Julie.. PLease update on you and the kiddos... and Mark


New member
Hey I miss you, I read your website but it isn't updated unless you did it today..

I miss hearing the stories. Can you feel the babies yet? are you still on bed rest? How is everything going?????

Update us please



New member
Thanks Jen, iv'e been thinking of asking Julie the same thing.

Hi Julie, we havn't had an update in ages. How are you, mark and the bubs doing.
Send us some pics of your tummy, it must be getting big. I hope all is well, please keep us posted!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

Thanks Eli


New member
I haven't updated the website yet (shame on me). I keep meaning to do it, but every time I go to the computer... Mark is on it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He's finishing finals this week so it's completely understandable.

I do have new pictures of the babies and my stomach, I'll have to post them tonight or tomorrow though because I have a WIC appointment today and then doing something with my grandmother.

So here's the update... they did a neuchal Translucency test (sp???) and all three of the babies look great.

Baby A is measuring the smallest of the three, which was shocking to the doctors. Baby A was exactly at the 50% percentile (which is exactly average) for the Crown to Rump length for how many weeks/days I am (I was 13w3d at the time). Heartbeat was in the upper 160's.

Baby B is measuring the middle of the three. A little above the 50% range, more like 75%, which the doctors think is outstanding for triplets. Baby B's heartbeat is 158.

Baby C is the biggest yet, measuring off the chart they have for his/her gestestional age. Baby C is above the 99th % -WOW. And Baby C's heartbeat is in the low 160's.

They are surprised by this because the identical twins (B and C) share a placenta (they are monochorionic, triamniotic triplets, meaning baby A has it's own placenta, amniotic sac and chrorion sac. Baby B and C have their own amniotic sacs, share a placenta and are in 1 chorion sac). So the doctors were expecting the two who sare the placenta to be the smallest... I guess these babies have other plans.

We can find out the sex it two weeks, but our next appointment is in three weeks so hopefully we'll know by then. I'm so excited to find out.

I'm still on bedrest, but it's modified bedrest. The main reason is because the doctor told my work to reduce my hours from 50+ a week to 30, and put me at the front desk (which is easy to do, I'd just be checking in patients instead of running around the medical offic like a chicken with my head cut off) because when I was working in the back, I'd go 3-4 hours without sitting down, sometimes I wouldn't get my lunch... not healthy period, but especially carrying three babies. Plus, I am suppose to be eating 200g of protein a day and 4000-4400 calories... cant' really do that if for 75% of the day, you don't get to stop and eat a snack or lunch.

When I went in the next time, she asked me about it and I told her everything was fine. Mark was like, "ok, I have to speak up-No it's not fine, they haven't reduced her hours or put her at a desk, she still doesn't get lunch sometimes and forget about snacks..." so the doctor said, "OK, two can play at this game, I'll pull you out on modified bedrest" so she did. She told me I can go to the store and run errands, but I need to be taking a 2-3 hour nap everyday, need to go for a walk of not more than 10 minutes once or twice a day (not more though) and focus on my eating. So I have been.

My spotting has stopped, they think it was very marginal placenta previa of baby A (the placenta was too close to the cervix) but as the baby grows and my uterus grows, it fixes itself.

I'll update the site tonight or tomorrow and post some of the pictures on here too.
My tummy is growing, I have completely outgrown all of my regular pants and shirts and am finally fitting into the maternity clothes. I have to get XS or S pants, it's sort of difficult to do at Value village or another secondhand store... but I've found a few pairs. I'll post some pictures of the stomach too. It's not huge, but it's big for me.

I haven't felt them move yet <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">, but I imagine once I do, I won't be getting much sleep or rest because instead of 1 moving around, there will be 3 with their own agenda.... ohhhhh fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks for asking about me and sorry I didn't update sooner


New member
So glad to hear you are feeling as good as you do!!!! About clothes..have you tried the consignment stores for babies...usually they have maternity stuff too...just a thought. So you are still working??? Good for you... I quit when I was about 3 1/2 months. Just take it easy. I would hate to see ya'lls grocery bill now...LOL. Just wait til the trips are about 3 years old. WOW what a bill!!!! (sorry) Okay here goes my opinion on what the sexes are... (according to the heartbeats... old wivestale) My 1st thought was ALL boys...then I thought maybe that the highest heartbeat could be a girl. Just my opinion.


New member
I'll record your vote Leah, 2 boys 1 girl <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Anyone else want to take a gander.... We are hoping for two girls and a boy, but really, healthy babie are all we care about!

I'm actually not working, I was put on bedrest for a week and then went back to work for a few days, was bleeding again-bedrest again, back to work for a few days, bleeding again and then work wasn't cooperating with the doctors orders so the doc pulled me off on permanent modified bed rest. Not because I 100% fully needed it, but because of the bleeding, work not cooperating, I hadn't gained any weight, I was exhausted and fatigued.... It's better off.

Oh yah, talk about food bills <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It's already increased $200 a month, and I'm on WIC and we are using the local food bank twice a month, which is the max. authorized. Thank god for foodbanks and WIC. They are already eating me out of house and home <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I have gone to a few baby consignment stores, seen some really nice maternity clothes for a pretty good price, but they all fell off my booty <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Maybe in a month or two...


New member
I think the twins will be boys....and maybe just maybe baby A is a girl.....but with the hearbeat still in the 160s it could be a boy......


New member
Hi Julie!!! I am so glad to hear that everything is going well for you and Mark. What a blessing to have multiples! I read your posting on maternity clothes and I thought I would just throw my two-cents in. Maternity clothes may seem huge right now...but if you find a good deal pick them up anyway and safety pin your pants. I could not afford to keep buying clothes so I would just buy my size in maternity and safety pin them until there was no need to safety pin them anymore...then I could hardly stand to have them on because they were so tight. I know a lot of people were pretty entertained when I was only 3 months along and was wearing maternity clothes...but for me if the pants were too tight it made me sick (literally). Who cares what others think...its all about comfort.

Bless you!

1 son Caleb almost 9 months 22lbs 13oz!!!


New member
I never wore maternity clothes. Granted I wasnt carrying triplets either. I got reasonably priced "sporty" type looking outfits that basically were loose pants & matching tops. Wore them after I had the baby & then handed them down. I dont know if this would work for you or for how long since those babys together are probably more than what Jazmine was at birth!


New member
Hey Julie thanks for the update...... I am guessing you are going to have the babies October 12... (my birthday)

I am going to be sending you guys a package in the next few months directly from Babies R Us.

About the maternity clothes.. Target has great clothes, cute stylish and very inexpensive......also Old Navy does as well.

I hope your WIC appointment went well, I would tell them that you are going to need formula for all three kids, this way you always have extra.. I know you are planning to try to breast feed.

Also maybe welfare would be able to send you checks monthly to help pay for diapers etc.

also another idea, I know someone who used to go to several food banks, You can go to the public one but many churches have food banks as well, and I am sure there are a lot of churches in your area.. look in the yellow pages and give them a call. Many churches even have a slush fund where they can help you to get stuff that you need for the baby.. Extra furniture etc.

How is the car search going.. did you find a car that will accomadate all 5 of you?

Thanks for the update,




New member
Hey Julie!!! I' glad you're doing well, and the babies are in good shape. I helped someone you work with at my work today. Her name was Cari Cook. We still need to find a time when we can get together. Brian is back to work and tolerating it well, but since he didn't even try to get back on his normal sleep schedule he's exhausted. I told him so, but he didn't listen. Haha.


New member
Thanks for the update Julie. Its funny that the hidden baby is the biggest, but glad they are all doing good (and so is the mommy). I will be checking the website for pictures, cant wait to see them <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Keep us updated, get your rest and eat, eat, eat!!

Mark agreed to find out the genders? Let us know when you find out. I have always guessed that you will have 2 girls and a boy.

And tell Mark "good luck on the finals!" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank's for the update, Julie. I'm glad you are all doing well. Can't wait to see those pics.

Since were guessing the sex of the babies, i thought i might put my 2cents in. I thnik you are having 2 boy's and a girl.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">.

PS: i agree with Jen, target has very nice baby cloths, which are well priced.I have bought lots of stuff from target for Olivia, and many people say to me "how cute does she look, where did you get her clothes from", "um target". So go in and have a look.

Eli (mum of Olivia 16mnths w/cf)


New member
Thanks for the update Julie. I am glad all is going well. My dil is due to have a baby girl anytime now....literally, but if not on her own they will induce on Sunday morning at 8...anyway, my point is this....her heartbeat has been in the 160's the whole pregnancy...so who knows what the triplets will be....and you wont care anyway....the main thing is that they are all healthy.


New member
My guess is its 2 girls and a boy. Oh and I have a girlfriend that lived in those long ribed tanks from target her whole pregnancy and there on sale right now for 4.99. she wore them with lots of drawstring skirts and pants.