My daughter is 9months and was diagnosed at 3 weeks. She is doing great developmentally but has a a persistant cough for ever. She had her first admission a four months they did a bronch and found she has malica (flattening of the airways) and at the time RSV which they told me was most likely the cause of her persistant cough which is only a couple of times a day butstill there. I see the cf team every 8 weeks as I live away from the hospital but I am in constant contact with them. She was waking about 20 times a night with tummy pains so they tripled her enzymes which has helped and now sleeps through mostly. Last visit I asked them to test her salt levels as she can be very irritable at times, they found them to be extremely low even tho she is having the recommended amount for a baby of her age. She is also on losac for reflux to see if that influenced the cough and that has decreased the cough a little further. It just seems that she seems to me that she needs a little more than the average or is this normal? Is this an early indicator that her cf is severe? Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated