New member
there are some part time jobs you can get with health insurance that does cover IVF I know some women who had part time jobs in addition to their careers for this reason. I do not remember the places but I am sure some internet trolling will uncover this information for you. I would highly advise against a credit card, not only will you end up paying 20,30000 or more by the time all is said and done but you will have the issue of if it didnt work looking at that bill and paying it will kill you (I have read this from many others on my infertility board).
It seems (to me) perhaps you are putting the cart before the horse. Shouldnt you obtain a carrier (harder than it sounds at times), start saving or looking into hwo to pay for it, make sure all health care and doctors you mentioned are in order and then complete the process? Fresh, as mentioned is better so it seems that waiting a bit longer to get everythign in order might be ideal. I do understand the wanting to do it now.
I am curious if your healht is too poor to carry a child if you have made arrangements for who will care for the child once it is born? For me even though I had a rough prenancy, the care of a baby, moreso a toddler is much harder.
I hope it all works out very well for you.
It seems (to me) perhaps you are putting the cart before the horse. Shouldnt you obtain a carrier (harder than it sounds at times), start saving or looking into hwo to pay for it, make sure all health care and doctors you mentioned are in order and then complete the process? Fresh, as mentioned is better so it seems that waiting a bit longer to get everythign in order might be ideal. I do understand the wanting to do it now.
I am curious if your healht is too poor to carry a child if you have made arrangements for who will care for the child once it is born? For me even though I had a rough prenancy, the care of a baby, moreso a toddler is much harder.
I hope it all works out very well for you.