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Has anyone tried IUI? My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years now with no luck. I saw a reproductive endocrinologist and they suggested we try IUI. My husband is not a carrier of the CF gene
Iui is intrauterine insemination. They can either do iui with an oral medication called clomid or injectables. They usually start with clomid though, the medications stimulate the follicles. Normally each month only one follicle will release an egg but with the clomid several are stimulated at once. So here is the schedule incase you wanted to know since i would have like to know before i started. keep in mind this may change from person to person a little.
Day 1 you call the doctors to say your period started.
Day 3-4 you go into the office to have your blood drawn and they do an ultrasound to look at your ovaries.
Day 3-7 you take clomid,prenatal vitamin, and a baby aspirin
Day 7- 11 weeks you will continue the baby aspirin and the prenatal vitamins until delivery.
A week after starting the clomid approx Day 10 you go back to the doctors for blood work and another ultrasound to see how many follicles are stimulated and they measure them to see how big they are. If they are not big enough and depending on the lab work they may have you come back in two days for labs and ultrasound again.
If the follicles look good they will tell you when they will do the iui.
They night before you inject HCG into the fatty tissue of your stomach.
The morning of the iui your partner will provide a sample either at home or the office and they will "wash" his sample to count the sperm and motility and wash away the excess product not needed. Keep in mind if collecting at home it must be in the office within 1 hour. Also it takes about an hour for them to wash the sample.
After the sample is washed they do the iui with a small flexible catheter.
You then return in 2 weeks to do a pregnancy test to see if it worked. If not you start over on day 1 again.


I have a little boy conceived through IUI! It took us 6 tries but he is SO worth it! I also know 23 other women with CF who are now mothers thanks to IUI :D Feel free to message me with any questions you may have. The PM facility on here doesn't seem to work very well (at least not for me) so it's probably best to contact me directly here: https://www.facebook.com/emma.harris.16

I run a FB roup for 400 women with CF who are either mothers or trying to become mothers, so if you'd like to chat with them, please let me know x