It hurts!


New member
So last week my left side of my back was killing me and I went to the Doctors and I had an x-ray done. We took a look and there was nothing different. So I went to the physio and the messauge person checked it out and apparently I had like a clump of knots on my left side of my spine and shoulder blade. So great the women took all of those out she was awesome. Now, this week my lower back of my lungs hurt to breath in all the way.... I don't have a clue of what it is. It feels like when I breath in all the way and my lungs expand my lower back and sides hurt to take that air in... maybe it is my diaphragm because it moves down when you breath in and up when you breath out right? I don't know anyway. Since my Doc just saw me last week he doesn't see it necessary this week because we just took an x-ray last week & what could change......(Riiiight) Like are you friggen kidding me!!!At least he could tell me what it could be, so I'm not freakin out and guessing my self.

So if anyone has had this could you give me some info on what it might be and how to deal with it. Just to calm my nerves please.. Thank You<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
So last week my left side of my back was killing me and I went to the Doctors and I had an x-ray done. We took a look and there was nothing different. So I went to the physio and the messauge person checked it out and apparently I had like a clump of knots on my left side of my spine and shoulder blade. So great the women took all of those out she was awesome. Now, this week my lower back of my lungs hurt to breath in all the way.... I don't have a clue of what it is. It feels like when I breath in all the way and my lungs expand my lower back and sides hurt to take that air in... maybe it is my diaphragm because it moves down when you breath in and up when you breath out right? I don't know anyway. Since my Doc just saw me last week he doesn't see it necessary this week because we just took an x-ray last week & what could change......(Riiiight) Like are you friggen kidding me!!!At least he could tell me what it could be, so I'm not freakin out and guessing my self.

So if anyone has had this could you give me some info on what it might be and how to deal with it. Just to calm my nerves please.. Thank You<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
Your doctor should see you in you have anymore concerns. When I see my doc when I'm sick, or for a check up, he always schedules a followup, and tells me that if I have more concerns, that I should feel free to come back whenever. Things can change over a week. Your doc is wrong to tell you not to come in if you're having more problems. ANything can happen in a week. I would schedule an appt to see him again if I were you and very concerned.


New member
Your doctor should see you in you have anymore concerns. When I see my doc when I'm sick, or for a check up, he always schedules a followup, and tells me that if I have more concerns, that I should feel free to come back whenever. Things can change over a week. Your doc is wrong to tell you not to come in if you're having more problems. ANything can happen in a week. I would schedule an appt to see him again if I were you and very concerned.


New member
Muscle pain is quite painful and just because this lady massaged you well the knots could have moved down lower. Getting rid of this could take a while. I think having regular massages is a great way to get rid of this problem. I also think becoming aware of your posture is important because if you are not standing straight in a correct posture all the pain you have will just get worse or take a long time to heal. Try to imagine your spine with spaces between the veterbrae and you will be standing up straighter. Be careful how you sleep during the healing time. Sleeping on one pillow under your head and a pillow under your knees will help your posture too while you sleep. I have no clue as to what is bothering you but I get frequent injuries and what I am suggesting to you helps me.
Try to be aware of how you hold your neck too. Everything is connected.

I would not worry as if your Doctor told you everything is fine that it is probably muscle spasms and knots. Coughing hard can trigger these spasms and over time can be chronic crepitis that forms. It is like you hear crystals trying to break up. Drinking water is important especially after a massage.

Feel better


New member
Muscle pain is quite painful and just because this lady massaged you well the knots could have moved down lower. Getting rid of this could take a while. I think having regular massages is a great way to get rid of this problem. I also think becoming aware of your posture is important because if you are not standing straight in a correct posture all the pain you have will just get worse or take a long time to heal. Try to imagine your spine with spaces between the veterbrae and you will be standing up straighter. Be careful how you sleep during the healing time. Sleeping on one pillow under your head and a pillow under your knees will help your posture too while you sleep. I have no clue as to what is bothering you but I get frequent injuries and what I am suggesting to you helps me.
Try to be aware of how you hold your neck too. Everything is connected.

I would not worry as if your Doctor told you everything is fine that it is probably muscle spasms and knots. Coughing hard can trigger these spasms and over time can be chronic crepitis that forms. It is like you hear crystals trying to break up. Drinking water is important especially after a massage.

Feel better


New member
Hey there,
I most always have back pain from muscle tightness and all. I found it really helped when I went to a physcial therapist. They gave me a bunch of body positioning exercises to do to relieve the pain - they basically relaxed the pain away. I had to have my CF doc refer me to a therapy place and basically phrase the Rx to say therapy for Upper/Lower back muscle spasms due to CF related excacerbations and increased coughing. My insurance covered my visits and I just had to pay my copay.
I went for a few weeks and they gave me those positions to use to relax pain away - which worked amazingly and most of them I am able to do on my own. They also gave me strength building exercises and things to do to help with posture because that (as mentioned) causes some back pain as well.

<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Your doctor should see you in you have anymore concerns. When I see my doc when I'm sick, or for a check up, he always schedules a followup, and tells me that if I have more concerns, that I should feel free to come back whenever. Things can change over a week. Your doc is wrong to tell you not to come in if you're having more problems. ANything can happen in a week. I would schedule an appt to see him again if I were you and very concerned. <hr></blockquote>

I totally agree with that too. There is no telling what can happen in a weeks time. I would make an appt or just show up at the office(if it is possible) and see if they can work you in. I had called one day for an appt and was told they couldn't see me for weeks - even though I was having a problem. I ended up calling several times and each time got the no appt for weeks thing - then I showed up at their office the next day because I needed to be seen - and surprise they were able to work me in - the doc said basically if it were nothing I wouldn't have just shown up at the office.

I hope you start feeling better and that the pain goes away.



New member
Hey there,
I most always have back pain from muscle tightness and all. I found it really helped when I went to a physcial therapist. They gave me a bunch of body positioning exercises to do to relieve the pain - they basically relaxed the pain away. I had to have my CF doc refer me to a therapy place and basically phrase the Rx to say therapy for Upper/Lower back muscle spasms due to CF related excacerbations and increased coughing. My insurance covered my visits and I just had to pay my copay.
I went for a few weeks and they gave me those positions to use to relax pain away - which worked amazingly and most of them I am able to do on my own. They also gave me strength building exercises and things to do to help with posture because that (as mentioned) causes some back pain as well.

<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Your doctor should see you in you have anymore concerns. When I see my doc when I'm sick, or for a check up, he always schedules a followup, and tells me that if I have more concerns, that I should feel free to come back whenever. Things can change over a week. Your doc is wrong to tell you not to come in if you're having more problems. ANything can happen in a week. I would schedule an appt to see him again if I were you and very concerned. <hr></blockquote>

I totally agree with that too. There is no telling what can happen in a weeks time. I would make an appt or just show up at the office(if it is possible) and see if they can work you in. I had called one day for an appt and was told they couldn't see me for weeks - even though I was having a problem. I ended up calling several times and each time got the no appt for weeks thing - then I showed up at their office the next day because I needed to be seen - and surprise they were able to work me in - the doc said basically if it were nothing I wouldn't have just shown up at the office.

I hope you start feeling better and that the pain goes away.



New member
It sounds like you have a bunch of pulled muscles, left untreated can affect your posture and strength and make it hurt worse. I get massages every month and more often if I have a bad pull. Try doing some simple yoga or streatching to loosen and strengthen your muscles. Also try heat packs to soothe the pain and make you comfy. Be sure to stay hydrated.

It's also possible that you've cracked a rib by coughing hard (or some other way). There isn't anything to really do about that, but an x-ray would show it. If you are still feeling tightness and pain, tell your doc that you think you've really pulled it and ask if someting like Valium is an option.


New member
It sounds like you have a bunch of pulled muscles, left untreated can affect your posture and strength and make it hurt worse. I get massages every month and more often if I have a bad pull. Try doing some simple yoga or streatching to loosen and strengthen your muscles. Also try heat packs to soothe the pain and make you comfy. Be sure to stay hydrated.

It's also possible that you've cracked a rib by coughing hard (or some other way). There isn't anything to really do about that, but an x-ray would show it. If you are still feeling tightness and pain, tell your doc that you think you've really pulled it and ask if someting like Valium is an option.


New member
arnica montana is a natural homeopathic remedy for muscular pain. They make them in creme and pellets that go under the tongue(taste good)

I once had a pain started in my shoulder and traveled down to my leg and took the arnica only one dose and it completely went away. thankfully I never have to take the stuff anymore.

I believe this cannot hurt you but check with a health care professional if this is for you


New member
arnica montana is a natural homeopathic remedy for muscular pain. They make them in creme and pellets that go under the tongue(taste good)

I once had a pain started in my shoulder and traveled down to my leg and took the arnica only one dose and it completely went away. thankfully I never have to take the stuff anymore.

I believe this cannot hurt you but check with a health care professional if this is for you


New member
I had this happen to me when I was 24. It ended up being pluritis, which is inflamation of the lining of your lungs. It is very painful. I was at work when it happened to me and the pain got progressively worse within the hour. It hurt so bad to just try to take a breath. I was out of work for a week.


New member
I had this happen to me when I was 24. It ended up being pluritis, which is inflamation of the lining of your lungs. It is very painful. I was at work when it happened to me and the pain got progressively worse within the hour. It hurt so bad to just try to take a breath. I was out of work for a week.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">So I thought that I would just update you all and let you know that the pain is gone. I just let it go away on it's own and yes I kept my Doctor updated. Umm and thank you all so much for your comments and opinions.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">So I thought that I would just update you all and let you know that the pain is gone. I just let it go away on it's own and yes I kept my Doctor updated. Umm and thank you all so much for your comments and opinions.