Its Matt Again. Yes Im Depressed again and have questions.


New member
I am living with my parents but I am so tired of not having a life of my own.
But I have had two episodes with low blood sugar where I passed out and had a siezure, so my parents are horrified of me living alone.. they dont think it is possible. I also sometimes wonder.

But I am very depressed and feel like my life has no meaning at all.
All I am doing is sitting at home and going to ONE class a semester at college.
I am trying to get social security so I can have some more money so perhaps I could live on my own.
I am trying to get out more and I really want to find a girlfriend but I dunno where to go since all my friends are married now (meaning where to meet someone). And I dont think anyone would want to be with someone like me.
I was almost married when I was about 21, but I met her in high school and at that age people dont think about what adults do when it comes to a mate, they just meet someone, like them, and fall in love.
Adults ponder what they want from a mate such as children and health.
Why would anyone want to be with me? I cant give anything... money, children, and probably not a full life with them.

My question is are any of you single with cf and diabetes and live alone?
Would you advise it?
I really want to try to fix these feelings...
but I know they wont go away if I cant work on REALITY as well as my emotions.

Many of you read my posts and know im going to see a therapist next week.
But I dont think that alone with fix my feelings. I need to work on my life.
But I feel so trapped and dont know if i CAN do anything about my situation.


New member
as ive said in a previous reply to you, if living with your parents and only going to one class per semester is all you can do, then it is all you can do. why keep trying to do more than you can if you know its not possible? it will just get you down! youre not superman. why is it necessary to live on your own? why is it necessary to have a girlfriend? stop living by someone elses lifeplan. there is no book that says 'to be successful in life you must a. move out of home b. get a high paying fulltime job c. marry d. have 100 kids'. no ones going to look down on you for not doing those things. if you think life is all about the above, then of course you are going to feel trapped. id feel the same if i thought life meant i had to do this this and this. you cant change your living situations, but you can sure change the way you think about it. its up to you....


New member
i think kylies final sentence sums things up perfectly. you have been born with cf. you have cfrd. it sucks, you have to make allowances, and there will be some things that maybe you are prevented from doing. but you DO have 2 choices. you can either sit and think about all the stuff you cant do. or you can get up and work at the stuff you can!!!!

you are still able to do a class at college, CONGRATULATIONS!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> that is fantastic, and hopefully it is enjoying and fulfilling. as for the girlfriend situation, personally i think your outlook and mental attitude would be more of a turn off than your cf!!! this sounds cheesy but it is so true.....if you cant love and respect yourself, you are going to have a very hard time getting others to do so!!!!

sounds like you have lots of mini gateways available and open to you but you cant see them. i really feel for you and hope that you continue to be a sensible guy and get some councilling but at the end of the day, only you can make things better.

PMA- positive mental attitude. and it is important because even the most healthy rich people in the world have stuff they want but cant have! so anyone could sit there feeling miserable all the time!!!

i am not saying you dont have problems, because cf does suck and it is difficult, but YOU need to fight it! dont let it win and beat you and get you down!!!! work on little tasks and praise yourself and feel great when they are completed. that is something YOU can do for YOURSELF.

best of luck <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

If you are having trouble meeting people because you can't get out and you are having a hard time with your social life, why don't you try an internet dating service. Thousands of people are using them these days. Most Adults are very busy and have a hard time meeting people. Give it a shot, the way I see it you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
Hi Matt,
Its me again ( Diane) I had to write to this post because you have asked the same questions i did right after my divorce. After my divorce i found out i have b.cepacia and was having a hard time with my health and keeping things stable. I started asking myself who would be interested in a woman with all these health problems, and uncertain future, let alone the fact that i dont want to have children ( cf reasons of coarse). Then i started to realize after a while, that being married, having kids or even having a significant other really isnt as important an issue as i once thought. Most of my friends are married, some with kids , some not. I got myself into a hobby that i knew i would love ( building a muscle car and going to shows) and met so many great people. This hobby has helped me in so many ways. One being that i had to spend a lot of time building my car. I wanted to see the end result of what the car could be, so that kept me driven to keep myself healthier and focused on something else other than depressing thoughts. Then when the car was finished i started doing car shows with it and thats when i started meeting a LOT of people, some who have become really close friends of mine. What i am getting at here is........... You sound like you need to get out of the house more and find a hobby you like that will occupy all the time you sit thinking bad thoughts. I dont know if you check your blood sugars, and if you do maybe you should do it more often, to help avoid the extreme low blood sugars. It almost sounds like you are afraid to venture out on your own because of your health. I can certainly understand that, since i do live alone and have had some bad moments thanks to having cf. BUT, being on your own will force you to be totally responsible for your own health and happiness. I am sure your parents will be there to help you thru any times you arent feeling well. When you make new friends ( could even be a neighbor), they will probably want to help you as well. You wont be totally alone. By the way i have had diabetes for 24 years now, and i know it can be a real pain in the behind, But dont allow it to stop you from anything you want to do in life. We only get one life, please dont waste it sitting by yourself feeling sad. Go for your dreams, they may not come over night, but you have the ability to do something to help youself achieve them. I wanted a muscle car since i was a kid, it took till i was 34 till i finally got one. Being a girl i never thought it would be possible, but my dream came true ,and as time goes by, i will make more come true. You can do the same if you redirect your thoughts from what you cant do .... to what you can still do and then some........<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

~Diane 39 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


New member
Hey man,

The first thing you need to do is see that theropist. Then , if you don't know how yet , learn how to control your diabetis. You can have a meaningful life, I did it . I even got merried. I know how you feel having to depend on your parents. When I was abble to get every thing to where I could control it on my own, moving out on my own was so liberating. Tough but it felt good . Don't be so down on yourself. You can do alot more then you think. Let me know if you have any questions <u></u>

Take care of yourself and cheer up
it will work out one way or another
Mark 40 w/CF


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I've got so much I want to say to you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

First off I believe you can go out on your own. Because I can, and I do.

Last year I moved out of my parents home and I now live 2 states away. There are many options and roads you can take here.

You can live alone just like everyone else can.
Food Stamps - Get these, if you have no income these can cover your food (Single Person Living Alone is about 200 Dollars A Month)
SSI - You can get this even if you don't live alone. However living alone can increase the ammount you receive. If you have no income and your parents aren't helping you with anything, you can receive the maximum ammount. Which is $568 dollars a month. If you live with your parents then of course it will still be considerably lower. When I lived with my parents I made 368 dollars a month on social security. Either way you're getting some cash flow. Of course my parents still help me. I don't leave them out. They're still my parents. My parents pay for my car notes and insurance, while my student loans will take care of my rent, and my social security takes care of my other bills.

One thing I do is use my student loans to pay my rent, while my State Rehab pays for my college. You should look into that for yourself as well. Right now they pay for my gas to and from the university, my perscription cost, and the ammount my grants don't cover for my school.

Contact your Local state housing Dept, for Disabled Persons. You can get what's called a "Disabled Renters Voucher" which (If you can get it) and you have no income they'll pay for most, if not all of your rent, but living expenses is still left to you. I haven't gotten this yet, but they haven't take applications for sometime. This varies state to state, and if you even wanted to you could apply to live in one of the goverment owned houses, but I advise against that, as most of the time you're not getting anything nice.

School - I have a full college schedule and I get sick in the hospital at least 3 times a year. I get around this buy working with my school. Anyone can. By state law (504 medical) they HAVE to help you get through college if you're registered with the department of disabled student services (or something similar) if they don't you can sue them for every penny they have. They can never turn you down and they can't say no unless there's some IMPOSSIBLE way that you'd miss so much you couldn't make up your work. Usually I'm out for a couple of weeks a hospital visit, so I get the school to hire notetakers to take notes in all my classes, or I setup a videocamera for my classes to watch by, that way when I get out I'm caught up. You can get that worked out, just like I do. I certainly use the school for everything I can, I have a teacher parking permit for easier access to classes, and when I need it I can make up my work just as if I was there if I wasn't.

Girlfriends - Yes, this sometimes sucks. I just broke up with the second love of my life. : \ and it does suck, but I've learned they come and go just like it does for any normal person and a relationship. However, we're still the best of friends and I'm sure somewhere down the line I'll meet someone for me. I can see how you think nobody would want to be with you, but if you find that special someone, they won't care how much money you make or what you have wrong with you. They'll love you for who you are. If you can't find someone that does that you don't need to be with them anyway. I've found this to be true, that if you LOOK for that someone you won't find them. Both the people I've met and fell in love with I was totally unexpecting, and when I was looking for someone I never found them. Just do your normal thing and before your realize what's going on you'll meet someone special. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

As for children when you two get to that point you can discuss it. There are many available options. When I'm going into a relationship usually I'm friends with them long enough for them to see what they can handle before we move any further, and yes I touch the topic of not having kids. We just can't do it. We can have surgery that can increase our chances, but even if we can conceive of a child, it might have CF. Well adopt. That's what I'm gonna do depending on the circumstances. If I don't wanna adopt and we have a high chance of it not being a CF child I'll artificially assimulate if wanted to try that. You just have explore options, but don't worry about that now, worry about that when you come to it.

Depression - I've been there, and I can tell you that's really hard, but you can overcome it. I've been going in and out of it since I was 16 but now I've found new reasons for living. Live life like it's your only one, and BELIEVE that you can and you won't be depressed. I'm alone ALOT but I find that the more I keep myself busy the less I worry about. I play games, collect action figures, found me some nice hobbies to keep me occupied. I run errands, I take a drive, I do anything to keep my mind off of it. And if you don't want to be depressed don't make yourself. I know it's hard to make friends because I'm one of the people that have trouble looking for them myself, but over the last two years I've met alot of people by going to church and just talking to people (which used to be really hard for me) but since I learned that if I don't, I won't make any friends and I know it'll get me down I overcome my fear of talking to people and TALK. Everything we do will be in some kind of hardship but you can overcome it just like I do, and you can and will do it if you believe you can. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Taking care of yourself - You know my mom used to never believe I could do it. And you wann know why, because when I lived with my parents I never HAD to take care of myself because they did for me. She never realized that's why I didn't try. Obviously when you live alone you figure you better take care of yourself or die. It's either take your meds and use your abilities the best you can or give up and not care which is the worst way out. After I moved and my mom saw I could take of myself she def trust me to do it. I know more than most doctors do about my CF and I know when I have problems to go to the hospital, and when to do what, and how to do it. I'm sure with your experience you could do the same. All you need is a little faith on both parts from you and your parents.

You can have a life like anyone else can if you try hard enough. Sure we have our differences but it can be done. I know it can be done if you believe so. And yes living by yourself will still be hard, and you'll feel more alone than ever, but you have to make yourself change to overcome those problems, and that's hard, but you can do it. I had to. I know I've grown up really quick in the last two years.

I hope I've helped and any questions you have, feel free to ask.

Matt~ (Yep we have the same name) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Wow Matt cheer up man im not sure this will help but im tellin ya anyways. Im 24 male cf with a fev1 of only 18% i get outta breath just
breathing but i live on my own in an apartment(ground floor of course) and man ive thought these things for years now im too sick to
work so the government gives me about $1,000 per month i drive a 92 taurus wagon with a broken window no wipers and i have to plug
it in even in the summer or it wont start and if she does start she likes stalling on me at the lights just when those three hot chick's are
walkin in front of me!! i live in a town of about 7,500 so they know who i am and i thought all that stuff too until recently but my brother
and i were talkin one day and i was down like i was pretty often and he said to me and he was mad when he said it too but he said
Man dont ever question your life noone can say crap about youre life cause they dont know crap about it. No one knows what its like wakin
up drowning in phlegm or walking into somewhere feling like youre breathing through a straw cause ya had to walk up 5 stairs, or having
to down a fistfull of pills in public places everytime you eat out.He told me do whatever the hell makes me happy and man thats what i do now. Girls that i talk to say im too cold and i have no heart therefore im single but i say who cares man theres a girl out there who will see
what a lifetime of agony will do to someone and understand that yeah i got a wall built up but behind it its not so bad. Dont worry about that stuff man my newest trick to keep me going is just having to look at my lil 2 year old niece!!! Keep fightin man cause no one can do it for us!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
20 year old Matt--it that doesn't inspire the other Matt, then I don't know what would<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
It certainly inspired me! Thanks for sharing!