IRT levels


New member
As a mom...I have to say that I'd rather "freak out" over a false positive than be "freaked out" over the real deal.
They didn't have this kind of test when I was born...and I missed out on YEARS (21) of preventative treatments. I am so happy that we have come so far with genetic testing!

Oh and SarahProcter; I think I may have to move to CA now! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
As a mom...I have to say that I'd rather "freak out" over a false positive than be "freaked out" over the real deal.
They didn't have this kind of test when I was born...and I missed out on YEARS (21) of preventative treatments. I am so happy that we have come so far with genetic testing!

Oh and SarahProcter; I think I may have to move to CA now! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
As a mom...I have to say that I'd rather "freak out" over a false positive than be "freaked out" over the real deal.
They didn't have this kind of test when I was born...and I missed out on YEARS (21) of preventative treatments. I am so happy that we have come so far with genetic testing!

Oh and SarahProcter; I think I may have to move to CA now! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
As a mom...I have to say that I'd rather "freak out" over a false positive than be "freaked out" over the real deal.
They didn't have this kind of test when I was born...and I missed out on YEARS (21) of preventative treatments. I am so happy that we have come so far with genetic testing!

Oh and SarahProcter; I think I may have to move to CA now! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
As a mom...I have to say that I'd rather "freak out" over a false positive than be "freaked out" over the real deal.
<br />They didn't have this kind of test when I was born...and I missed out on YEARS (21) of preventative treatments. I am so happy that we have come so far with genetic testing!
<br />
<br />Oh and SarahProcter; I think I may have to move to CA now! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I thought I said something, but when I cam back to read saw I hadn't...

I am so glad the test was negative!

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I thought I said something, but when I cam back to read saw I hadn't...

I am so glad the test was negative!

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I thought I said something, but when I cam back to read saw I hadn't...

I am so glad the test was negative!

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I thought I said something, but when I cam back to read saw I hadn't...

I am so glad the test was negative!

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I thought I said something, but when I cam back to read saw I hadn't...
<br />
<br />I am so glad the test was negative!
<br />
<br /><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
So, how accurate really is the Wisconsin data? Do I have it clear? We have an allevated IRT of 155 awaiting DNA on our newborn. We both found out 5 months pregnant that we are carriers-- wife= Delta F508 and myself= W1282X. The observations of our daughter have mixed indications:
bad signs:
low birth weight 6.8
wife says salty taste skin
initally had distended belly
in ICU for 12 days

good signs:
no miconium illius
no greasy/oily stools (as far as I can tell)
distended belly went down after antibotics treating infection
no GI obstructions
I can't taste saltiness on her skin (I've tried many times)
finally gained an ounce of weight

So, wife is 100% convinced, I'm not so sure

any thoughts? we should get the DNA this week or next then I believe a sweat test will be done around the first month


New member
So, how accurate really is the Wisconsin data? Do I have it clear? We have an allevated IRT of 155 awaiting DNA on our newborn. We both found out 5 months pregnant that we are carriers-- wife= Delta F508 and myself= W1282X. The observations of our daughter have mixed indications:
bad signs:
low birth weight 6.8
wife says salty taste skin
initally had distended belly
in ICU for 12 days

good signs:
no miconium illius
no greasy/oily stools (as far as I can tell)
distended belly went down after antibotics treating infection
no GI obstructions
I can't taste saltiness on her skin (I've tried many times)
finally gained an ounce of weight

So, wife is 100% convinced, I'm not so sure

any thoughts? we should get the DNA this week or next then I believe a sweat test will be done around the first month


New member
So, how accurate really is the Wisconsin data? Do I have it clear? We have an allevated IRT of 155 awaiting DNA on our newborn. We both found out 5 months pregnant that we are carriers-- wife= Delta F508 and myself= W1282X. The observations of our daughter have mixed indications:
bad signs:
low birth weight 6.8
wife says salty taste skin
initally had distended belly
in ICU for 12 days

good signs:
no miconium illius
no greasy/oily stools (as far as I can tell)
distended belly went down after antibotics treating infection
no GI obstructions
I can't taste saltiness on her skin (I've tried many times)
finally gained an ounce of weight

So, wife is 100% convinced, I'm not so sure

any thoughts? we should get the DNA this week or next then I believe a sweat test will be done around the first month


New member
So, how accurate really is the Wisconsin data? Do I have it clear? We have an allevated IRT of 155 awaiting DNA on our newborn. We both found out 5 months pregnant that we are carriers-- wife= Delta F508 and myself= W1282X. The observations of our daughter have mixed indications:
bad signs:
low birth weight 6.8
wife says salty taste skin
initally had distended belly
in ICU for 12 days

good signs:
no miconium illius
no greasy/oily stools (as far as I can tell)
distended belly went down after antibotics treating infection
no GI obstructions
I can't taste saltiness on her skin (I've tried many times)
finally gained an ounce of weight

So, wife is 100% convinced, I'm not so sure

any thoughts? we should get the DNA this week or next then I believe a sweat test will be done around the first month


New member
So, how accurate really is the Wisconsin data? Do I have it clear? We have an allevated IRT of 155 awaiting DNA on our newborn. We both found out 5 months pregnant that we are carriers-- wife= Delta F508 and myself= W1282X. The observations of our daughter have mixed indications:
<br />bad signs:
<br />low birth weight 6.8
<br />wife says salty taste skin
<br />initally had distended belly
<br />in ICU for 12 days
<br />
<br />good signs:
<br />no miconium illius
<br />no greasy/oily stools (as far as I can tell)
<br />distended belly went down after antibotics treating infection
<br />no GI obstructions
<br />I can't taste saltiness on her skin (I've tried many times)
<br />finally gained an ounce of weight
<br />
<br />So, wife is 100% convinced, I'm not so sure
<br />
<br />any thoughts? we should get the DNA this week or next then I believe a sweat test will be done around the first month


New member
I see that no one has replied to you here, you might want to also make your own post for this - many more people will probably view this.

The bad news is that you will have to wait until the tests come back for a final result - CF is sooo different from person to person especially infants

The good news? Congrats on your new addition! You can still enjoy your baby girl as much as you would had there be no question of CF what-so-ever - enjoy every moment!


New member
I see that no one has replied to you here, you might want to also make your own post for this - many more people will probably view this.

The bad news is that you will have to wait until the tests come back for a final result - CF is sooo different from person to person especially infants

The good news? Congrats on your new addition! You can still enjoy your baby girl as much as you would had there be no question of CF what-so-ever - enjoy every moment!


New member
I see that no one has replied to you here, you might want to also make your own post for this - many more people will probably view this.

The bad news is that you will have to wait until the tests come back for a final result - CF is sooo different from person to person especially infants

The good news? Congrats on your new addition! You can still enjoy your baby girl as much as you would had there be no question of CF what-so-ever - enjoy every moment!


New member
I see that no one has replied to you here, you might want to also make your own post for this - many more people will probably view this.

The bad news is that you will have to wait until the tests come back for a final result - CF is sooo different from person to person especially infants

The good news? Congrats on your new addition! You can still enjoy your baby girl as much as you would had there be no question of CF what-so-ever - enjoy every moment!


New member
I see that no one has replied to you here, you might want to also make your own post for this - many more people will probably view this.
<br />
<br />
<br />The bad news is that you will have to wait until the tests come back for a final result - CF is sooo different from person to person especially infants
<br />
<br />The good news? Congrats on your new addition! You can still enjoy your baby girl as much as you would had there be no question of CF what-so-ever - enjoy every moment!