IUI Sucess on 1st try?


New member
My Husband and I have just finished our testing with our RE and he has suggested IUI as a treatment plan. We've been ttc for 2 years now and he has low morphology and of course with my CF, I have thick cm. We'll start our 1st IUI cycle next month. Has anyone done IUI with success on the 1st try?


New member
Hi! I don't have CF but my husband does. We did ICSI and got pregnant on the first try. We now have twin girls that are 10 months old. Good luck with your journey! Feel free to pm me with other questions. :)
I know this is not the answer you are looking for but I have CF, my husband and I have been TTC for over 3 years now and we have not gotten pregnant yet. We are currently on our 4th iui. Obviously the first 3 were not successful yet but we are still trying. If you have any questions in regards or the iui process just ask. I will tell you what I know. Good luck!


I did IUI back in 2006 & it worked on the 1st try. We did not have morphology issues, I was the only problem. Unfortunately, I lost it at 7 weeks & nothing has worked ever since (2 more IUIs & 2 IVFs). But, moral of the story is YES - it can work on the first try. Best of luck to you & hubby!!!


New member
Rebecca, I'm so sorry to hear that. Have the Drs given you any feedback or any further treatment options. When you did the IUI were you on clomid as well?


Hi there, I had success on my 5th try but in our online support group for CF women who are mothers or trying to become mothers, we do have a lot who have had IUI and I'm sure some had success the first time round! Just message me here if you want to chat further: https://www.facebook.com/emma.harris.16


New member
I just finished an iui cycle my testing date was 11/13 and tested in the morning and got a BFN and then got AF hours later. I'm currently doing another iui cycle with injectables again that I started yesterday. I did have success with iui on the first try in 2011 and m/c at 8 weeks and I tried again and 09/06/12 I gave birth to my daughter at 34 weeks. So hopefully this cycle works and I can give her a sibling :)
Ambermarie, I did the first 3 rounds with clomid and the 4th with injectables. The 4th round took for about 2 days, then I miscarried. Due to a lot of changes with finances and starting a new job I am going to take a couple months off to start a second job and have another FESS before trying our last 2 rounds of iui. After these 2 rounds we are done. No more insurance coverage. :( if you have any other questions just ask.