IVF/IUI to get pregnant


New member

I don't have CFRD either, but I did fail the glucose tolerance test (barely, they wanted the bloodsugar under 160 and mine was 166) when I was pregnant with my first. I was sent to a dietician who assumed, just because I had CF, that I would have trouble gaining weight and put me on a 3000 calorie a day diabetic diet. Well, I have never had trouble gaining weight, and there was no way I could ever follow that diet, so what I did was I monitor my blood sugars as directed (under 95 fasting, 145 or under 1 hour after eating), but I continued to eat whatever I wanted. My blood suagrs were fine and never went high.

This pregnancy I have declined to take the GTT, but I have been monitoring my sugars with the monitor I had from before, and again, so far, no high sugars.

I have heard that CFers can be prone to gestational diabetes, but hopefully you won't fall into that category.


New member
I haven't read all the posts left for you so forgive me if I'm redundant.lol
You may not be ovulating. I thought I was, always tested with the OPK's and always got positive ones, but when I finally went to see my doctor and had the CD 21 progesterone test done it came back VERY low indicating I had not ovulated, I had a pos OPK that cycle, sometimes you may ovulate but it is very weak ovulation. So, if you haven't already get the blood work done and make sure you are ovulating.
Also, you said you have thick cm, I have read some really good stories about pre-seed, have you heard of it or tried it? I'm sure you've heard of it after all you do have a shrine in your bathroom. lmao :) Anyway if you haven't heard of it, go to www.twoweekwait.com and look under the BFP with Pre-seed, its under "sBFP Stories" on the left of the page. I didn't realize how amazing that stuff was till I read all the stories of women getting BFP on first cycle using it.
Lots of BABYDUST to you!!!!!!!!


New member
I have heard of pre-seed, but I have never tried it.

I never considered that I wasn't ovulating. I just assumed since I'm so regular, anad the tests always show up the same every month that I had thick mucus. I'm having blood work and all that done in about a week, then we will decide what route to take. I am so nervous, but so excited. I wonder what the drug of choice would be for ovulation? I'm guessing clomid. I'm a little scared though. I don't want to be pregnant with twins/triplets. It is going to be hard enough to carry one to term and have it at a healthy weight, much less two. Oh, well, I will cross that bridge when I get to it, and not worry about something that probably won't even happen.

Thanks everybody for all of your support! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
I'll let you know how the dr's visit goes, and when I am good and knocked up <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi irishgirl!<br>
I'm new to the sight but definitely have some experience here. I
tried the robitussin for about a year to no avail. I then tried
clomid, but again with no success. Finally our second attempt at
IUI took, YEAH. The catch? I had only produced 2 eggs and they BOTH
took. The odds of that were so small that they hadn't really
worried about that. I am already a diabetic that uses a pump so
when my DR found out it was twins he about passed out! I was really
lucky my FEV levels were always good (mid 90's) but what really
made this was the head of the perinatology (high risk pregnancy)
agreed to take my case. He worked with my DR, and up until 30 weeks
(when my daughter tried to climb into my chest- she's still a
gymnast!) I had almost no problems, I became short of breath (go
figure) and lost a pound. I had only gained 25, so it was a red
flag. They were delivered at 33 weeks and are fine Luckily I
recovered my lung function pretty quickly.  The biggest issue
I have now is trying to keep up with 6 year old twins! That
however is a comment not to be taken lightly. Lack of sleep lowers
your immunity, as well as a little one bringing home all of the fun
bugs that float around school! I don't regret it at all, I just
want to encourage everyone to make sure they have solid backup help
in place!