joshua's dad


New member
My kids are not the "typical" example for a person with CF, but if you are interested you could read the first entry in my blog page (link in my signature line)

Welcome to the site.


New member
Hello and welcome. Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. That is NOT easy to handle and especially hard living in a country where there aren't many CF patients. I would make sure (as I'm sure you're doing) to find the best hospital around to treat your son.
I would challenge you to use this website and the internet in general to reasearch and look for what treatments work, what medications are the best, etc.
Good luck to you and I'm so glad Joshua is home so you can enjoy him.
I hope you can find some hope on here. I am 29 and pretty healthy, meaning I can do practically anything (except for running a marathon or something BUT there are CF'ers on here who can run marathons).
Best of luck to you.
29 female w/CF


New member
Hello and welcome. Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. That is NOT easy to handle and especially hard living in a country where there aren't many CF patients. I would make sure (as I'm sure you're doing) to find the best hospital around to treat your son.
I would challenge you to use this website and the internet in general to reasearch and look for what treatments work, what medications are the best, etc.
Good luck to you and I'm so glad Joshua is home so you can enjoy him.
I hope you can find some hope on here. I am 29 and pretty healthy, meaning I can do practically anything (except for running a marathon or something BUT there are CF'ers on here who can run marathons).
Best of luck to you.
29 female w/CF


New member
Hello and welcome. Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. That is NOT easy to handle and especially hard living in a country where there aren't many CF patients. I would make sure (as I'm sure you're doing) to find the best hospital around to treat your son.
I would challenge you to use this website and the internet in general to reasearch and look for what treatments work, what medications are the best, etc.
Good luck to you and I'm so glad Joshua is home so you can enjoy him.
I hope you can find some hope on here. I am 29 and pretty healthy, meaning I can do practically anything (except for running a marathon or something BUT there are CF'ers on here who can run marathons).
Best of luck to you.
29 female w/CF


New member
Hi Patrick, Welcome to the site, you will find lots of infomation, and encouragement here... there is a family and newly diagnosed link here that i'm sure will be helpful to you and your little guy Josh.... i am a 55 y/o f w c/f, i try hard to take good care of myself and leave the rest up to God... You will both be in my prayers, stay as positive as you can and God Bless... Joni


New member
Hi Patrick, Welcome to the site, you will find lots of infomation, and encouragement here... there is a family and newly diagnosed link here that i'm sure will be helpful to you and your little guy Josh.... i am a 55 y/o f w c/f, i try hard to take good care of myself and leave the rest up to God... You will both be in my prayers, stay as positive as you can and God Bless... Joni


New member
Hi Patrick, Welcome to the site, you will find lots of infomation, and encouragement here... there is a family and newly diagnosed link here that i'm sure will be helpful to you and your little guy Josh.... i am a 55 y/o f w c/f, i try hard to take good care of myself and leave the rest up to God... You will both be in my prayers, stay as positive as you can and God Bless... Joni


New member
Welcome! I am very glad to see you searching out information. As I am sure you realize that with having so few CFers ever treated in your area, your exposure and access to knowledge and treatments will probably be more limited. As to what to expect is a bit hard to say since every CFer is different even when culturing the same bacterias. MY first instinct is to wonder if the doctors can test for normal CF bacteria and what meds they have available to treat them. CF bacteria often requires certain meds versus other bacteria. Is the hospital he was in aware of CF or is it a local hospital? How far away is it if its CF friendly? I ask these ?? ONLY because I dont know what you have available to treat CF since it is soooo uncommon by you!


New member
Welcome! I am very glad to see you searching out information. As I am sure you realize that with having so few CFers ever treated in your area, your exposure and access to knowledge and treatments will probably be more limited. As to what to expect is a bit hard to say since every CFer is different even when culturing the same bacterias. MY first instinct is to wonder if the doctors can test for normal CF bacteria and what meds they have available to treat them. CF bacteria often requires certain meds versus other bacteria. Is the hospital he was in aware of CF or is it a local hospital? How far away is it if its CF friendly? I ask these ?? ONLY because I dont know what you have available to treat CF since it is soooo uncommon by you!


New member
Welcome! I am very glad to see you searching out information. As I am sure you realize that with having so few CFers ever treated in your area, your exposure and access to knowledge and treatments will probably be more limited. As to what to expect is a bit hard to say since every CFer is different even when culturing the same bacterias. MY first instinct is to wonder if the doctors can test for normal CF bacteria and what meds they have available to treat them. CF bacteria often requires certain meds versus other bacteria. Is the hospital he was in aware of CF or is it a local hospital? How far away is it if its CF friendly? I ask these ?? ONLY because I dont know what you have available to treat CF since it is soooo uncommon by you!


New member
I'm sure the diagnosis is frightening by itself for parents, and hearing all the consequences and side effects of cf is even more intimidating - but I think it's important that you know that every Cf patient is different. Some suffer worse than others, and not everyone suffers from all the side effects. It's a lot to take in all at once, but Cf because a daily routine of maintenance, and problems can be delt with. Just take everything one day at a time... lots of cfers are happy and "healthy", including me :)


New member
I'm sure the diagnosis is frightening by itself for parents, and hearing all the consequences and side effects of cf is even more intimidating - but I think it's important that you know that every Cf patient is different. Some suffer worse than others, and not everyone suffers from all the side effects. It's a lot to take in all at once, but Cf because a daily routine of maintenance, and problems can be delt with. Just take everything one day at a time... lots of cfers are happy and "healthy", including me :)


New member
I'm sure the diagnosis is frightening by itself for parents, and hearing all the consequences and side effects of cf is even more intimidating - but I think it's important that you know that every Cf patient is different. Some suffer worse than others, and not everyone suffers from all the side effects. It's a lot to take in all at once, but Cf because a daily routine of maintenance, and problems can be delt with. Just take everything one day at a time... lots of cfers are happy and "healthy", including me :)


New member
Hi Patric and Welcome to the site <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> This is a great place for you to learn as much as you can about cf. Like everyone else has said, each person with cf is affected differently. I wish you and Joshua the best.


New member
Hi Patric and Welcome to the site <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> This is a great place for you to learn as much as you can about cf. Like everyone else has said, each person with cf is affected differently. I wish you and Joshua the best.


New member
Hi Patric and Welcome to the site <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> This is a great place for you to learn as much as you can about cf. Like everyone else has said, each person with cf is affected differently. I wish you and Joshua the best.


New member
First advice and one you should really consider is RELOCATING to the best hospital and clinical care for cystic fibrosis even if it is not near you or in Malaysia.

I know where Malasya is, my dad used to work for Singapore Airlines.

I did not live in the US , I grew up in another country, and my dad upon knowing i had a rare illness that required special tech tools and therapies used to travel to Los Angeles to buy me my machines and equipment one needs to make it easy to breathe and other. It is different with each child, but certain symptoms are always present. Cough. Inability to thrive (eat and gain weight). and low energy etc. The thing you want to watch for is that your baby has his airways unblocked by mucus. Your c.f. doctor will tell you how for your particular needs or your baby's.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE please absorb this i say.
Miracles happen and we all can use them. I have seen them over and over in my 44yrs life. I had always severe malnutrition since I was a baby. My pancreas did not work well (comoon in c.f.) so I couldnt digest and gain weight. And my stomach always hurt me so much. I had so much gas all the time. Soyour baby is going to be perhaps colicky (if there is presence of pancreatic malabsorption). You will see as the baby is supposed to grow. Watch his growth progress closely. How much does he eat? can he tolerate the food? or has diarrea ?

Watch if he has colds often and always make sure you have access to a good c.f. doctor that will know how to decongest your baby and teach you of newest techniques for babies etc to unclog when colds, flu strikes.
and on daily basis depending on the severity of yr child's symptoms.

LET YOUR CHILD GROW UP AS NORMAL AS POSSIBLE and never say he is sick as in soemthing repulsive. We have a genetic condition that is irreversible and i cant find today the words for it, but that condition makes us ill and fight for our life.

I grew up for many years without many complications other than gastro. (my pancreas) and today i cant eat wthout enzymes (which is for this prob). And i do have to take care of what i eat, when i eat it. Make sure your baby has lots of fluids!!


he was born in a good age because it is today we have many things to make sure we stay alive a lot longer than in the past. Medicine makes it possible for us to eat (Ultrase Mt20 is for me life support) without it i cannot eat. I 'd go into pancreatic attacks every meal. Today we can give thanks that we have portable nebulizers to do our meds and nebs. My dad had to buy a one thousand dollar big medical quieipmnt machine 38yrs ago. And there are genetic medications like pulmozyme to disolve the mucus for thos who trully need that addressed. The survival rate is so much higher than wehn i was born and not many knew what c.f. was nor the doctor could predict much.

I have seen the discovery of the c.f. gene and its consequent milestones in genetics and what it helps to maybe getting a cure. It is possible to live a long a lot logner life than doctors will tell you. SO ALWAYS CLING TO FAITH. Youwill do fine. God has a plan. Believe me. I've been a witness for 44yrs with c.f.
good and bad i have outlived many and though its hard now to live its not as bad as many others i see here. Its a handicap but not one that is visible like most handicaps. Ours is endocrinologically induced.


New member
First advice and one you should really consider is RELOCATING to the best hospital and clinical care for cystic fibrosis even if it is not near you or in Malaysia.

I know where Malasya is, my dad used to work for Singapore Airlines.

I did not live in the US , I grew up in another country, and my dad upon knowing i had a rare illness that required special tech tools and therapies used to travel to Los Angeles to buy me my machines and equipment one needs to make it easy to breathe and other. It is different with each child, but certain symptoms are always present. Cough. Inability to thrive (eat and gain weight). and low energy etc. The thing you want to watch for is that your baby has his airways unblocked by mucus. Your c.f. doctor will tell you how for your particular needs or your baby's.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE please absorb this i say.
Miracles happen and we all can use them. I have seen them over and over in my 44yrs life. I had always severe malnutrition since I was a baby. My pancreas did not work well (comoon in c.f.) so I couldnt digest and gain weight. And my stomach always hurt me so much. I had so much gas all the time. Soyour baby is going to be perhaps colicky (if there is presence of pancreatic malabsorption). You will see as the baby is supposed to grow. Watch his growth progress closely. How much does he eat? can he tolerate the food? or has diarrea ?

Watch if he has colds often and always make sure you have access to a good c.f. doctor that will know how to decongest your baby and teach you of newest techniques for babies etc to unclog when colds, flu strikes.
and on daily basis depending on the severity of yr child's symptoms.

LET YOUR CHILD GROW UP AS NORMAL AS POSSIBLE and never say he is sick as in soemthing repulsive. We have a genetic condition that is irreversible and i cant find today the words for it, but that condition makes us ill and fight for our life.

I grew up for many years without many complications other than gastro. (my pancreas) and today i cant eat wthout enzymes (which is for this prob). And i do have to take care of what i eat, when i eat it. Make sure your baby has lots of fluids!!


he was born in a good age because it is today we have many things to make sure we stay alive a lot longer than in the past. Medicine makes it possible for us to eat (Ultrase Mt20 is for me life support) without it i cannot eat. I 'd go into pancreatic attacks every meal. Today we can give thanks that we have portable nebulizers to do our meds and nebs. My dad had to buy a one thousand dollar big medical quieipmnt machine 38yrs ago. And there are genetic medications like pulmozyme to disolve the mucus for thos who trully need that addressed. The survival rate is so much higher than wehn i was born and not many knew what c.f. was nor the doctor could predict much.

I have seen the discovery of the c.f. gene and its consequent milestones in genetics and what it helps to maybe getting a cure. It is possible to live a long a lot logner life than doctors will tell you. SO ALWAYS CLING TO FAITH. Youwill do fine. God has a plan. Believe me. I've been a witness for 44yrs with c.f.
good and bad i have outlived many and though its hard now to live its not as bad as many others i see here. Its a handicap but not one that is visible like most handicaps. Ours is endocrinologically induced.


New member
First advice and one you should really consider is RELOCATING to the best hospital and clinical care for cystic fibrosis even if it is not near you or in Malaysia.

I know where Malasya is, my dad used to work for Singapore Airlines.

I did not live in the US , I grew up in another country, and my dad upon knowing i had a rare illness that required special tech tools and therapies used to travel to Los Angeles to buy me my machines and equipment one needs to make it easy to breathe and other. It is different with each child, but certain symptoms are always present. Cough. Inability to thrive (eat and gain weight). and low energy etc. The thing you want to watch for is that your baby has his airways unblocked by mucus. Your c.f. doctor will tell you how for your particular needs or your baby's.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE please absorb this i say.
Miracles happen and we all can use them. I have seen them over and over in my 44yrs life. I had always severe malnutrition since I was a baby. My pancreas did not work well (comoon in c.f.) so I couldnt digest and gain weight. And my stomach always hurt me so much. I had so much gas all the time. Soyour baby is going to be perhaps colicky (if there is presence of pancreatic malabsorption). You will see as the baby is supposed to grow. Watch his growth progress closely. How much does he eat? can he tolerate the food? or has diarrea ?

Watch if he has colds often and always make sure you have access to a good c.f. doctor that will know how to decongest your baby and teach you of newest techniques for babies etc to unclog when colds, flu strikes.
and on daily basis depending on the severity of yr child's symptoms.

LET YOUR CHILD GROW UP AS NORMAL AS POSSIBLE and never say he is sick as in soemthing repulsive. We have a genetic condition that is irreversible and i cant find today the words for it, but that condition makes us ill and fight for our life.

I grew up for many years without many complications other than gastro. (my pancreas) and today i cant eat wthout enzymes (which is for this prob). And i do have to take care of what i eat, when i eat it. Make sure your baby has lots of fluids!!


he was born in a good age because it is today we have many things to make sure we stay alive a lot longer than in the past. Medicine makes it possible for us to eat (Ultrase Mt20 is for me life support) without it i cannot eat. I 'd go into pancreatic attacks every meal. Today we can give thanks that we have portable nebulizers to do our meds and nebs. My dad had to buy a one thousand dollar big medical quieipmnt machine 38yrs ago. And there are genetic medications like pulmozyme to disolve the mucus for thos who trully need that addressed. The survival rate is so much higher than wehn i was born and not many knew what c.f. was nor the doctor could predict much.

I have seen the discovery of the c.f. gene and its consequent milestones in genetics and what it helps to maybe getting a cure. It is possible to live a long a lot logner life than doctors will tell you. SO ALWAYS CLING TO FAITH. Youwill do fine. God has a plan. Believe me. I've been a witness for 44yrs with c.f.
good and bad i have outlived many and though its hard now to live its not as bad as many others i see here. Its a handicap but not one that is visible like most handicaps. Ours is endocrinologically induced.


New member
hi joshes dad our name is mike and annette our son was dionosed at the age of 9 months he is now going to be 13 in april if u have any questions feel free to email us or send us a message and we will chat with u if anyone wants to chat add us to ur hotmail
God Bless,
Annette Mike