Jokes Loved Ones Make About CF


New member
I'm just wondering what jokes your family / spouses / friends make about CF? I figured we may all be able to get a few good laughs out of this one.

*When Mike is out, he'll joke about needing to "go home and beat my girlfriend." My parents actually used to make the same joke... "Who's turn is it to beat the baby?"
*My freshman year at Northeastern, my RA Jared saw me doing my Pulmozyme more than once, and thereafter called me Darth Vader.
*Mike and his family made jokes all week at Disney, because we got awesome treatment because of the wheelchair. Louise (Mike's mom) was telling her sister about the trip on the phone. I overheard some of it, and the basic idea was "Well even if Emily doesn't go on our next trip, we're renting a wheelchair, because you get the red carpet treatment." Hahaha.
*Mike was saying how ashamed he is that his girlfriend can out-burp and out-fart him. And how his friends can make fun of him for it. But then again, I can out-burp and out-fart them too... so they have no room to talk.

I'm sure there's more, and I will add as I think of them, but that's all I can think of for right now. Everyone else post yours! <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
while my son was still in diapers we called him "The Heinous Anus".
We have always tried to have a good sense of humor about his "gas issues", but I think we went a little too far! He finds it very amusing to wake me up in the morning by sticking his butt in my face and farting.


New member
Ah yes, domestic violence jokes! I and Jessica make them all the time. It was even funnier when Zosyn did a number on my platelet count (I presume) and made me get bruised all over. I still try to make her feel guilty about "kicking me so much" ;-)

Be careful making those around babies, though; you never know when some maroon might take it seriously and report you.

I've also complained extensively of my short-circuiting-on-exposure-to-water-Borg-implant (accessed Mediport) when I couldn't go swimming.


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This one will stick in my memory forever....We were at my brother's funeral service and Emily was having a bad morning and coughing during the service. (As it was, she was getting dirty looks from the lay people who thought she was being disrespectful)
She started to cough harder and I forget exactly how it happened, but she I think she asked my brother's wife if she should leave instead of being disruptive and Patti said "No, absolutely not, just don't blow chunks". Well...nervous tension being what it is....we all started to laugh very quietly. Her son turned around and said "that's ok Mom everyone is going to think we're crying". You know how your shoulders move when you looks the same when you are laughing. We still laugh about that now, almost 5 years later knowing that my brother would love it too!


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I always kid with my 7 year old daughter that she is lucky because she can beat her Mommy up & not be punished for it.


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Emily, about the Darth Vader thing... One of my roomates in college said it sounded like Darth Vader on a motor boat. =-) It provides a nice mental picture. =-)


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My (future) brother-in-law started calling me "Doctor Octopus" one time after I got of the vest, with the vest and tubes still on! (like Dr. Octopus from Spiderman)


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When my daughter was little and did her breathing treatments with a mask she started saying "Houston we have a problem". This was hilarious - don't remember which movie that quote was from.


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When I was younger I used to call my nebuliser a pipe. So my parents would always say, 'go and smoke your pipe', meaning to go to take it!

Shamrock, x


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Me and my friends were eating somewhere and one of them needed salt.. another friend said just have John brush his arm off over your food. It was hot out that day and earlier I was showing them all the salt that I lost.


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My 17 year old step daughter was over and proclaimed, "Kelli, I love that shade of nail polish, where did you get it?!" Between laughs and coughs I explaind the lovely bluish purple color was my own since I wasn't getting enough oxygen. We just laughed it off! God love her!

27year old, female with CF.


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Me and a buddy were driving in downtown Nashville, not where we needed to be. Anyway, I was doing a breathing treatment in the car and we stopped at a light. A guy on the sidewalk, maybe a drug addict(LOL) yelled, "Hey my man, what you smokin on?" I just laughed and said nothing you'd want. We took off and we laughed so hard I needed another treatment. Hahahaha


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Whenever I do my vest, my dad jokes that one day I should hold a glass of milk and make him a milkshake!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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My boyfriiend calls me his rice kripsy treat because I crackle when I breathe! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> And when I lost so much weight and went down to about 88 pounds my family called me skeletor, it was funny <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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When I am hacking my husband will copy my cough and make it sound more like a cat with a hairball....of course he only does this when he knows its ok. I get the salt lick comment to...when i was younger about 10 or 11 and my brother was 4 or 5 he would literally grab my arm and lick it to get the salt he loved salt plus it was a bonus to annoy me. In high school they called me druggie because I would go to school with ivs and "shoot up" there. The real druggies gave me that name, they thought it was cool. When someone in my family has been around me a few days and starts coughing due to any reason I joke and say "looks like your catching cf" overweight cousin said one time every person should have the digestion issues with cf then no one would be fat...yes she said this completly joking not one ounce of seriousness. Theres lots of things. Oh and one of my husbands nicknames for me is coughy.


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Whenever my vest is done and dings, by sister used to say I could take myself out of the oven now. Of course, the abuse thing is a popular one in my family also, esp. with my fiance. I like the Darth Vader joke...I'm a huge Star Wars fan!