Hey Thanks so much for asking... I didn't see this post until now... I am doing much, much, better then I was... I had a miserable first three days post operatively... THey made some errors that scared me to death and I am still not over yet.... I have to deal with it but since I am still in the hospital I can' t bring myself to deal with it emotionally.
Today was a great day for me... I had some surprise visitors, my adopted family came... and after they left I must have cried for about 15 minutes because I was so overwhelmed with the love that they poured into me.
I had a paralytic illius that has resolved so they have advanced my diet to full liquids which included farina.. I ate a few spoonfuls of farina tonight and so far so good... I should be going home tomorrow or the next day... I just have to be able to eat regular food and go to the bathroom. The pain is much less now.. They are keeping the staples in a little longer because I am on steroids and that slows the healing down.
I am excited to get on with my life.. I have a lot of good things to look forward to... and I can't wait to start doing it..
Like I said the exprerience I had the first few days post op I am going to blog about it when I work up my nerve...and when I know I am safely past it.
I have great plans for thankgiving and I just can't wait to get there and start cooking and hanging out.
Thanks for asking
Love you