is it possible to BECOME pancreatic sufficient?



hey guys! I hardly ever log on, but this Q just popped into my head the other day and it's been driving me nuts! So...i posted it in the nutrition section and got a couple answers, and a suggestion to try the Q in this section. so, is it at all naturally possible to ever be off of those enzymes?


hey guys! I hardly ever log on, but this Q just popped into my head the other day and it's been driving me nuts! So...i posted it in the nutrition section and got a couple answers, and a suggestion to try the Q in this section. so, is it at all naturally possible to ever be off of those enzymes?


hey guys! I hardly ever log on, but this Q just popped into my head the other day and it's been driving me nuts! So...i posted it in the nutrition section and got a couple answers, and a suggestion to try the Q in this section. so, is it at all naturally possible to ever be off of those enzymes?


hey guys! I hardly ever log on, but this Q just popped into my head the other day and it's been driving me nuts! So...i posted it in the nutrition section and got a couple answers, and a suggestion to try the Q in this section. so, is it at all naturally possible to ever be off of those enzymes?


hey guys! I hardly ever log on, but this Q just popped into my head the other day and it's been driving me nuts! So...i posted it in the nutrition section and got a couple answers, and a suggestion to try the Q in this section. so, is it at all naturally possible to ever be off of those enzymes?


New member
i've been pancreatic sufficient for most of my life, but i go in and out when i get pancreatitis. so for me, i go on and off creon, but my doctors are baffled by it.

sometimes it seems like no one really understands pancreas sufficiency at my hospital. i'll be following this thread to see if anyone else has any info <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
i've been pancreatic sufficient for most of my life, but i go in and out when i get pancreatitis. so for me, i go on and off creon, but my doctors are baffled by it.

sometimes it seems like no one really understands pancreas sufficiency at my hospital. i'll be following this thread to see if anyone else has any info <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
i've been pancreatic sufficient for most of my life, but i go in and out when i get pancreatitis. so for me, i go on and off creon, but my doctors are baffled by it.

sometimes it seems like no one really understands pancreas sufficiency at my hospital. i'll be following this thread to see if anyone else has any info <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
i've been pancreatic sufficient for most of my life, but i go in and out when i get pancreatitis. so for me, i go on and off creon, but my doctors are baffled by it.

sometimes it seems like no one really understands pancreas sufficiency at my hospital. i'll be following this thread to see if anyone else has any info <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
i've been pancreatic sufficient for most of my life, but i go in and out when i get pancreatitis. so for me, i go on and off creon, but my doctors are baffled by it.
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<br />sometimes it seems like no one really understands pancreas sufficiency at my hospital. i'll be following this thread to see if anyone else has any info <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Good question! I wasn't diagnosed until I was 8 so didn't use enzyzmes until then. I've always been really good with my weight (no problem keeping it on that's for sure!). Sometimes I don't take my enzymes (mostly because I forget) but it seems totally random whether or not I feel the effects of it (cramps, diarrhea, etc.). Once I went away for the weekend and forgot ALL my meds if you can believe that (grabbed the wrong bag)! And I figured I was in for a few painful, horrible days but nothing happened. It was fine! Other times I'll eat one little thing without enzymes and be stuck in the bathroom for a day. I really don't know why this is, why it's so random. I figured it has to do with how much fat you're eating, but once I ate a whole chicken finger platter with fries and gravy and again, nothing happened. Weird! I'm curious to see if this happens to others as well.


Good question! I wasn't diagnosed until I was 8 so didn't use enzyzmes until then. I've always been really good with my weight (no problem keeping it on that's for sure!). Sometimes I don't take my enzymes (mostly because I forget) but it seems totally random whether or not I feel the effects of it (cramps, diarrhea, etc.). Once I went away for the weekend and forgot ALL my meds if you can believe that (grabbed the wrong bag)! And I figured I was in for a few painful, horrible days but nothing happened. It was fine! Other times I'll eat one little thing without enzymes and be stuck in the bathroom for a day. I really don't know why this is, why it's so random. I figured it has to do with how much fat you're eating, but once I ate a whole chicken finger platter with fries and gravy and again, nothing happened. Weird! I'm curious to see if this happens to others as well.


Good question! I wasn't diagnosed until I was 8 so didn't use enzyzmes until then. I've always been really good with my weight (no problem keeping it on that's for sure!). Sometimes I don't take my enzymes (mostly because I forget) but it seems totally random whether or not I feel the effects of it (cramps, diarrhea, etc.). Once I went away for the weekend and forgot ALL my meds if you can believe that (grabbed the wrong bag)! And I figured I was in for a few painful, horrible days but nothing happened. It was fine! Other times I'll eat one little thing without enzymes and be stuck in the bathroom for a day. I really don't know why this is, why it's so random. I figured it has to do with how much fat you're eating, but once I ate a whole chicken finger platter with fries and gravy and again, nothing happened. Weird! I'm curious to see if this happens to others as well.


Good question! I wasn't diagnosed until I was 8 so didn't use enzyzmes until then. I've always been really good with my weight (no problem keeping it on that's for sure!). Sometimes I don't take my enzymes (mostly because I forget) but it seems totally random whether or not I feel the effects of it (cramps, diarrhea, etc.). Once I went away for the weekend and forgot ALL my meds if you can believe that (grabbed the wrong bag)! And I figured I was in for a few painful, horrible days but nothing happened. It was fine! Other times I'll eat one little thing without enzymes and be stuck in the bathroom for a day. I really don't know why this is, why it's so random. I figured it has to do with how much fat you're eating, but once I ate a whole chicken finger platter with fries and gravy and again, nothing happened. Weird! I'm curious to see if this happens to others as well.


Good question! I wasn't diagnosed until I was 8 so didn't use enzyzmes until then. I've always been really good with my weight (no problem keeping it on that's for sure!). Sometimes I don't take my enzymes (mostly because I forget) but it seems totally random whether or not I feel the effects of it (cramps, diarrhea, etc.). Once I went away for the weekend and forgot ALL my meds if you can believe that (grabbed the wrong bag)! And I figured I was in for a few painful, horrible days but nothing happened. It was fine! Other times I'll eat one little thing without enzymes and be stuck in the bathroom for a day. I really don't know why this is, why it's so random. I figured it has to do with how much fat you're eating, but once I ate a whole chicken finger platter with fries and gravy and again, nothing happened. Weird! I'm curious to see if this happens to others as well.


New member
Well, I took enzymes when I was younger. I was a chubby baby, but when I got a little older I started getting skinny and I was pretty short. I wasn't very faithful with taking my enzymes, though. When I got into high school, for some reason I gained about 20 pounds and grew about a foot in a year. It was the weirdest thing. I wasn't even taking my enzymes anymore at this point. Finally my doctor agreed that I probably didn't need them. I never did do the test for pancreatic sufficiency, so I still wonder if when I was younger, if I was just a naturally skinny kid, and didn't necessarily need enzymes. Now, I still have no troubles keep on weight. Every once in a while, I will get stomach cramps with fatty food, so I may take some enzymes if I know I will be eating fatty food, but I am very glad I don't have to rely on them to keep on weight.

Marisa RN, 21 w/CF


New member
Well, I took enzymes when I was younger. I was a chubby baby, but when I got a little older I started getting skinny and I was pretty short. I wasn't very faithful with taking my enzymes, though. When I got into high school, for some reason I gained about 20 pounds and grew about a foot in a year. It was the weirdest thing. I wasn't even taking my enzymes anymore at this point. Finally my doctor agreed that I probably didn't need them. I never did do the test for pancreatic sufficiency, so I still wonder if when I was younger, if I was just a naturally skinny kid, and didn't necessarily need enzymes. Now, I still have no troubles keep on weight. Every once in a while, I will get stomach cramps with fatty food, so I may take some enzymes if I know I will be eating fatty food, but I am very glad I don't have to rely on them to keep on weight.

Marisa RN, 21 w/CF


New member
Well, I took enzymes when I was younger. I was a chubby baby, but when I got a little older I started getting skinny and I was pretty short. I wasn't very faithful with taking my enzymes, though. When I got into high school, for some reason I gained about 20 pounds and grew about a foot in a year. It was the weirdest thing. I wasn't even taking my enzymes anymore at this point. Finally my doctor agreed that I probably didn't need them. I never did do the test for pancreatic sufficiency, so I still wonder if when I was younger, if I was just a naturally skinny kid, and didn't necessarily need enzymes. Now, I still have no troubles keep on weight. Every once in a while, I will get stomach cramps with fatty food, so I may take some enzymes if I know I will be eating fatty food, but I am very glad I don't have to rely on them to keep on weight.

Marisa RN, 21 w/CF


New member
Well, I took enzymes when I was younger. I was a chubby baby, but when I got a little older I started getting skinny and I was pretty short. I wasn't very faithful with taking my enzymes, though. When I got into high school, for some reason I gained about 20 pounds and grew about a foot in a year. It was the weirdest thing. I wasn't even taking my enzymes anymore at this point. Finally my doctor agreed that I probably didn't need them. I never did do the test for pancreatic sufficiency, so I still wonder if when I was younger, if I was just a naturally skinny kid, and didn't necessarily need enzymes. Now, I still have no troubles keep on weight. Every once in a while, I will get stomach cramps with fatty food, so I may take some enzymes if I know I will be eating fatty food, but I am very glad I don't have to rely on them to keep on weight.

Marisa RN, 21 w/CF


New member
Well, I took enzymes when I was younger. I was a chubby baby, but when I got a little older I started getting skinny and I was pretty short. I wasn't very faithful with taking my enzymes, though. When I got into high school, for some reason I gained about 20 pounds and grew about a foot in a year. It was the weirdest thing. I wasn't even taking my enzymes anymore at this point. Finally my doctor agreed that I probably didn't need them. I never did do the test for pancreatic sufficiency, so I still wonder if when I was younger, if I was just a naturally skinny kid, and didn't necessarily need enzymes. Now, I still have no troubles keep on weight. Every once in a while, I will get stomach cramps with fatty food, so I may take some enzymes if I know I will be eating fatty food, but I am very glad I don't have to rely on them to keep on weight.
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<br />Marisa RN, 21 w/CF
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