Joint pain with CF?


New member
I was wondering if anyone has battled joint pain? I have always called it arthiritis. It has'nt happend in lon time. As a child I dealt with swollen hands, knees wrist, fingers and ankles. There are a few antibiotics that I avoid because they cause my joints to act up. I was just curious.

Trista With CF 31 yrs old


New member
I was wondering if anyone has battled joint pain? I have always called it arthiritis. It has'nt happend in lon time. As a child I dealt with swollen hands, knees wrist, fingers and ankles. There are a few antibiotics that I avoid because they cause my joints to act up. I was just curious.

Trista With CF 31 yrs old


New member
I think most CFers have joint pain. It can be triggered by many things. Meds, low O2, high CO2, poor circulation, infection. Lack of calcium & Vitamin D making the bones weaker etc. Honestly there are very few days that I dont have any pain. Some days I just want to cry constantly because I feel bad all over, but most of the time my pain is in my neck where my skull connects. I try to stay away from pain relievers until I really need them, but in order to this I recruit my hubby for lots of massage.


New member
I think most CFers have joint pain. It can be triggered by many things. Meds, low O2, high CO2, poor circulation, infection. Lack of calcium & Vitamin D making the bones weaker etc. Honestly there are very few days that I dont have any pain. Some days I just want to cry constantly because I feel bad all over, but most of the time my pain is in my neck where my skull connects. I try to stay away from pain relievers until I really need them, but in order to this I recruit my hubby for lots of massage.


New member
I have joint pain too. It always acts up when my lungs flare up and it's it time for iv's. I asked my doc and she said the cfdocs hear about it more and more, maybe because pwcf get older and there will be more complecations because of that. With other words.. maybe cfers didn't live long enough to experience all the side effects.

My doc told me there wasn't much to do about it. I take pain medication when i gets too much. She also told me it might get better after my lungtransplant, because there won't be inflamation in my lungs anymore, that my joints can react to.

xxx, Marjolein


New member
I have joint pain too. It always acts up when my lungs flare up and it's it time for iv's. I asked my doc and she said the cfdocs hear about it more and more, maybe because pwcf get older and there will be more complecations because of that. With other words.. maybe cfers didn't live long enough to experience all the side effects.

My doc told me there wasn't much to do about it. I take pain medication when i gets too much. She also told me it might get better after my lungtransplant, because there won't be inflamation in my lungs anymore, that my joints can react to.

xxx, Marjolein


New member
I have pretty bad knee and hip pain more often than not. It started in 9th grade for me. I try to walk through it and normally I can, but occasionally when I am having hip pain it causes me to walk slightly funny, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I thought it may be related to CF, but tended to write it off as genetics, my dad has had knee surgery and still to this day has problems with his knees and my grandma has had both hips and both knees replaced.
One thing I do attribute to CF is my chronic upper back pain. I have tight and sore muscles and there is a spot in the middle of my back(half way down my back on my spine) that is tender to the touch on some days - it comes and goes depending on how much I am coughing or if I am sick.



New member
I have pretty bad knee and hip pain more often than not. It started in 9th grade for me. I try to walk through it and normally I can, but occasionally when I am having hip pain it causes me to walk slightly funny, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I thought it may be related to CF, but tended to write it off as genetics, my dad has had knee surgery and still to this day has problems with his knees and my grandma has had both hips and both knees replaced.
One thing I do attribute to CF is my chronic upper back pain. I have tight and sore muscles and there is a spot in the middle of my back(half way down my back on my spine) that is tender to the touch on some days - it comes and goes depending on how much I am coughing or if I am sick.



It's funny that you mention this. Just last night my daughter was complaining about hip pain. She is in the 9th grade. I was thinking it might be related to her body changing but maybe not...



It's funny that you mention this. Just last night my daughter was complaining about hip pain. She is in the 9th grade. I was thinking it might be related to her body changing but maybe not...



New member
i dunno if i have arthritus but my bones give me a hell of a run. i got back pain my elbows lock up then snap really loud as does my knees. my legs start to hurt to the point i cant walk...o_O oly hell im a 80 year old in a 12 year old body with a 20 year old birth certificate


New member
i dunno if i have arthritus but my bones give me a hell of a run. i got back pain my elbows lock up then snap really loud as does my knees. my legs start to hurt to the point i cant walk...o_O oly hell im a 80 year old in a 12 year old body with a 20 year old birth certificate


New member
Well Vampy if you average those ages you would be about 40....LOL! Joking aside....I completely understand & quite honestly have much more compassion for the elderly who have such problems. The only difference between us & them is that we get it younger!


New member
Well Vampy if you average those ages you would be about 40....LOL! Joking aside....I completely understand & quite honestly have much more compassion for the elderly who have such problems. The only difference between us & them is that we get it younger!


New member
I have chronic back pain but I think it's more from Sculeosis (I don't know how to spell it). I never heard of joint pain due to CF, but have had a history of some strange occurences. Anyone reading this, just don't do what I did! That is taking advil on a regular basis to manage the pain. I got kidney failure from what they think was me taking advil too much and on a regular basis for too long. Not good!


New member
I have chronic back pain but I think it's more from Sculeosis (I don't know how to spell it). I never heard of joint pain due to CF, but have had a history of some strange occurences. Anyone reading this, just don't do what I did! That is taking advil on a regular basis to manage the pain. I got kidney failure from what they think was me taking advil too much and on a regular basis for too long. Not good!