My daughter is going for her kindergarten screening tomorrow. She is excited for it. She must have been thinking about kindergarten while we were in the car, whn she said"It would be easier if I didn't have Cystic Fibrosis" I wouldn't have to take enzymes, do puff-puffs(nebs), no VEST. I looked at her and said Yes it would be easier. You don't get to choose how things go, though. She asked how she would do her puff puff and VEST at school. I said you'll do it before and after, we'll figure it out. SHe's worried she'll be tired. I told her she can talk to her friends and teachers about CF, she can explain it. I let her know people like her because of her fun personality and who she is, not what she has. This is the conversation I had with Maggie, my 5 year old daughter with CF while waiting for my son zat the bus. Blows my mind.