It's been just over a month!


New member

Well, it is now just over a month since my txplant and I felt a little update might be in order. I am still feeling a lot of discomfort from the surgery. My Doctor says I will feel this way for awhile considering the nature of the surgery, but also cause I went under the knife at more than 25lbs under weight. So I have very little muscle and fatty tissue to help with the healing process. That is the bad side of things. Now for the good...
My body is absorbing all the meds nicely... I am tapering off a bit on the prograf and holding very steady. I seem to be absorbing most vitamins nutrients very nicely. My Protine<sp> levels which were very low are now coming up, so I am beginning to gain some weight. Though not alot yet.
My PFT's are really good, they have my doctors jumping with excitement. I don't remember what they were at before the surgery, never really cared to know, but I plan on finding out later this week. As of my last clinic they tested my FEV1 and FVC... 6 days out of surgery my FEV1 was 2.08 and my FVC 1.98. As of yesterday my FEV1 is at 3.32 and my FVC is at 4.09. My doctors didn't think I would get much more than 2.5ish. On the insentive speromater<sp> I am now pulling 3250-3500ml.
Still learning how to identify or relate how I am feeling in accordance with my blood glucose levels, but all in all it is a lot easier to deal with and manage than I thought it would be.
I love being able to sleep on my back once again and flat, it is a good feeling. One more thing I am waiting for, which hasn't happened yet, is the day I can really laugh. Chest still hurts to much so that will take sometime, but I am patient and I will one day LAUGH!
Sorry to ramble on so much, been awhile since I gave an update thought this would be a good time.


New member

Well, it is now just over a month since my txplant and I felt a little update might be in order. I am still feeling a lot of discomfort from the surgery. My Doctor says I will feel this way for awhile considering the nature of the surgery, but also cause I went under the knife at more than 25lbs under weight. So I have very little muscle and fatty tissue to help with the healing process. That is the bad side of things. Now for the good...
My body is absorbing all the meds nicely... I am tapering off a bit on the prograf and holding very steady. I seem to be absorbing most vitamins nutrients very nicely. My Protine<sp> levels which were very low are now coming up, so I am beginning to gain some weight. Though not alot yet.
My PFT's are really good, they have my doctors jumping with excitement. I don't remember what they were at before the surgery, never really cared to know, but I plan on finding out later this week. As of my last clinic they tested my FEV1 and FVC... 6 days out of surgery my FEV1 was 2.08 and my FVC 1.98. As of yesterday my FEV1 is at 3.32 and my FVC is at 4.09. My doctors didn't think I would get much more than 2.5ish. On the insentive speromater<sp> I am now pulling 3250-3500ml.
Still learning how to identify or relate how I am feeling in accordance with my blood glucose levels, but all in all it is a lot easier to deal with and manage than I thought it would be.
I love being able to sleep on my back once again and flat, it is a good feeling. One more thing I am waiting for, which hasn't happened yet, is the day I can really laugh. Chest still hurts to much so that will take sometime, but I am patient and I will one day LAUGH!
Sorry to ramble on so much, been awhile since I gave an update thought this would be a good time.


New member

Well, it is now just over a month since my txplant and I felt a little update might be in order. I am still feeling a lot of discomfort from the surgery. My Doctor says I will feel this way for awhile considering the nature of the surgery, but also cause I went under the knife at more than 25lbs under weight. So I have very little muscle and fatty tissue to help with the healing process. That is the bad side of things. Now for the good...
My body is absorbing all the meds nicely... I am tapering off a bit on the prograf and holding very steady. I seem to be absorbing most vitamins nutrients very nicely. My Protine<sp> levels which were very low are now coming up, so I am beginning to gain some weight. Though not alot yet.
My PFT's are really good, they have my doctors jumping with excitement. I don't remember what they were at before the surgery, never really cared to know, but I plan on finding out later this week. As of my last clinic they tested my FEV1 and FVC... 6 days out of surgery my FEV1 was 2.08 and my FVC 1.98. As of yesterday my FEV1 is at 3.32 and my FVC is at 4.09. My doctors didn't think I would get much more than 2.5ish. On the insentive speromater<sp> I am now pulling 3250-3500ml.
Still learning how to identify or relate how I am feeling in accordance with my blood glucose levels, but all in all it is a lot easier to deal with and manage than I thought it would be.
I love being able to sleep on my back once again and flat, it is a good feeling. One more thing I am waiting for, which hasn't happened yet, is the day I can really laugh. Chest still hurts to much so that will take sometime, but I am patient and I will one day LAUGH!
Sorry to ramble on so much, been awhile since I gave an update thought this would be a good time.


New member
Congrats on the one month mark. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the progress. A good laugh is in reach and when you make it, oh, what a laugh it will be <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">.


New member
Congrats on the one month mark. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the progress. A good laugh is in reach and when you make it, oh, what a laugh it will be <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">.


New member
Congrats on the one month mark. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the progress. A good laugh is in reach and when you make it, oh, what a laugh it will be <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">.


New member
Thanks for posting and letting us know how you are! You "sound" great. Can't wait to make you laugh--I'll send pics of my new haircut that I fell asleep at the hairdressers with--it's so short, I look like my grandson!! So heal up soon.


New member
Thanks for posting and letting us know how you are! You "sound" great. Can't wait to make you laugh--I'll send pics of my new haircut that I fell asleep at the hairdressers with--it's so short, I look like my grandson!! So heal up soon.


New member
Thanks for posting and letting us know how you are! You "sound" great. Can't wait to make you laugh--I'll send pics of my new haircut that I fell asleep at the hairdressers with--it's so short, I look like my grandson!! So heal up soon.


New member
congrats on the one month mark. I hope you can have a belly shaking laugh Soon. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
congrats on the one month mark. I hope you can have a belly shaking laugh Soon. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
congrats on the one month mark. I hope you can have a belly shaking laugh Soon. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Jerry, congrats. on the one month mark. What a journey this must be for you!!!! Keep getting better and soon we will all laugh together in the face of cf!!!


New member
Jerry, congrats. on the one month mark. What a journey this must be for you!!!! Keep getting better and soon we will all laugh together in the face of cf!!!


New member
Jerry, congrats. on the one month mark. What a journey this must be for you!!!! Keep getting better and soon we will all laugh together in the face of cf!!!


New member
I look forward to hearing about the rolling on the floor, belly muscle hurting, tears flowing laugh that is building up just waiting to get the full benefit from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
I look forward to hearing about the rolling on the floor, belly muscle hurting, tears flowing laugh that is building up just waiting to get the full benefit from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
I look forward to hearing about the rolling on the floor, belly muscle hurting, tears flowing laugh that is building up just waiting to get the full benefit from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



How very wonderful!!!!
I'm sure each day will bring a new and wonderful surprise. I think of new lungs in that way; each day they'll show us something new that we couldn't do before like laugh or sing or sleep!!!!
Please keep us posted as you progress.
I don't really know your story? Where were you tx? How bad was your CF b/f tx?
Would you fill me in?



How very wonderful!!!!
I'm sure each day will bring a new and wonderful surprise. I think of new lungs in that way; each day they'll show us something new that we couldn't do before like laugh or sing or sleep!!!!
Please keep us posted as you progress.
I don't really know your story? Where were you tx? How bad was your CF b/f tx?
Would you fill me in?