and thus inevitably our offspring would most likely be exposed to such defects as well. We are faced with several choices then,
1. I would like to have a child, I would like to know what my genetic makeup would supply me with with my specific partner as I am most intrigued by some innate necessitation. Where does this stem from? Id, is that you?
2. I would love to genetically engineer my child to be free from defects, but I have to face the religious clergy in regards to playing god. As it is somehow the emotion of the religious groups to assume the worst out of the nature of man. I can be most assured in assuming that the stereeotype associated with genetic engineering is in regards to making your child up like a special ordered laptop. I want blonde hair blue eyes.. oops I mean Brown hair, that wasnt intended to be a eugening comment.. or was it? Those afflicted with genetic disorders would love to just have a kid, or so I would think.
3. What is the purpose of life? We havent really ever been able to answer this question its to relevant to the individual. But I find no serious purpose in perpetuation on my own defect. Thus my innate need for procreation seems pointless. It is the objective of most species to be fruitful, no? If I do not retain this ability in a reasonable sense then I have no real need. I can educate myself and become whatever I wish. However everyone has this basic apptitude to do so, so when does materialism and education tower high above quality of life and love? I use love here generally because its easier to understand this term than me using words like genetic attraction, selective mating, procreation. If relevant to the individual education/experiences and materialism are not important, then what is left? Love you say? Ahh blissful isnt it? Mi amor, one reason to stay alive right? Hmm depends on the person but you are then questioned as to wether your love is based of the human instinct of attraction and procreation. Thus if that is the main reason to sustain ones life is to copulate and be fruitful and the inevitability of offspring caring your gene is high, then what is the purpose of life what are you left with?
I believe being part of the "system" not in a derogatory sense, with laws based of the basist human ability for self sustainment, we are a race or species of our own subjected to the lofty obligations of society. I believe if we continnue to perpetuate our existance we would then continue to deteriorate the human species as a whole. The only thing that maintains our existence is the lost of such a loved one or family member and the emotions that surround it, but just like that deer your ran over or the thousands of humans that die each year you dont know, your logical sense takes the best of you and you begin to rationalize the existance of those who departed, they are less important and become expendable over a period of time.
I am for one subject to these expectations and am fed up with them. But what do i have to do? I suppose the only logic sense is to move to Texas and commit several murders so then my death seems merited by the logic of the "system".
Thanks for listening
Troy W.