<span style=
" color: #ff0000; font-family: Verdana; font-size: small;"><b>here's
a game I saw in an old post.Thought it would be fun to do it again
since we have new people.Heres how it goes: I name two things and
the next person says which one they prefer and suggests another
two. e.g. someone writes dog or cat, I would say my
preference,dog,then add my two. So here it
<span style=
" font-size: small; color: #ff0000; font-family: Verdana;"><b>boy
or girl?</b>
" color: #ff0000; font-family: Verdana; font-size: small;"><b>here's
a game I saw in an old post.Thought it would be fun to do it again
since we have new people.Heres how it goes: I name two things and
the next person says which one they prefer and suggests another
two. e.g. someone writes dog or cat, I would say my
preference,dog,then add my two. So here it
<span style=
" font-size: small; color: #ff0000; font-family: Verdana;"><b>boy
or girl?</b>