Jokes Loved Ones Make About CF


New member
I'm always getting called human salt lick or the human salt shaker! When i'm watching my 4 yr old nephew and get a coughing fit he'll say " Aunt Carrie, I can't hear the TV!!! One time when my niece was 3 we went to Red Lobster to celebrate my Mom's birthday and i got a small coughing fit and out of no where she looks at me starts fake coughing!!!


New member
I'm wondering if anyone else uses the Acapella? I just got one within the past few weeks, and I gave it a nickname. It does not get called Acapella. When I ask Mike to get it for me, or his mom to throw it in the dishwasher, or talk about my new therapy device thingie... I call it the slug. Does anyone else think it looks like a slug? Mine's green, so maybe that helps the illusion. Haha. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
The acapella would look funny if you drew 2 big eyes on it, and painted the mouthpiece pink (for the lipstick)
Just another pipe dream though i guess.....!

Shamrock, x


New member
When my sister does her vest and her breathing treatment at the same time she looks like a scubba diver. My two year old will look at her and say Blub Blub. Her mask for her treatment is a fish so that fits to. This is how we got my daughter to not be scared of my sister while she takes her treatments.



New member
Two things:
1. Blub blub is cute. I'm glad your daughter found a way to not be scared of your sister. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
2. Shamrock, you have now given me an idea. I intend to find a marker of some kind and try to put eyes on my Acapella slug. Haaaaaaaaaa. If it comes out good, I'll take a picture and put it up so you guys can see. lol


<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>EmilysMom</b></i><br>This one will stick in my memory forever....We were at my brother's funeral service and Emily was having a bad morning and coughing during the service. (As it was, she was getting dirty looks from the lay people who thought she was being disrespectful)

She started to cough harder and I forget exactly how it happened, but she I think she asked my brother's wife if she should leave instead of being disruptive and Patti said "No, absolutely not, just don't blow chunks". Well...nervous tension being what it is....we all started to laugh very quietly. Her son turned around and said "that's ok Mom everyone is going to think we're crying". You know how your shoulders move when you looks the same when you are laughing. We still laugh about that now, almost 5 years later knowing that my brother would love it too!<hr></blockquote>

that's funny, i kind of had the same experiece at my friend ronnie cainz's funeral 2.5 years ago, that story just brought back a funny moment in my life.

btw; how was that willy wonka & the chocolate factory? any good? <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
It's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the new one... and it's not out until July. I guarantee my mom will like it, though. Haha.


New member
My boyfriend does "ET phone home" and puts his finger in the air- bc of his long clubbed fingers, we say they look like ET's. :)