Is there ANYTHING in development to cure PA once and for all ?


New member
Feeling extremely sorry for myself this pm ...

Once and a while, I surf the net hoping that someone somewhere will find a cure for PA and it seems that NOTHING is on the way besides old antibios developped to neb and that do NOT cure PA, just reduce the number :( Does anyone know of something really interesting coming up ???




I was surfing the web last night looking for the same thing and came across this article. It is from August of last year, but it sounds pretty cool. It is far from being available since they haven't tested it on animals let alone humans yet. But, it sounds pretty smart to me. I found the comments at the end of the article to be helpful as well. They state reasons for concern but still sound like they think it's a great idea.

Feeling extremely sorry for myself this pm ...

Once and a while, I surf the net hoping that someone somewhere will find a cure for PA and it seems that NOTHING is on the way besides old antibios developped to neb and that do NOT cure PA, just reduce the number :( Does anyone know of something really interesting coming up ???



New member

WOW !!! You have given me hope :) Thank you for the links ! I will read it more in detail when I have a minute :) I have surfed SO much on the web and I have NEVER seen these !!! I have seen other stuff though :

Intercell : New Vaccine
Polyphor : POL7080

Mom2can : Thxs for the info too !



New member
Gen H,

Do you think these new drugs are good also for non CF bronchiectasis PA patients ?


It seems that the meds target PA from what I have read on those links, so the underlying cause shouldn't matter (assuming no major differences in the PA). The trials and approval process would probably be different though.


New member
Feeling extremely sorry for myself this pm ...
it seems that NOTHING is on the way besides old antibios developped to neb and that do NOT cure PA, just reduce the number :(


You know that "curing PA" involves reducing their number until there is no more of them, right?

PA is curable. Just not in CF. If you ever got rid of it, it would always come back eventually because your lungs are sick and you would have to get rid of it again.

The reason why we have permanent lung infection is because our lungs don't function properly. So the only way to cure it permanently is to make our lungs function properly.


New member
The thing is we are colonised with it which does not happen with that many other bacteria (and there's the freakin' biofilm!). Most of the gram positive bacteria you can get rid of once you take antibios. Yes, you can get it again and you will BUT at least it is not colonised in there permanently (chronic infection, hard to treat). If excellent antibios would exist that erradicate mucoid PA quickly, we would not be having this discussion ... That's what I am hoping for ... Something that can be taken (not too time consuming) and that will be extremely efficient without that many side effects. I only got PA at 39 (first time!) so if I could get rid of it maybe I could go without antibios for a couple of years (and when I got it, I was suffering from extreme anemia so low immunitary system). It seems ever since PA, I am on antibio after antibio and even if supposedly it is sensible to what I am taking, I do not feel like I did before PA. I am extremely saddened and do not accept it at all ...



New member
Look! Thats how i get it! Pa stays in our lungs and grows back just because we are a hospitable environment (mucus, not well ventilated lungs). So im thinking if took drugs that treat the underlying cause of CF it will give us less mucus. So a not that hospitable environment. So anti PA drugs more effective, plus new better and stronger drugs. In my mind...

Vertex drugs + new anti PA drugs = super success much much less in no PA at all


New member
Actually, Polyphor has finished Phase 1 (the website has not been updated). They should be starting Phase 2 ... (when?) ...
