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My Sam is going to have a bronchoscopy, a picc line, and sinus surgery this summer. I hate it for him, but I thought I would share with other parents what I have learned from this experience - teach your kids to do sinus rinses from a very young age. Our CF doctor let us know that there are some CF centers that did studies where they trained parents to administer sinus rinses to babies. That way, the kids don't think much of it. Now, that our son has something in his nose that must be removed with surgery, the same CF doctor told us that 90% of surgeries can be avoided just by using sinus rinses. We would have liked to have known that info before and also would have liked to have gone to a CF center that experimented with sinus irrigation on very young patients. I thought everyone should know, even if your child is not showing sinus symptoms, it's a good idea to get a Neti Pot. rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam ddF508, 3 years old