Just Curious


New member
Hi everyone, I'm new to this and i have a question??? Ok well im 20 years old and i always have a lot of back pain, usually in the middle. Does anybody else have this problem??? I think it may be from all the coughing but i'm not really sure.
Heather 20 w/cf


New member
My son is 18 and has been getting back pain for the last several years. It is usually whne there is an onset of infection that it is at it's worse. At one point he even saw a bone specialist. Treatment of Viox has always helped(until they took it off the market).
Increased coughing caused more discomfort



New member
You explained it perfectly! I also get back pain right in the middle. I haven't gotten it checked out yet b/c this year is when it really started. I noticed it after I got an infection (which is now gone). I think coughing has a lot to do with the pain, however I can't imagine a heavy bookbag helps much either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Back rubs especially and to me, even a little clapping helps ease it.

Erin 19/f/cf


New member
Thanx for the replies everyone! Yea i notice mine more when im sick but i still have it when im feeling good. it all started about 2-3 years ago, before that i never experienced the back pain.
Heather 20 w/cf


New member
I too have bad back pain between my shoulder blades. I'm going to call a chiropractor tomorrow-I've had it with the pain! It could be from the coughing, but I think it's because I tend to be tense when I am doing bookwork, etc. I don't know why I just can't do things in a relaxed state! Anyway, I think this is part of it, but it may be something else wrong too.
My back also hurts when I've had a cold, etc, but that's a different type of hurt. More like an I've been kicked, have cracked ribs type of hurt. It really hurts then when I laugh or cough.
The hurting lately is sore & achey. Hope that makes sense<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
I have severe back pain. Its the middle and lower back from coughing. I have strained all the muscles in my back. Its so bad that im on tylonel 3's and percaset for pain or i cannot move or function. I cant get comfortable and its always there. Massage helps but because Im always coughing it doesnt have time to heal.

Kris 22/f/pre transplant