joint pain - help with diagnosis


New member
Hello all. I'm the father of an 11 year old boy, Patrick, who has CF. I'm desperately looking for any help or ideas from people who have come across similar symptoms described below.

Patrick is a very active boy and fortunately his lungs and lung function tests are still in good shape.

However he is currently experiencing severe pain in many of his joints. In particular his back is bad (along the spine). He also has pain in his ankles, knees, and shoulders though not as bad as his back and can only walk 10 yards before he has to lie down due to the pain. He has had these symptoms for over a week without any sign of them abating. He has been on prednislone, naproxen & declofenac but so far these have not helped. There are no obvious signs of swelling at his joints.

Other symptoms include:
* burning sensation on the skin of his face, which comes and goes
* a red 'patch' or rash on his elbows and shoulders which comes and goes
* After the 5th day of symptoms, Patrick's condition suddenly got worse with a severe and sudden increase in pain (this came about 30 minutes after eating a large dinner). At the same time his pain increased, red patches flared up immediately on his elbows, shoulder and the top of his thigh. After about 45 minutes the pain and red patches calmed down. Then Patrick was physically sick, which triggered an immediate increase in pain and also the red patches immediately flared up. The pain and patches subsided again after 30 minutes.

His spine is very sensitive to even the gentlest of touches.

So far, the doctors have been unable to find out what is the problem. They were surprised the anti inflammatories and steroids have had no effect as I think they suspected Arthropy, even though his lungs are in good shape (also no sign of a cough or wheeze).

I would be very grateful for any of your ideas regarding what might be causing the above especially any comments from those of you unlucky enough to have experienced similar symptoms.

Thanks and regards


PS This is a great forum that I accidentally stumbled across.


New member
Hello all. I'm the father of an 11 year old boy, Patrick, who has CF. I'm desperately looking for any help or ideas from people who have come across similar symptoms described below.

Patrick is a very active boy and fortunately his lungs and lung function tests are still in good shape.

However he is currently experiencing severe pain in many of his joints. In particular his back is bad (along the spine). He also has pain in his ankles, knees, and shoulders though not as bad as his back and can only walk 10 yards before he has to lie down due to the pain. He has had these symptoms for over a week without any sign of them abating. He has been on prednislone, naproxen & declofenac but so far these have not helped. There are no obvious signs of swelling at his joints.

Other symptoms include:
* burning sensation on the skin of his face, which comes and goes
* a red 'patch' or rash on his elbows and shoulders which comes and goes
* After the 5th day of symptoms, Patrick's condition suddenly got worse with a severe and sudden increase in pain (this came about 30 minutes after eating a large dinner). At the same time his pain increased, red patches flared up immediately on his elbows, shoulder and the top of his thigh. After about 45 minutes the pain and red patches calmed down. Then Patrick was physically sick, which triggered an immediate increase in pain and also the red patches immediately flared up. The pain and patches subsided again after 30 minutes.

His spine is very sensitive to even the gentlest of touches.

So far, the doctors have been unable to find out what is the problem. They were surprised the anti inflammatories and steroids have had no effect as I think they suspected Arthropy, even though his lungs are in good shape (also no sign of a cough or wheeze).

I would be very grateful for any of your ideas regarding what might be causing the above especially any comments from those of you unlucky enough to have experienced similar symptoms.

Thanks and regards


PS This is a great forum that I accidentally stumbled across.


New member
Hello all. I'm the father of an 11 year old boy, Patrick, who has CF. I'm desperately looking for any help or ideas from people who have come across similar symptoms described below.

Patrick is a very active boy and fortunately his lungs and lung function tests are still in good shape.

However he is currently experiencing severe pain in many of his joints. In particular his back is bad (along the spine). He also has pain in his ankles, knees, and shoulders though not as bad as his back and can only walk 10 yards before he has to lie down due to the pain. He has had these symptoms for over a week without any sign of them abating. He has been on prednislone, naproxen & declofenac but so far these have not helped. There are no obvious signs of swelling at his joints.

Other symptoms include:
* burning sensation on the skin of his face, which comes and goes
* a red 'patch' or rash on his elbows and shoulders which comes and goes
* After the 5th day of symptoms, Patrick's condition suddenly got worse with a severe and sudden increase in pain (this came about 30 minutes after eating a large dinner). At the same time his pain increased, red patches flared up immediately on his elbows, shoulder and the top of his thigh. After about 45 minutes the pain and red patches calmed down. Then Patrick was physically sick, which triggered an immediate increase in pain and also the red patches immediately flared up. The pain and patches subsided again after 30 minutes.

His spine is very sensitive to even the gentlest of touches.

So far, the doctors have been unable to find out what is the problem. They were surprised the anti inflammatories and steroids have had no effect as I think they suspected Arthropy, even though his lungs are in good shape (also no sign of a cough or wheeze).

I would be very grateful for any of your ideas regarding what might be causing the above especially any comments from those of you unlucky enough to have experienced similar symptoms.

Thanks and regards


PS This is a great forum that I accidentally stumbled across.


New member
sounds like CF related arthritis. hopefully allie will respond to this thread as her late husband Ry suffered from CFRA


New member
sounds like CF related arthritis. hopefully allie will respond to this thread as her late husband Ry suffered from CFRA


New member
sounds like CF related arthritis. hopefully allie will respond to this thread as her late husband Ry suffered from CFRA


New member
It sounds a lot like CFRA. It's the right age of onset (Ry was about 12) and the symptoms seem very similar. Ry would get a fever, and the pain woudl come in episodes lasting from 12 hours to 2 weeks. I don't remember a rash, but he did have the sensation of burning all over.

Ry's pain was most noticable in his back, knees and hips. CFRA is seen in less than 10% of CF patients, but this sounds a lot like it. Ry's had times where it would get so bad that he could barely move.

Ry tried anti inflammatories galore, but the onyl thing that really seemed to help was serious pain medication (Darvoset, Vicodin, Percoset, etc) and massage seemed to help lessen the severity and frequency of attacks.

If there's anything I can help with, let me know.


New member
It sounds a lot like CFRA. It's the right age of onset (Ry was about 12) and the symptoms seem very similar. Ry would get a fever, and the pain woudl come in episodes lasting from 12 hours to 2 weeks. I don't remember a rash, but he did have the sensation of burning all over.

Ry's pain was most noticable in his back, knees and hips. CFRA is seen in less than 10% of CF patients, but this sounds a lot like it. Ry's had times where it would get so bad that he could barely move.

Ry tried anti inflammatories galore, but the onyl thing that really seemed to help was serious pain medication (Darvoset, Vicodin, Percoset, etc) and massage seemed to help lessen the severity and frequency of attacks.

If there's anything I can help with, let me know.


New member
It sounds a lot like CFRA. It's the right age of onset (Ry was about 12) and the symptoms seem very similar. Ry would get a fever, and the pain woudl come in episodes lasting from 12 hours to 2 weeks. I don't remember a rash, but he did have the sensation of burning all over.

Ry's pain was most noticable in his back, knees and hips. CFRA is seen in less than 10% of CF patients, but this sounds a lot like it. Ry's had times where it would get so bad that he could barely move.

Ry tried anti inflammatories galore, but the onyl thing that really seemed to help was serious pain medication (Darvoset, Vicodin, Percoset, etc) and massage seemed to help lessen the severity and frequency of attacks.

If there's anything I can help with, let me know.


New member
I am so sorry for your sons pain.. Ouch... I was just talking about this not that long ago... I also get pain in my hips, shoulders hands and knees, the pain comes and goes with no predictability... I am on the same three meds your son is. I have not been dx with CFRA, I just talked to my CF team about it though.

I know another girl that goes to my clinic and she has the same exact thing... she said the only thing that helps her is a narcotic when it is real bad.....

For me I can take a hot bath and that will help for a few minutes but really I have yet to find anything that works for me.. and I don't know what to do to prevent it

I hope he feels better fast



New member
I am so sorry for your sons pain.. Ouch... I was just talking about this not that long ago... I also get pain in my hips, shoulders hands and knees, the pain comes and goes with no predictability... I am on the same three meds your son is. I have not been dx with CFRA, I just talked to my CF team about it though.

I know another girl that goes to my clinic and she has the same exact thing... she said the only thing that helps her is a narcotic when it is real bad.....

For me I can take a hot bath and that will help for a few minutes but really I have yet to find anything that works for me.. and I don't know what to do to prevent it

I hope he feels better fast



New member
I am so sorry for your sons pain.. Ouch... I was just talking about this not that long ago... I also get pain in my hips, shoulders hands and knees, the pain comes and goes with no predictability... I am on the same three meds your son is. I have not been dx with CFRA, I just talked to my CF team about it though.

I know another girl that goes to my clinic and she has the same exact thing... she said the only thing that helps her is a narcotic when it is real bad.....

For me I can take a hot bath and that will help for a few minutes but really I have yet to find anything that works for me.. and I don't know what to do to prevent it

I hope he feels better fast



New member
I am so sorry for the pain that your son is experiencing. I had my first flare-up of cfra when I was a sophmore in high school. My symptoms sound almost identical to your sons. For years, I was on prednisone everyday...naproxen, as well. I also had no lung involvement until I was out of college

The only thing that has ever helped me was switching to an anti-inflammatory diet. I followed a diet designed by a doctor named Nicholas Perricone in his book Perricone Promise. I came across it quite by accident. He was on Oprah to explain to effects of inflamation on aging. He spoke of the importance of diet in the inflamatory illness... I figured since we as cystics do have an inflamatory disease, it couldn't hurt. I will say that it goes against EVERYTHING the cf center will tell you to eat.... This is basically a mediterenean diet...low cal. For this reason, I had to bump up the calories...if it said almonds..I would eat 3 tablespoons of almond butter.

Anyway, I did the diet and did not cheat at all... In five days, I saw a dramatic decrease in achiness. In ten days....I was running....running with no pain.
There are many studies that suggest a mediterenean diet if helpful in Rheumatoid arthritis. I would gladly send you any info if want to pm me.

I am sure that pain meds would have helped me, but I have a sibling who became addicted to vicodin. It just wasn't an option for me.


New member
I am so sorry for the pain that your son is experiencing. I had my first flare-up of cfra when I was a sophmore in high school. My symptoms sound almost identical to your sons. For years, I was on prednisone everyday...naproxen, as well. I also had no lung involvement until I was out of college

The only thing that has ever helped me was switching to an anti-inflammatory diet. I followed a diet designed by a doctor named Nicholas Perricone in his book Perricone Promise. I came across it quite by accident. He was on Oprah to explain to effects of inflamation on aging. He spoke of the importance of diet in the inflamatory illness... I figured since we as cystics do have an inflamatory disease, it couldn't hurt. I will say that it goes against EVERYTHING the cf center will tell you to eat.... This is basically a mediterenean diet...low cal. For this reason, I had to bump up the calories...if it said almonds..I would eat 3 tablespoons of almond butter.

Anyway, I did the diet and did not cheat at all... In five days, I saw a dramatic decrease in achiness. In ten days....I was running....running with no pain.
There are many studies that suggest a mediterenean diet if helpful in Rheumatoid arthritis. I would gladly send you any info if want to pm me.

I am sure that pain meds would have helped me, but I have a sibling who became addicted to vicodin. It just wasn't an option for me.


New member
I am so sorry for the pain that your son is experiencing. I had my first flare-up of cfra when I was a sophmore in high school. My symptoms sound almost identical to your sons. For years, I was on prednisone everyday...naproxen, as well. I also had no lung involvement until I was out of college

The only thing that has ever helped me was switching to an anti-inflammatory diet. I followed a diet designed by a doctor named Nicholas Perricone in his book Perricone Promise. I came across it quite by accident. He was on Oprah to explain to effects of inflamation on aging. He spoke of the importance of diet in the inflamatory illness... I figured since we as cystics do have an inflamatory disease, it couldn't hurt. I will say that it goes against EVERYTHING the cf center will tell you to eat.... This is basically a mediterenean diet...low cal. For this reason, I had to bump up the calories...if it said almonds..I would eat 3 tablespoons of almond butter.

Anyway, I did the diet and did not cheat at all... In five days, I saw a dramatic decrease in achiness. In ten days....I was running....running with no pain.
There are many studies that suggest a mediterenean diet if helpful in Rheumatoid arthritis. I would gladly send you any info if want to pm me.

I am sure that pain meds would have helped me, but I have a sibling who became addicted to vicodin. It just wasn't an option for me.


New member
Hello Mandy, Allie & Jennifer,
When 'flare ups' occur, did (or your husband) have any obvious signs of swelling?

Patrick does not appear to have any sign of swelling - he can get red patches but they do not appear swollen.

I think I have read somewhere that with CFRA there is not always obvious signs of swelling at the joints.

Mandy, you mentioned you got your first symptoms when you were a sophmore. What age are you when you are a sophmore (I' live in England)?

My thoughts and good wishes to you all.



New member
Hello Mandy, Allie & Jennifer,
When 'flare ups' occur, did (or your husband) have any obvious signs of swelling?

Patrick does not appear to have any sign of swelling - he can get red patches but they do not appear swollen.

I think I have read somewhere that with CFRA there is not always obvious signs of swelling at the joints.

Mandy, you mentioned you got your first symptoms when you were a sophmore. What age are you when you are a sophmore (I' live in England)?

My thoughts and good wishes to you all.



New member
Hello Mandy, Allie & Jennifer,
When 'flare ups' occur, did (or your husband) have any obvious signs of swelling?

Patrick does not appear to have any sign of swelling - he can get red patches but they do not appear swollen.

I think I have read somewhere that with CFRA there is not always obvious signs of swelling at the joints.

Mandy, you mentioned you got your first symptoms when you were a sophmore. What age are you when you are a sophmore (I' live in England)?

My thoughts and good wishes to you all.



New member
Hello Mandy, Allie & Jennifer,
When 'flare ups' occur, did (or your husband) have any obvious signs of swelling?

Patrick does not appear to have any sign of swelling - he can get red patches but they do not appear swollen.

I think I have read somewhere that with CFRA there is not always obvious signs of swelling at the joints.

Mandy, you mentioned you got your first symptoms when you were a sophmore. What age are you when you are a sophmore (I' live in England)?

My thoughts and good wishes to you all.



New member
Hello Mandy, Allie & Jennifer,
When 'flare ups' occur, did (or your husband) have any obvious signs of swelling?

Patrick does not appear to have any sign of swelling - he can get red patches but they do not appear swollen.

I think I have read somewhere that with CFRA there is not always obvious signs of swelling at the joints.

Mandy, you mentioned you got your first symptoms when you were a sophmore. What age are you when you are a sophmore (I' live in England)?

My thoughts and good wishes to you all.
