

New member
I'd like to get some feedback from anyone that has gone through IUI with femara or injectables and had success. My husband and I have been struggling with infertility for over 3 years now. Not only is my CF an issue, but he also has mild male factor. We did 2 IUIs in 2013 that were unsuccessful and sought a 2nd opinion and at that time was told that IVF w/ICSI was the way to go. Well, turns out, unless I can find an IVF clinic that will do the retrieval in an OR, IVF will not be an option for us. Anesthesiologists from two clinics are not comfortable with placing me under the anesthesia. Now we are being told that IUI will be our best bet and perhaps instead of clomid, we should try femara and/or injectables. I was told that I didn't give IUI a fair shot last time.... not too sure how I feel about that statement but whatever. If you had a successful IUI I'd like to hear from you!


New member
First, I am thinking of you. Infertility sucks. I have been fortunate enough to have mild CF symptoms (at least lungwise), and infertility was so much worse emotionally than any CF issue I have encountered.

Second, yes! I have had a successful IUI....now hoping for a successful pregnancy . Currently 22 weeks and all seems to be going well. I of course have to go to the MFM specialist because of my CF and pancreatic issues, but so far the baby is measuring ahead of schedule etc. Fingers crossed that IUI does the trick for you as well.

Long story short, my first IUI cycle worked...after several failed medicated cycles (without IUI). I used Femara every time, and in theory it worked (I ovulated). For my IUI cycle, they added in low dose Gonal-F. I had two large follicles at the time of trigger. At my IUI, the RE said he saw (sorry TMI) what could only be compared to a mucus plug in my cervix. Must explain why medicated cycles didn't work for me - couldn't get through the thick mucus!! But IUI did, and I am now expecting one baby.

My RE said that with the right combination of meds, he proposes four IUIs before moving to IVF. Has found that most people have success within four cycles if they're going to. But he said that if the meds weren't right the first time, etc., he sometimes does more than four IUIs. Male factor infertility may also impact how many times they're willing to try. We were fortunate that my husband's numbers were all good (but it wasn't just CF for us either - I have PCOS).

I will keep my fingers crossed for you that Femara + injectables + IUI is the golden ticket! Infertility is awful. I am open to any private messages etc. to offer any support that I can. Hoping for you that this works.


New member
I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant. We had a successful third round of IUI using femera and ovidril to trigger. Infertility can be so frustrating. I'm hoping that finding the right combination of drugs works for you. Best of luck!


New member
Thanks Meg! Were the first 2 IUIs also with Femara? We tried clomid + trigger / IUI both times and our RE has now switched us to Femara. I didn't like the side effects from the clomid not to mention that I read it can cause a hostile environment and thin the uterine lining. Right now we are planning on doing our IUI in June.


New member
I'm sorry you are going through what you are going through. I feel your pain. My RE is very conservative and didn't want to do medicated IUI's because of the risk of multiples. I did 7 natural cycle IUI's before moving to IVF. I too was worried about egg retrieval but it turned out it wasn't a big deal. It's way harder emotionally than physically. If you ever want info or advice on IVF with CF just message me. It's always interesting to see how each RE confronts CF.


New member
Thanks Ssharkey : ) It's definitely weighing heavy on my heart as I've always wanted kids and of course didn't realize how hard it could be with my CF until I was older. My RE also does not want to do injectables because of the risk of multiples. I'm not too concerned about the egg retrieval but my RE is. Their anesthesiologist reviewed my PFTs from over the last 2 years and was not comfortable. They said if they performed the retrieval in the OR in a hospital it wouldn't be an issue but since it's just at their clinic, they are putting themselves and me at risk. I've been under anesthesia a number of times... (sinus surgery, oral surgery, gallstone removal, chole) so although I understand their reservations, it's still very frustrating. But if by some miracle IUI can work for us, I'm all for it because it's definitely cheaper. We also run into an issue with my husband so it's a double whammy. So, did IVF work for you?


New member
Ivf did and didn't work. First off, I'm one of the lucky kalydeco patients. I'm pretty healthy and for the most part can forget I have CF when I'm on Kalydeco. However, I responded poorly to the ivf protocol. Ended up with a beautiful day 5 blastocyst to transfer and another to freeze. Wish there were more to freeze. I did get pregnant but unfortunately had an early miscarriage at 5-6 weeks. I went off kalydeco at the same time as the transfer and the adjustment going off leaves me with increased mucus and coughing for a few weeks. The doctor can't tell if there was a genetic abnormality with the embryo which is the most common reason for miscarriages. My hunch is that the abrupt change in mucus production from going off the kalydeco changed my uterine lining. No one can confirm this because they know so little about that med. Very frustrating! I am off the med and waiting to start a different ivf protocol next cycle that will hopefully yield more eggs and better prepare my uterine lining for better success. The silver lining, as heartbreaking as it is, is that I can get pregnant.

Have you thought of seeking another opinion. The doctors vary so much on what they are and aren't comfortable with. The egg retrieval while at a clinic was basically an OR. I felt silly for feeling nervous about it. But remember, your safety is of the utmost importance!


New member
I've heard Kalydeco is a miracle drug! I have DDF508 so Kalydeco is not an option for me. The RE that had the reservations was a 2nd opinion. I then sought a 3rd opinion from an RE that was linked to the University where I get my CF care. He said he agreed with the other doctor. He said they used to do their retrievals in an OR but had just recently made the change to doing it outpatient (just my luck). He (the 3rd dr) went on to say that I didn't give IUI a fair shot and I should look into injectables and / or femara. This led me back to my original RE who did the 2 IUIs in 2013. So...after all of that.... I'm now back with my original guy. He isn't ready to look at IVF with me just yet because he feels we don't need to be that aggressive just yet. He seems fairly confident that IUI will work for us. Is Kalydeco not safe during pregnancy? I'm happy to hear that you can get pregnant and I hope you get to start your next IVF cycle - this time next year you could be holding your new baby. How exciting is that?!


Super Moderator
Hi yall I just wanted to tell all of you that have commented here that there is a private Facebook group for women with cf that are trying to get pregnant, have kids, adopting, etc. there is tons of information on there and lots of women that have gone through what you're going through so private message me here if you would like to join and I can add you or get you in touch with the admins of that group.


New member
Hi all, this is my 1st cycle of iui using gonal f and ovitrelle for trigger.All going well. Hoping and praying it works for us.:)


Super Moderator
I have a CF friend who just had her baby through IUI. Not sure of the details. I'm sure she would be happy to answer questions if you would like her info.

Alfie- Best of luck to you!!