IUI with Sperm Wash


New member
I hope you don't mind if I jump in here and ask a question. Me and my husband found out we are both carriers for CF. I have a mild mutation (not sure of the actual mutation) I believe is what they said however my husband has a rare mutation that there isn't much info on. I have seen a genetic counselor and spoke regarding the options. I am 8 weeks pregnant and patiently waiting to get a CVS test to determine if the baby has CF or is just a carrier. I actually have 2 questions.. First to the woman who found out during pregnancy that they and their husbands were carriers. Did you experience anything abnormal while pregnant or with the babies growth? Also, my husband and I did IUI with sperm wash and wondered if washing the sperm can decrease our chances of the baby having CF by taking only my husbands healthy sperm and eliminating and bad forming or not as good sperm. I actually asked that to the genetic counselor and she said they have not really studied it but it is a possibility and a very good question. I am so nervous about the future of this pregnancy. It took me years just to get pregnant now I am faced with this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
I hope you don't mind if I jump in here and ask a question. Me and my husband found out we are both carriers for CF. I have a mild mutation (not sure of the actual mutation) I believe is what they said however my husband has a rare mutation that there isn't much info on. I have seen a genetic counselor and spoke regarding the options. I am 8 weeks pregnant and patiently waiting to get a CVS test to determine if the baby has CF or is just a carrier. I actually have 2 questions.. First to the woman who found out during pregnancy that they and their husbands were carriers. Did you experience anything abnormal while pregnant or with the babies growth? Also, my husband and I did IUI with sperm wash and wondered if washing the sperm can decrease our chances of the baby having CF by taking only my husbands healthy sperm and eliminating and bad forming or not as good sperm. I actually asked that to the genetic counselor and she said they have not really studied it but it is a possibility and a very good question. I am so nervous about the future of this pregnancy. It took me years just to get pregnant now I am faced with this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
I hope you don't mind if I jump in here and ask a question. Me and my husband found out we are both carriers for CF. I have a mild mutation (not sure of the actual mutation) I believe is what they said however my husband has a rare mutation that there isn't much info on. I have seen a genetic counselor and spoke regarding the options. I am 8 weeks pregnant and patiently waiting to get a CVS test to determine if the baby has CF or is just a carrier. I actually have 2 questions.. First to the woman who found out during pregnancy that they and their husbands were carriers. Did you experience anything abnormal while pregnant or with the babies growth? Also, my husband and I did IUI with sperm wash and wondered if washing the sperm can decrease our chances of the baby having CF by taking only my husbands healthy sperm and eliminating and bad forming or not as good sperm. I actually asked that to the genetic counselor and she said they have not really studied it but it is a possibility and a very good question. I am so nervous about the future of this pregnancy. It took me years just to get pregnant now I am faced with this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
I hope you don't mind if I jump in here and ask a question. Me and my husband found out we are both carriers for CF. I have a mild mutation (not sure of the actual mutation) I believe is what they said however my husband has a rare mutation that there isn't much info on. I have seen a genetic counselor and spoke regarding the options. I am 8 weeks pregnant and patiently waiting to get a CVS test to determine if the baby has CF or is just a carrier. I actually have 2 questions.. First to the woman who found out during pregnancy that they and their husbands were carriers. Did you experience anything abnormal while pregnant or with the babies growth? Also, my husband and I did IUI with sperm wash and wondered if washing the sperm can decrease our chances of the baby having CF by taking only my husbands healthy sperm and eliminating and bad forming or not as good sperm. I actually asked that to the genetic counselor and she said they have not really studied it but it is a possibility and a very good question. I am so nervous about the future of this pregnancy. It took me years just to get pregnant now I am faced with this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
I hope you don't mind if I jump in here and ask a question. Me and my husband found out we are both carriers for CF. I have a mild mutation (not sure of the actual mutation) I believe is what they said however my husband has a rare mutation that there isn't much info on. I have seen a genetic counselor and spoke regarding the options. I am 8 weeks pregnant and patiently waiting to get a CVS test to determine if the baby has CF or is just a carrier. I actually have 2 questions.. First to the woman who found out during pregnancy that they and their husbands were carriers. Did you experience anything abnormal while pregnant or with the babies growth? Also, my husband and I did IUI with sperm wash and wondered if washing the sperm can decrease our chances of the baby having CF by taking only my husbands healthy sperm and eliminating and bad forming or not as good sperm. I actually asked that to the genetic counselor and she said they have not really studied it but it is a possibility and a very good question. I am so nervous about the future of this pregnancy. It took me years just to get pregnant now I am faced with this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member

I'm no expert on the matter, but from what research shows about sperm washing, there isn't a whole lot of details about it, or what it can prevent. That being said, CF is a genetic disease that is passed down from parent to child, and all i can find about sperm washing is <i>"Sperm washing separates sperm cells from a man's semen, helping to get rid of dead or slow-moving sperm as well as additional chemicals that may impair fertilization. Once sperm has been washed at your fertility clinic's laboratory, it can be used during IUI to help achieve pregnancy. There are a variety of different sperm washing procedures."</i> So if sperm quality is the issue regarding GETTING pregnant, than a sperm wash may very well help solve your problem.

There is no research yet (that I can find) that shows that sperm washing can help eliminate genetic diseases. The only procedure thusfar that can do that, (and even at that, it is NOT 100% accurate/guaranteed) is IVF with PGD.

I hope that helps a little bit. It's not the answer you wanted, I know, but I don't think the sperm wash will make a darn bit of difference in whether or not your child ends up with CF.


New member

I'm no expert on the matter, but from what research shows about sperm washing, there isn't a whole lot of details about it, or what it can prevent. That being said, CF is a genetic disease that is passed down from parent to child, and all i can find about sperm washing is <i>"Sperm washing separates sperm cells from a man's semen, helping to get rid of dead or slow-moving sperm as well as additional chemicals that may impair fertilization. Once sperm has been washed at your fertility clinic's laboratory, it can be used during IUI to help achieve pregnancy. There are a variety of different sperm washing procedures."</i> So if sperm quality is the issue regarding GETTING pregnant, than a sperm wash may very well help solve your problem.

There is no research yet (that I can find) that shows that sperm washing can help eliminate genetic diseases. The only procedure thusfar that can do that, (and even at that, it is NOT 100% accurate/guaranteed) is IVF with PGD.

I hope that helps a little bit. It's not the answer you wanted, I know, but I don't think the sperm wash will make a darn bit of difference in whether or not your child ends up with CF.


New member

I'm no expert on the matter, but from what research shows about sperm washing, there isn't a whole lot of details about it, or what it can prevent. That being said, CF is a genetic disease that is passed down from parent to child, and all i can find about sperm washing is <i>"Sperm washing separates sperm cells from a man's semen, helping to get rid of dead or slow-moving sperm as well as additional chemicals that may impair fertilization. Once sperm has been washed at your fertility clinic's laboratory, it can be used during IUI to help achieve pregnancy. There are a variety of different sperm washing procedures."</i> So if sperm quality is the issue regarding GETTING pregnant, than a sperm wash may very well help solve your problem.

There is no research yet (that I can find) that shows that sperm washing can help eliminate genetic diseases. The only procedure thusfar that can do that, (and even at that, it is NOT 100% accurate/guaranteed) is IVF with PGD.

I hope that helps a little bit. It's not the answer you wanted, I know, but I don't think the sperm wash will make a darn bit of difference in whether or not your child ends up with CF.


New member

I'm no expert on the matter, but from what research shows about sperm washing, there isn't a whole lot of details about it, or what it can prevent. That being said, CF is a genetic disease that is passed down from parent to child, and all i can find about sperm washing is <i>"Sperm washing separates sperm cells from a man's semen, helping to get rid of dead or slow-moving sperm as well as additional chemicals that may impair fertilization. Once sperm has been washed at your fertility clinic's laboratory, it can be used during IUI to help achieve pregnancy. There are a variety of different sperm washing procedures."</i> So if sperm quality is the issue regarding GETTING pregnant, than a sperm wash may very well help solve your problem.

There is no research yet (that I can find) that shows that sperm washing can help eliminate genetic diseases. The only procedure thusfar that can do that, (and even at that, it is NOT 100% accurate/guaranteed) is IVF with PGD.

I hope that helps a little bit. It's not the answer you wanted, I know, but I don't think the sperm wash will make a darn bit of difference in whether or not your child ends up with CF.


New member

I'm no expert on the matter, but from what research shows about sperm washing, there isn't a whole lot of details about it, or what it can prevent. That being said, CF is a genetic disease that is passed down from parent to child, and all i can find about sperm washing is <i>"Sperm washing separates sperm cells from a man's semen, helping to get rid of dead or slow-moving sperm as well as additional chemicals that may impair fertilization. Once sperm has been washed at your fertility clinic's laboratory, it can be used during IUI to help achieve pregnancy. There are a variety of different sperm washing procedures."</i> So if sperm quality is the issue regarding GETTING pregnant, than a sperm wash may very well help solve your problem.

There is no research yet (that I can find) that shows that sperm washing can help eliminate genetic diseases. The only procedure thusfar that can do that, (and even at that, it is NOT 100% accurate/guaranteed) is IVF with PGD.

I hope that helps a little bit. It's not the answer you wanted, I know, but I don't think the sperm wash will make a darn bit of difference in whether or not your child ends up with CF.


New member
I'm with Julie on this one. In no way does sperm washing get rid of the sperm with or without the CF gene. The CF gene doesn't determine the viability of the sperm. Other factors cause low motility etc.

I can't help you with the other question. I've never carried a child with CF. I have CF myself.


New member
I'm with Julie on this one. In no way does sperm washing get rid of the sperm with or without the CF gene. The CF gene doesn't determine the viability of the sperm. Other factors cause low motility etc.

I can't help you with the other question. I've never carried a child with CF. I have CF myself.


New member
I'm with Julie on this one. In no way does sperm washing get rid of the sperm with or without the CF gene. The CF gene doesn't determine the viability of the sperm. Other factors cause low motility etc.

I can't help you with the other question. I've never carried a child with CF. I have CF myself.


New member
I'm with Julie on this one. In no way does sperm washing get rid of the sperm with or without the CF gene. The CF gene doesn't determine the viability of the sperm. Other factors cause low motility etc.

I can't help you with the other question. I've never carried a child with CF. I have CF myself.


New member
I'm with Julie on this one. In no way does sperm washing get rid of the sperm with or without the CF gene. The CF gene doesn't determine the viability of the sperm. Other factors cause low motility etc.

I can't help you with the other question. I've never carried a child with CF. I have CF myself.


New member
I have cf and my son has a-typical cf. It pains me to put that in writing. I still can't believe it. Oh well at least we know. There are people out there with cf that have children with cf that don't even know it. Hopefully none on here. The reason we even know he has the two mutations is because with my history of cf, I pushed for extensive genetic screening on him. They found one of my two cf mut's and another one that had not previously been found in my husband. We now realize they didn't test hubby for this mutation.

My son has two mutations - one that is a classic cf mutation and one that is more rare and mild. My pregnancy was normal...actually fabulous. His size was and is great. He has not presented with any symptoms of cf. In fact, by CFF definition he does not have cf.

Please do not let this news cloud your pregnancy enjoyment. What a great time it is making life. Let me know if you have any other questions.


New member
I have cf and my son has a-typical cf. It pains me to put that in writing. I still can't believe it. Oh well at least we know. There are people out there with cf that have children with cf that don't even know it. Hopefully none on here. The reason we even know he has the two mutations is because with my history of cf, I pushed for extensive genetic screening on him. They found one of my two cf mut's and another one that had not previously been found in my husband. We now realize they didn't test hubby for this mutation.

My son has two mutations - one that is a classic cf mutation and one that is more rare and mild. My pregnancy was normal...actually fabulous. His size was and is great. He has not presented with any symptoms of cf. In fact, by CFF definition he does not have cf.

Please do not let this news cloud your pregnancy enjoyment. What a great time it is making life. Let me know if you have any other questions.


New member
I have cf and my son has a-typical cf. It pains me to put that in writing. I still can't believe it. Oh well at least we know. There are people out there with cf that have children with cf that don't even know it. Hopefully none on here. The reason we even know he has the two mutations is because with my history of cf, I pushed for extensive genetic screening on him. They found one of my two cf mut's and another one that had not previously been found in my husband. We now realize they didn't test hubby for this mutation.

My son has two mutations - one that is a classic cf mutation and one that is more rare and mild. My pregnancy was normal...actually fabulous. His size was and is great. He has not presented with any symptoms of cf. In fact, by CFF definition he does not have cf.

Please do not let this news cloud your pregnancy enjoyment. What a great time it is making life. Let me know if you have any other questions.


New member
I have cf and my son has a-typical cf. It pains me to put that in writing. I still can't believe it. Oh well at least we know. There are people out there with cf that have children with cf that don't even know it. Hopefully none on here. The reason we even know he has the two mutations is because with my history of cf, I pushed for extensive genetic screening on him. They found one of my two cf mut's and another one that had not previously been found in my husband. We now realize they didn't test hubby for this mutation.

My son has two mutations - one that is a classic cf mutation and one that is more rare and mild. My pregnancy was normal...actually fabulous. His size was and is great. He has not presented with any symptoms of cf. In fact, by CFF definition he does not have cf.

Please do not let this news cloud your pregnancy enjoyment. What a great time it is making life. Let me know if you have any other questions.


New member
I have cf and my son has a-typical cf. It pains me to put that in writing. I still can't believe it. Oh well at least we know. There are people out there with cf that have children with cf that don't even know it. Hopefully none on here. The reason we even know he has the two mutations is because with my history of cf, I pushed for extensive genetic screening on him. They found one of my two cf mut's and another one that had not previously been found in my husband. We now realize they didn't test hubby for this mutation.

My son has two mutations - one that is a classic cf mutation and one that is more rare and mild. My pregnancy was normal...actually fabulous. His size was and is great. He has not presented with any symptoms of cf. In fact, by CFF definition he does not have cf.

Please do not let this news cloud your pregnancy enjoyment. What a great time it is making life. Let me know if you have any other questions.