IUI- advice please


Been a while since I posted on here.
So here an update, I have had 2 failed IUI's so far and I am going for my third IUI this month, here's hoping it work!
My question is to other cf women who have become sucessfully pregnant through IUI.
What other helpful things did you try while going through IUI (apart from sex) to improve the chances of a pregnancy?

Thanks for your help in advance.


New member
Are you taking any fertility drugs as part of the IUIs? I did two natural IUIs and they both failed, but I've done three clomid-IUIs and they all resulted in pregnancy (one was a m/c, one was my daughter, and I just found out about the third today). I'm not sure why the clomid helps, but it definitely seems to!


Hi Kristen,

Thanks for your reply its much appreciated

This is the first time I'm taking clomid while doing my 3rd IUI. so if it works for you hopefully it works for me.

another question, when taking Mucinex...when is the best time to take this? At the start of your cycle or during the LH surge?


Oh & forgot to say, congrats to giving birth to 2 precious liittle gems Kristen
All the best with motherhhod


When I took the mucinex I was told to take the max dosage for 2 to 3 days before ovulating. good luck!


SO gutted I was told today, that my fertility nurse will NOT be doing the IUI this month because of clomiphene citrate has overstimulated my follicles to produce 4 eggs this cycle, instead of the 2 eggs they expected. And they said I would be 'high risk' for multiple pregnancies and that we should NOT try naturally this month either until next cycle.
This is my first time I've taken clomiphene and is my 3rd attempt at IUI and now they are telling me they cannot do the IUI until my next cycle begins.

Feeling upset about it...as I have never been pregnant since we started ttc 6 years ago.
I feel like time is running out :(

Question...has anyone had the exact same situation happened to them? And if so, what did you do?

P.S kross10911 thanks for the heads up about the mucinex tabs, really appreciated it


Yes Shine, the same thing happened to us. Except we had either 5 or 6 follicles that could have potentially matured. Our RE made me take something (progesterone?) until the cycle was over. I remember feeling heartbroken and like we'd been blindsided. We ended up trying altogether 5 IUIs, with that overstimulated cycle somewhere in middle and a few other canceled cycles in between. We haven't been ttc'ing as long as you but we are opting for IVF at this point. We'll see.

Many hugs, may you be holding your healthy baby very soon!

Debbie, with cf, ddf508, cfrd


Hi Debbie,

Thanks for your post. It was nice to receive a post from you...I was starting to feel alone in this IUI process.
I wasn't put on anything like progesterone...just told not to try and conceive.

Sorry to hear the 5 IUI's haven't work out, hope all goes well with the IVF option. All the best and may you been holding your precious baby soon too.

Big Hugs, Shine


New member

I'm just curious, because I don't know/understand the logic, but why would you guys need to take fertility meds? In our situation with CF, I thought the only problem was the thick mucus...so with IUI wouldn't that be sufficient enough for you to conceive? But maybe it's because you've had some failed IUI's and then they moved on to fertility meds?

When I went through IUI they suggested I take fertility meds as well, but I refused because I did not want to risk multiples. Fortunately, after 2 attempts with IUI, I was able to conceive.


Hi Leah,

I had 2 failed attempts w/out medication on IUI. So they put me onto Clomiphene to better my chances for one egg fertilising.
Unfortunately when they did an ultrasound the meds had produced 4 eggs and they wanted only to see 2-3 eggs to proceed with IUI, as they explained, that the risk increases with multiple births with 4 eggs and over...thats what my nurse told me anyway.


I've great hopes for you, Sarah. Thank you for your caring wishes. May we see wonderful news from you very very VERY soon!

Debbie, with cf, ddf508, cfrd


Thanks for the encouragement & well wishes Leah & Debbie. It very kind of you both

Im currently taking a break from the 3rd IUI at the moment, as my health hasnt bn the best recently.
Think its that time again for another i.v tune up- clean out! lol
Means i'll have to wait off for a while, which sucks when I feel like time is not on my side, tho better to keep myself as well as possible right?

I'll let you know if & when the 3rd IUI is a successful one.

Hope you are all doing ok health wise.

(((Hugs))) to you all.