Invitation to CF loss group


New member
Perhaps you would like to know about a support group for parents called "CF
Loss." It was started by Laura Gould after her son, Graham, died just shy of
his 17th birthday. Membership is restricted to CF parents/family/friends, so there is not so
much need to discuss background information or "compare notes" with those whose
children died from other causes and we can get right to the heart of the matter.

In order to join, you have to visit the site and leave a message asking for
membership. Laura will get back to you and let you know that you have access to
the site. I would suggest that you set your preferences so that you receive all
messages in e-mail. There are not so many messages that it will overload your
in-box and it is more convenient than going to visit the site all the time. You
may wish to actually log on from time-to-time to view photos or upload your own.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I hope that you find this information useful.



New member
hi sandy<br>
miss talking to you everything ok? thanks for the site im gonna
check it out!  are you a member of the site already? and how
do you like it?<br>
by the way this is gail i had to change my name cause i forgot my
old one. still learning this site not sure if i like the
you take care<br>
love gail


New member
Hi Sam

The site that I first posted about should have included spouses as well. I thought I had it all covered but I didn't. This site is for anyone that has lost someone dear to them from CF.

Sorry about that.
