IV antibiotics


New member
Hello everyone-

Has anyone been on the IVs Ceftazidime and Imipenam? My boyfriend is actually going on them tomorrow for 2 weeks. His doctor hasn't taken a sputum culture from him in 3 months and prescribed those.. should he have gotten a sputum culture? My boyfriend asked him if he should come in and give one first since it's been so long, but his Dr. said it probably didnt change.. does that make sense?


New member
They should probably run a new sputun culture (since something must have prompted his going on IVs, and you should find out if there's a new bug causing the trouble), however... anything to do with microbiology is going to take some lab time to get results back. They will generally prescribe based on previous cultures, and change if necessary when the new culture results come back.


New member
I've been on that combo a few times. Normally cf patients should have at least one ( or more) sputum culture(s) a year . With having b.cepacia i get it done about twice a year, and also sent out for synergy testing. His doctor may be right that in 3 months his cultures may not have changed, but i would want to be sure if i were him.


New member
I would recommend that he/you inform the doctor that the meds will not be used unless he has a sputum culture. The problem with just Rxing medications is that the bacteria (and even his body) may not be receptive to them at that exact time, or per that exact bacteria. By the doctor having him use this without doing a culture AND sensitivity-he runs the risk of your BF building a resistance to medications he may not even need right now or medications that aren't going to do him any good. I hope that makes sense. "it probably didn't change" isn't the answer I would settle with, that's like me saying, "well it probably won't kill you if you try it doc" I mean, come on.

Has your BF ever been on these medications before? If they were his last protocol, I would recommend waht the previous poster stated-give the sputum sample ASAP before he starts the meds. Then immediatley after the sputum culture (and pan sensitivity) start the meds while awaiting results. Once the results come back, the meds can be tweaked. If these are meds that your BF has never been on though, I would stop that doctor in his tracks and question him-it's your right and your BF's right.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Imipenam made me very nauseous when I was on it -- keep us updated if these are the meds hw will actually be on, and how he does on them!!


New member
Imipenem is not used too often these days there is another brand meripenem. However, Imipenem is the only choice for Acinetobacter Baumanni if the doc suspects it or something. If it is Cepacia meripenem , ceftazidime, and amikacin could be used spontaneously. I dunno so dont take my words. I was just telling from my experience and what I have read.


New member
Imipenem and Meropenem are related, though. From what I hear, both can make you nauseous. As CheeryColleen said, she was nauseated on the Imipenem. And I am currently on Meropenem for the second time. It made me nauseous the first time I was on it, and it's making me nauseous again this time. Heh.


New member
As a minor digression, how did you deal with the nausea (if at all), CheerColl? When I had that horrific nausea on Meropenem, my doc gave me Zofram, a whoppingly expensive anti-nausea drug, but it only partially helped. (Oddly enough, I haven't had that side effect from Meropenem since, even on equal doses.)


New member
I hope you don't mind, but I will answer that question as well, even though I'm not CheeryColleen. As for the nausea, I've heard of Zofran, but have yet to try it. When I feel sick on the Meropenem, I tend to lay down for a while (I sleep more when on it, not sure if that's a side effect or just because I feel lazy haha), and maybe sleep. I've been taking a lot of Ibuprofin because some of my nausea seems to stem from headaches. So if I can dumb down the headache, the nausea goes with it. But either way, although it does nauseate me, more of what it does seems to be just completely stripping me of my appetite. I've never had a huge problem gaining weight, so that's not an issue for me. So when on it, if I don't feel like eating, I don't eat. I still eat every day, but a lot less than when I'm not on Meropenem.

Even though I'm nauseous on it, during the two weeks, there are a few things that always sound good. Last time I lived on Junior Mints. I ate boxes at a time. This time it's been a few things. I've been drinking a lot of Carnation Instant Breakfasts. Also, during the first week, I was dying for Outback Steakhouse (oh man their cheese fries are THE best). So earlier this week I asked my mom to fund a trip for me and Mike, and she did, so we went. I pigged out on cheese fries, onion soup, garlic mashed potatoes, and prime rib. I also have had a craving for teriyaki chicken. But the other thing I might suggest (though certainly not in traditional smoking form) would be pot. Someone I know recently gave me pot brownies when I was feeling less than hungry, and as per always with weed, I got the munchies. I ate until I was so full it hurt. Hahaha.


New member
I've used Zofran a few times, and I've found it very effective (I finally got some sleep after vomiting every 15 minutes for 10 hours). One thing I was told about it though, is that after more than 5 consecutive doses, it will lose its affecttiveness. I'm not sure why, but that's what I was told, so I would only use it as a last ditch option.


New member
My boyfriend has been on imipenam and ceftaf since Wednesday.. seems that all is well- he already is getting his appetite back and seems to have more energy- there is one problem though.. his skin around his belly, his sides, and part of his back are breaking out in a slight rash. It looks like a lot of red spots, some of them darker than others. The Dr. told him to take a Benadryl and he's going in to see him tomorrow. Has anyone had this affect?