Well, of course, I have to chime in!! Anything alternative...
I have had 12 IV ozone (autohemotherapy) in the last 8 weeks, piggy backed with UVA/UVB blood irradiation, follwed by high powered pemf (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy). It works... I had great success with all of this and will continue it very soon when I return from vacation in a few weeks. I'm most anxious to see what my cultures grow out when I return to National Jewish in a few weeks. I'm praying for antibiotic sensitivity restoration.
I did not come to the decision quickly...it is actually quite scary going into something that intuitively seems a little nuts! However, I started reading how it is used in GERMANY (which has some of the most progressive medical treatments in the world), how it is used in Cuba and Russia because it is so cheap to administer and is so effective. So, most progressive country in the world uses it in their first line of defense in infection and cancer and the poorest use it because it is cheap and effective. hmmmm.
I think the turning point for me was having a friend go through photopheresis for lung transplant rejection. They irradiate the blood to kill microbes and it changes the way the T-cells fight... it appears to make them actually work on true microbes rather than attacking the immune system. Basically, what I was doing was very similar to this.
I felt a lot better while I was doing the treatments...and I have had a downturn since I have been on vacay. Both my dad and my husband suggested just today that I shoud fly home for a few days of treatments and fly back. When I first got here I was running 5 minutes straight without a break (uo from just one minute a month before). Now with 2.5 weeks of no ozone, I have lost ground in my running (down to 2.5 minute interval) and I have developed a awesome UTI....
When we tested my blood beforehand, I had tons of mucoid cells all throughout my blood...
Go to pub-med and read how those being treated for a variety of illness (TB, pseudomonas, MRSA, cancer) had quicker healing time. In TB patients, when ozone is added as an adjunct therapy to antibiotic cocktail, healing of cavitary lesions was much faster. Septic patients are saved by ozone, as well, whcih is pretty amazing.
Ozone basically super oxygenates the blood and tissues... we know that anerobic bacteria (pseudo, e. coli) can only grow in a low oxygen environment.... ozone floods the cells with oxygen. My pulse ox woud go from 96 to 100% in the hour I sat there...
When ozone is added to resistant strains of TB, they all became sensitive to atlest 3/4 of the drugs they were previously resistant to.
Just last month, there was an article published in the European Journal of CF that shows that multi-resistant strain of PSEUDOMONAS became sensitive when exposed to dissolved oxygen. Here is the abstract:
<span style="font-size: large;"><strong>P2535 Pseudomonas aerugenosa sensitivity changes to antibiotics under the influence of dissolved ozone</strong>Alla Plotnikova<span>1, Igor Belyanin<span>2, Lubov Selina<span>2, Evgenii Shmelev<span>2.<span><em>1</em><em>Microbiology, Central TB Research Institut, Moskow, Russian Federation;</em><span><em>2</em><em>Microbiology, The Medical Center of the Help to Invalids without, Moskow, Russian Federation;</em><span><em>3</em><em>Microbiology, Central TB Research Institut, Moskow, Russian Federation</em>
<span style="font-size: large;"><strong>Aim:</strong>To study the sensitivity changes of clinical strains of organisms producing beta-lactamases to antibiotics under the influence of dissolved ozone (pO3).<strong>Methods:</strong>We studied 20 Pseudomonas aerugenosa strains resistant to antibiotics of penicillin line. A suspension was prepared from the culture of each strain (1- 2<span>×10<span>8/ml) and treated with dissolved ozone (pO3 2mcg/ml) during 5-10-15 min. Then, the stains treated with pO3 were cultured on Muller-Hinton agar containing a strain resistant antibiotic. The same strain that had not been treated with pO3 was also cultured on the same agar containing the same antibiotic (control). In a day after incubation by 370C we recorded the result of the diameter zone of growth inhibition round the antibiotic disc.
<span style="font-size: large;"><strong>Results:</strong>The zone of growth inhibition round the antibiotic disc increased from 0 to 21.6<span>±3.5 mm in all cases of Pseudomonas aerugenosa strain culture. There were no growth changes in control cultures.<strong>Conclusion:</strong>The treatment of resistant strains of Pseudomonas aerugenosa with “therapeutic concentration” of dissolved ozone results in antibiotic sensitivity restoration
Also to learn more about pemf, google pulsed eletromagnetic field therapy and bacterial infections such as pseudo:
<h2>Magnetic Field Enhancement of Antibiotic Activity in Biofilm Forming Pseudomonas aeruginosa</h2>
<h3>Benson, Dianna E.; Grissom, Charles B.; Burns, Gregory L.; Mohammad, S Fazal</h3>
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<div id="ej-article-information-abstract-header"><a href="http://journals.lww.com/asaiojournal/Abstract/1994/07000/Magnetic_Field_Enhancement_of_Antibiotic_Activity.25.aspx"><img id="img1" src="http://journals.lww.com/_layouts/1033/IMAGES/OAKS.Journals/icon-minus.gif" alt="Collapse Box" border="0" /></a>
<h4 id="">Abstract</h4>
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<p id="">Device related infection initiated by biofilm bacteria are often difficult to resolve with antimicrobial therapy. Study results indicate that application of static magnetic fields may enhance the activity of gentamicin against biofilm forming Pseudomonas aeruginosa adherent to a polymer substrate. Results indicate a maximal reduction of 86.5+/-7.2% (n=6) in the number of adherent viable bacteria compared with a control for samples exposed to a 5 gauss (G) magnetic field and gentamicin. The effect appears to be limited to magnetic fields between 5 and 20 G. Experiments using glass, Chronoflex (Polymedica, Golden, CO), Biomer (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ), and polystyrene substrate showed that the effect was independent of substrate surface. Autoradiograms from In111 uptake experiments showed that bacteria colonizing the substrate surface were significantly reduced in samples subjected to a magnetic field and gentamicin.
<p id="">(C)1994Amercian Society of Artificial Internal Organs