Just diagnosed with CFRD


New member
So I'm in the hospital right now and they ran a Glucose Tolerance Test on me a couple days ago. Results weren't good- I have developed diabetes. I know a lot of you have it too, so I was hoping for some help. I know NOTHING about how to take care of it. They've got a specialist coming in tomorrow to educate me. I was hoping you all could share a few of your expiriences with me. Also, when you were given the diagnosis, did you feel like it was a progression of this damn disease? That's how I've been feeling. I know I'm lucky to be just now getting it and my PFTs are great still. I just keep thinking "does this mean it's getting worse?" Any thoughts? Thanks for your help.

Hi Aimee, I was diagnosed with diabetes 8 years ago when I was 15. I took the diagnosis pretty well; better than my parents, actually. Perhaps I was too young to fully understand what it meant to have diabetes. I just looked at it as being another step I would have to add to my daily regimine. Just hang in there. I know it is a lot to digest at first, but once you get out of the hospital and start doing the routine on your own, it isn't so bad.
Are they starting you on insulin? I have said this before on several other threads, but I would suggest looking into an insulin pump. I got mine about 6 months ago, and it has completely changed my life. Not only can I eat whatever I want (I have such a sweet tooth!), but I have also noticed I'm staying healthier cf-wise. As you may already know, high blood sugars feed infections, and infections feed high blood sugars - it's just a vicious cycle. Since my sugars are now more in control it has helped me keep weight on (I've gained about 8 pounds) and kept my lungs healthier. Good luck!


New member
Obviously, I'm no doctor, but I don't think it means a progression in your CF. And if it did, it would be pancrease related, not lung related (just my opinion).
I didn't really take it as a progression when I was diagnosed with CFRD. It runs so heavily in my family that I just assumed it was heriditary in add'n to being CF related.
It probably means that your pancrease needs some help making insulin. That doesn't shake me up as much as being diagnosed with MRSA or starting some new regimen that's lung related.
I don't have that much problem with weight gain, though, if I did maybe the diagnosis would have shook me up more.
Good luck and it will be tough to adjust to at first, then before long, you'll be a pro at it<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">