Is everyone on Prevacid?


New member
Eli takes 1.5 ml of Zantc twice a day. I'm thinking about asking the doc. about trying prilosec as I'm really not sure if the Zantac helped with his reflux which was it's original intent.

We tried prevacid but could not get it into a form that he would take, maybe now that he knows how to eat enzymes in applesauce (and sugar) he could take it but I think that prilosec comes in a liquid so that might be better.


New member
Eli takes 1.5 ml of Zantc twice a day. I'm thinking about asking the doc. about trying prilosec as I'm really not sure if the Zantac helped with his reflux which was it's original intent.

We tried prevacid but could not get it into a form that he would take, maybe now that he knows how to eat enzymes in applesauce (and sugar) he could take it but I think that prilosec comes in a liquid so that might be better.


New member
Jaden is now taking prevacid but only in the morning and her Zantac in the eves. They gave a us quick dissolve tablets, I dissolve it in a tsp water.


New member
Jaden is now taking prevacid but only in the morning and her Zantac in the eves. They gave a us quick dissolve tablets, I dissolve it in a tsp water.


New member
Jaden is now taking prevacid but only in the morning and her Zantac in the eves. They gave a us quick dissolve tablets, I dissolve it in a tsp water.