just curious why you signed up


New member
call me lazy, but i get slightly annoyed clicking on blogs where no one has ever written anything. why did you guys sign up if you aren't going to write anything? just curious...


New member
to be honest im not on this site enough anymore to write anything on my blog and i really dont write enough to make it like a diary so thats why i dont use it.. i thought i would use it for pictures but i cant get them on there so its pointless for me!!


New member
Mine is not exactly empty, but almost. I had high hopes for my blog. I don't post in it very often because I am not sure anyone care's anyway....lol.


New member
I signed up for a blog at first because I thought it would be neat to keep a health blog and compare with others. Why didn't I? I just don't have the time, and blogging is still "new" technology to me. I need time to sit down and figure out all the fancy features so my blog could be "competitive" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

On a side note, sorry catboogie - this is not a personal attack, I get annoyed when I only have a few minutes to look over the forum, and have to shift through all the non-cf related crap in the adult section. I'm not saying the posts are bad or shouldn't be on the site, but I wish people would take the time to organize. Lots of little correspondace or non related items can so easily be filed in off-topic, and it makes it so much easier to track the cf stuff. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to come back to a post that caught my attention earlier in the day, only to find it buried under posts of personal slander or how's the weather conversations (and for those on here who are literal, yes, I know there was not a post titled "how's the weather", it is an example of non-relevant conversation).

Am I going to stop reading the adult section or yell at people who post like this? No. But it may make me miss something that I could have helped someone with, or that may have helped me.

--Wallflower (I've asked Bill to remove me from the blogs)


New member
Wallflower- you bring up a great point. We have a non-related CF section, people should use it. I'm so tired of the non-related stuff.


FYI, there's no "time limit" on blogs, join in when you have the time, feel like writing, want to vent, show us pictures, tell your stories. That's why Bill put the latest post column down the left side, we can see who's most current. No "added stress" for anyone.


When I first signed up on this sight they were having problems getting everybody a blog posted so most uf us started using the chat room and the forum to voice opionions or ask questions. But I think they have the bolg situation fixed so you might see an increase in people posting on their blogs.


New member
The same reason why people say they are gonna start workin out on new years.

Hint: It rhymes with Haziness.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I signed up for a blog at first because I thought it would be neat to keep a health blog and compare with others. Why didn't I? I just don't have the time, and blogging is still "new" technology to me. I need time to sit down and figure out all the fancy features so my blog could be "competitive" <img src="">

On a side note, sorry catboogie - this is not a personal attack, I get annoyed when I only have a few minutes to look over the forum, and have to shift through all the non-cf related crap in the adult section. I'm not saying the posts are bad or shouldn't be on the site, but I wish people would take the time to organize. Lots of little correspondace or non related items can so easily be filed in off-topic, and it makes it so much easier to track the cf stuff. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to come back to a post that caught my attention earlier in the day, only to find it buried under posts of personal slander or how's the weather conversations (and for those on here who are literal, yes, I know there was not a post titled "how's the weather", it is an example of non-relevant conversation).

Am I going to stop reading the adult section or yell at people who post like this? No. But it may make me miss something that I could have helped someone with, or that may have helped me.

--Wallflower (I've asked Bill to remove me from the blogs)</end quote></div>

Do you read the other forums? probably not. Do i...not really...this forum islike kinda the general cf forum, at least that's what i see it as. It's just the only one that gets most attentions.

Furthermore, It deosn't take to long to read the titles of the threads and to go down the list...so I dunno, that point was kinda invalid.

Just my two cents. this site is great, but there are a lot of complainers. It's funny really (not saying you are one, just i find there is a lot of difference of opinions)



New member
sorry wallflower...i didn't mean to come off as kinda rude...but seriously

I get annoyed when people are rude.

I get annoyed when people steal.

Do i get annoyed when a fellow cf'er posts something not 100% relative to the cf forum. Not really.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Well, I just signed up a little while ago. Funny thing is I sat down on Sat night and wrote my first blog - my introduction to 'me' if you want to call it. When it hit the "post" button I got a pop up box saying there was no catergory selected...but my catrgory was labeled general. Then everything disappeared!! Out of pure frustration I gave up on it.....I've been meaning to ask for help by posting about my blog my troubles. BTW, I'm new to all the computer stuff. Sometimes I feel like I live in the 1800's!! LOL!!
Help Anyone?!?! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I am a little confused. On my computer there is a section that shows who has recently updated their blogs. So wouldn't you just click on them and not bother with the others that aren't on there?

Seems that blogs were for people to write in if they wanted and if they didn't then they shouldn't feel they have to.

Sue 24w/CF