Intro & questions????


New member
The picc was a success today, YAY YAY!! Looking at going home either Saturday or Sunday.

So excited but a little nervous!



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That is GREAT to hear....I know you are so ready to take Briceton home. Still keeping you guys in our prayers!


New member
Hope you & your family are doing well! Heard you are home now..update me when you have some time..the commitee meeting is you think someone from your family will be there?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>scarbrough</b></i> Hope you &
your family are doing well! Heard you are home now..update me when
you have some time..the commitee meeting is you think
someone from your family will be there?</end quote></div><br>
Hey there, well we made it home but we ended up bringing the
hospital home with us-ha!  We went back to Vanderbilt Monday
for a follow-up and they decided that with the x-ray not showing
any improvement (pneumonia or deflation) and a lot more
coughing, that we would continue with the IV antibiotics for a
third week.  We go back on Monday and I am praying that it has
improved with this extra week on the IV antibiotics.<br>
So ready to get that picc out of his little arm and I'm sure he is
too!  <br>
I definitely made it to the committee meeting last Tuesday.
 Just had hubby watch both the kids and got me a little
"free" time.  So exciting!  I really fell that
 Paducah is going to raise double the amount it did last year.
By the way, I played softball with your sister! I knew I had seen
your mom somewhere!<br>
How is your little one doing?




New member
Hi Sherry
Reading all that you have written reminds me so much of my son Benjamin. Ben is a double delta 508 was born with meconium illietus. He was in hospital for 3 weeks after he was born. He was sent home for 2 days and back in again for another 2 weeks. He also was changed to Elicare which helped him thrive as it is a fully digested formulae. His bottom was red raw and sometimes still is and he is now 14 months old. I tried every cream available but one of the cf nurses gave me a godsent it is called conveen critic barrier its about $50 dollars for 2 tubes but i would be $200 if i had too. Ben also had blood and mucus in his stools but that finally settled after the change to elicare formula. He vomitted continually for 12 months until he was standing up vertical. The enzymes definately helped and he is on losec twice a day. Not sure where you are from but we are in Australia and things are a bit different here. Please contact me if you want any questions answered. I`m 14 months into it and your boy sounds so much like what mine was going through. Just remember things will get better with time and keep your chin up

Mum to Benjamin 14mths wcf
Monique 13yrs no cf
Daniel 14yrs no cf


New member
Hi Sherry
Reading all that you have written reminds me so much of my son Benjamin. Ben is a double delta 508 was born with meconium illietus. He was in hospital for 3 weeks after he was born. He was sent home for 2 days and back in again for another 2 weeks. He also was changed to Elicare which helped him thrive as it is a fully digested formulae. His bottom was red raw and sometimes still is and he is now 14 months old. I tried every cream available but one of the cf nurses gave me a godsent it is called conveen critic barrier its about $50 dollars for 2 tubes but i would be $200 if i had too. Ben also had blood and mucus in his stools but that finally settled after the change to elicare formula. He vomitted continually for 12 months until he was standing up vertical. The enzymes definately helped and he is on losec twice a day. Not sure where you are from but we are in Australia and things are a bit different here. Please contact me if you want any questions answered. I`m 14 months into it and your boy sounds so much like what mine was going through. Just remember things will get better with time and keep your chin up

Mum to Benjamin 14mths wcf
Monique 13yrs no cf
Daniel 14yrs no cf


New member
Hi Sherry
Reading all that you have written reminds me so much of my son Benjamin. Ben is a double delta 508 was born with meconium illietus. He was in hospital for 3 weeks after he was born. He was sent home for 2 days and back in again for another 2 weeks. He also was changed to Elicare which helped him thrive as it is a fully digested formulae. His bottom was red raw and sometimes still is and he is now 14 months old. I tried every cream available but one of the cf nurses gave me a godsent it is called conveen critic barrier its about $50 dollars for 2 tubes but i would be $200 if i had too. Ben also had blood and mucus in his stools but that finally settled after the change to elicare formula. He vomitted continually for 12 months until he was standing up vertical. The enzymes definately helped and he is on losec twice a day. Not sure where you are from but we are in Australia and things are a bit different here. Please contact me if you want any questions answered. I`m 14 months into it and your boy sounds so much like what mine was going through. Just remember things will get better with time and keep your chin up

Mum to Benjamin 14mths wcf
Monique 13yrs no cf
Daniel 14yrs no cf


New member
I just wanted to write that ive been reading through this site now for about an hour and the information is all very helpful. my wife and i have a 13 week old girl, bella ryann, who was diagnosed with cf at 4 weeks. this is our fist child so needless to say it was devastating. bella is pancreatic insufficient and on enzymes and zantac. we go to childrens hospital of philadelphia and everyone there has been wonderful. its so difficult watching the doctors prick and prod her, but we know its for the best. we wish everyone here the best and look forward to chatting with some of you . we would be happy to chat with anyone or help anyone in any way we can. take care


New member
I just wanted to write that ive been reading through this site now for about an hour and the information is all very helpful. my wife and i have a 13 week old girl, bella ryann, who was diagnosed with cf at 4 weeks. this is our fist child so needless to say it was devastating. bella is pancreatic insufficient and on enzymes and zantac. we go to childrens hospital of philadelphia and everyone there has been wonderful. its so difficult watching the doctors prick and prod her, but we know its for the best. we wish everyone here the best and look forward to chatting with some of you . we would be happy to chat with anyone or help anyone in any way we can. take care


New member
I just wanted to write that ive been reading through this site now for about an hour and the information is all very helpful. my wife and i have a 13 week old girl, bella ryann, who was diagnosed with cf at 4 weeks. this is our fist child so needless to say it was devastating. bella is pancreatic insufficient and on enzymes and zantac. we go to childrens hospital of philadelphia and everyone there has been wonderful. its so difficult watching the doctors prick and prod her, but we know its for the best. we wish everyone here the best and look forward to chatting with some of you . we would be happy to chat with anyone or help anyone in any way we can. take care