iv side effect

when i do ivs, it seems like my skin is drier and i tend to break out. sometimes when i use a cleaning product on my face during iv meds, my skin is more sensitive and my face turns a little red. i know this is due to iv meds. i was wondering if this happens to anyone else. if yes, what do you do to help your dry skin and clear breakouts.


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Last month was my daughters first time being on Trobra & Zosyn IV's and she had an acne breakout, mostly on her shoulders. I was wondering if it was the meds, or just being sick,or something else that caused it.


Hi Teri,
My daughter experienced this around the age of 16 - 17 with acne over her shoulders, back and neck. It seemed to happen when antibiotics were increased and we tried all sorts of topical treatments including prescription creams from the doctor. I think in the end it was oral probiotics and Proactiv skin care treatments that helped clear it up. She still experiences minor outbreaks from time to time but nothing like the severity of those early outbreaks.


Super Moderator
Thanks Jenny,
She has been off the IV's for about 2 weeks now and I can see that it is already starting to clear up. We were using aloe gel with tee tree oil in it, hopefully it will clear up completely soon.