Just feeling down


New member
I was just on the phone, business, and the baby began to fuss. Checked on him only to find that he had a full diaper. Not only a full diaper, but onesie, and sleeper. I said that I needed to change my son (to the lady on the phone) who thought that she could just "hold one a minute". When he poos, it requires a bath, a change of clothes, and rinsing out of everything he was wearing. Doesn't take just a minute.

This seems to be getting worse. There are always wet baby clothes on my sink. I'm afraid to leave the house because I never know when he'll poo, and if he poos while we're out,.... well, the smell and the clothes, etc. And, I feel like my house always smells like his icky poos. I'm becoming a prisoner of the poo!

People try to be nice and say, "I understand". Uhm, NO! Probably not. Just had to vent with people who understand. Thanks. And by the way, has anyone else been afraid to go in public because of the poo, and if so what did you do? Thnx, T


New member
I was just on the phone, business, and the baby began to fuss. Checked on him only to find that he had a full diaper. Not only a full diaper, but onesie, and sleeper. I said that I needed to change my son (to the lady on the phone) who thought that she could just "hold one a minute". When he poos, it requires a bath, a change of clothes, and rinsing out of everything he was wearing. Doesn't take just a minute.

This seems to be getting worse. There are always wet baby clothes on my sink. I'm afraid to leave the house because I never know when he'll poo, and if he poos while we're out,.... well, the smell and the clothes, etc. And, I feel like my house always smells like his icky poos. I'm becoming a prisoner of the poo!

People try to be nice and say, "I understand". Uhm, NO! Probably not. Just had to vent with people who understand. Thanks. And by the way, has anyone else been afraid to go in public because of the poo, and if so what did you do? Thnx, T


New member
I was just on the phone, business, and the baby began to fuss. Checked on him only to find that he had a full diaper. Not only a full diaper, but onesie, and sleeper. I said that I needed to change my son (to the lady on the phone) who thought that she could just "hold one a minute". When he poos, it requires a bath, a change of clothes, and rinsing out of everything he was wearing. Doesn't take just a minute.

This seems to be getting worse. There are always wet baby clothes on my sink. I'm afraid to leave the house because I never know when he'll poo, and if he poos while we're out,.... well, the smell and the clothes, etc. And, I feel like my house always smells like his icky poos. I'm becoming a prisoner of the poo!

People try to be nice and say, "I understand". Uhm, NO! Probably not. Just had to vent with people who understand. Thanks. And by the way, has anyone else been afraid to go in public because of the poo, and if so what did you do? Thnx, T


New member
I was just on the phone, business, and the baby began to fuss. Checked on him only to find that he had a full diaper. Not only a full diaper, but onesie, and sleeper. I said that I needed to change my son (to the lady on the phone) who thought that she could just "hold one a minute". When he poos, it requires a bath, a change of clothes, and rinsing out of everything he was wearing. Doesn't take just a minute.

This seems to be getting worse. There are always wet baby clothes on my sink. I'm afraid to leave the house because I never know when he'll poo, and if he poos while we're out,.... well, the smell and the clothes, etc. And, I feel like my house always smells like his icky poos. I'm becoming a prisoner of the poo!

People try to be nice and say, "I understand". Uhm, NO! Probably not. Just had to vent with people who understand. Thanks. And by the way, has anyone else been afraid to go in public because of the poo, and if so what did you do? Thnx, T


New member
I was just on the phone, business, and the baby began to fuss. Checked on him only to find that he had a full diaper. Not only a full diaper, but onesie, and sleeper. I said that I needed to change my son (to the lady on the phone) who thought that she could just "hold one a minute". When he poos, it requires a bath, a change of clothes, and rinsing out of everything he was wearing. Doesn't take just a minute.

This seems to be getting worse. There are always wet baby clothes on my sink. I'm afraid to leave the house because I never know when he'll poo, and if he poos while we're out,.... well, the smell and the clothes, etc. And, I feel like my house always smells like his icky poos. I'm becoming a prisoner of the poo!

People try to be nice and say, "I understand". Uhm, NO! Probably not. Just had to vent with people who understand. Thanks. And by the way, has anyone else been afraid to go in public because of the poo, and if so what did you do? Thnx, T


New member
I am one that truly UNDERSTANDS. It seemed like my house was like that until Austin was out of diapers. Which was around 3 1'2. He was not wanting the potty training.

Everytime he went it was everywhere. It also seemed like whenever we had to go to the doctors or somewhere as soon as we got on the road he would poo. Which meant pulling oversomewhere and changing the diaper and all the clothes. It was always up his back and down his legs. Basically it was everywhere.

We learned to make sure we always had several changes of clothings, diapers, a ton of wipes and lotions. There was really nothing to mask the smell from the vehicle. Just had to ride it out. LOL<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am one that truly UNDERSTANDS. It seemed like my house was like that until Austin was out of diapers. Which was around 3 1'2. He was not wanting the potty training.

Everytime he went it was everywhere. It also seemed like whenever we had to go to the doctors or somewhere as soon as we got on the road he would poo. Which meant pulling oversomewhere and changing the diaper and all the clothes. It was always up his back and down his legs. Basically it was everywhere.

We learned to make sure we always had several changes of clothings, diapers, a ton of wipes and lotions. There was really nothing to mask the smell from the vehicle. Just had to ride it out. LOL<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am one that truly UNDERSTANDS. It seemed like my house was like that until Austin was out of diapers. Which was around 3 1'2. He was not wanting the potty training.

Everytime he went it was everywhere. It also seemed like whenever we had to go to the doctors or somewhere as soon as we got on the road he would poo. Which meant pulling oversomewhere and changing the diaper and all the clothes. It was always up his back and down his legs. Basically it was everywhere.

We learned to make sure we always had several changes of clothings, diapers, a ton of wipes and lotions. There was really nothing to mask the smell from the vehicle. Just had to ride it out. LOL<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am one that truly UNDERSTANDS. It seemed like my house was like that until Austin was out of diapers. Which was around 3 1'2. He was not wanting the potty training.

Everytime he went it was everywhere. It also seemed like whenever we had to go to the doctors or somewhere as soon as we got on the road he would poo. Which meant pulling oversomewhere and changing the diaper and all the clothes. It was always up his back and down his legs. Basically it was everywhere.

We learned to make sure we always had several changes of clothings, diapers, a ton of wipes and lotions. There was really nothing to mask the smell from the vehicle. Just had to ride it out. LOL<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am one that truly UNDERSTANDS. It seemed like my house was like that until Austin was out of diapers. Which was around 3 1'2. He was not wanting the potty training.

Everytime he went it was everywhere. It also seemed like whenever we had to go to the doctors or somewhere as soon as we got on the road he would poo. Which meant pulling oversomewhere and changing the diaper and all the clothes. It was always up his back and down his legs. Basically it was everywhere.

We learned to make sure we always had several changes of clothings, diapers, a ton of wipes and lotions. There was really nothing to mask the smell from the vehicle. Just had to ride it out. LOL<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Active member
before enzymes Lili went poo all the time, 4-6 times a day. So many diapers! When she started using the toilet it became even harder because I always had to be near a bathroom when we were out. To this day I still carry a little potty around in the back of my car for emergencies. A couple of weeks ago we went to a park that was no where near a bathroom and of course she had to go. I pulled a plastic bag out of my bag and had her go in there - gross I know but I didn't know what else to do.


Active member
before enzymes Lili went poo all the time, 4-6 times a day. So many diapers! When she started using the toilet it became even harder because I always had to be near a bathroom when we were out. To this day I still carry a little potty around in the back of my car for emergencies. A couple of weeks ago we went to a park that was no where near a bathroom and of course she had to go. I pulled a plastic bag out of my bag and had her go in there - gross I know but I didn't know what else to do.


Active member
before enzymes Lili went poo all the time, 4-6 times a day. So many diapers! When she started using the toilet it became even harder because I always had to be near a bathroom when we were out. To this day I still carry a little potty around in the back of my car for emergencies. A couple of weeks ago we went to a park that was no where near a bathroom and of course she had to go. I pulled a plastic bag out of my bag and had her go in there - gross I know but I didn't know what else to do.


Active member
before enzymes Lili went poo all the time, 4-6 times a day. So many diapers! When she started using the toilet it became even harder because I always had to be near a bathroom when we were out. To this day I still carry a little potty around in the back of my car for emergencies. A couple of weeks ago we went to a park that was no where near a bathroom and of course she had to go. I pulled a plastic bag out of my bag and had her go in there - gross I know but I didn't know what else to do.


Active member
before enzymes Lili went poo all the time, 4-6 times a day. So many diapers! When she started using the toilet it became even harder because I always had to be near a bathroom when we were out. To this day I still carry a little potty around in the back of my car for emergencies. A couple of weeks ago we went to a park that was no where near a bathroom and of course she had to go. I pulled a plastic bag out of my bag and had her go in there - gross I know but I didn't know what else to do.


Super Moderator
It's funny, those days seem so long ago even though they are not. My daughter is almost 5 with CF. I've found that when maggie's poos got so big that she had a "blow-out" that's what'ld we call it; it was time to assess if her enzyme dosage needed to go up. Anyway, maybe throwing on 2 diapers or a diaper and a pai of rubber pants when you go out may help too? I've learned also, not to give a crap(no pun intended) when it comes to what people think.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> This too shall pass.


Super Moderator
It's funny, those days seem so long ago even though they are not. My daughter is almost 5 with CF. I've found that when maggie's poos got so big that she had a "blow-out" that's what'ld we call it; it was time to assess if her enzyme dosage needed to go up. Anyway, maybe throwing on 2 diapers or a diaper and a pai of rubber pants when you go out may help too? I've learned also, not to give a crap(no pun intended) when it comes to what people think.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> This too shall pass.


Super Moderator
It's funny, those days seem so long ago even though they are not. My daughter is almost 5 with CF. I've found that when maggie's poos got so big that she had a "blow-out" that's what'ld we call it; it was time to assess if her enzyme dosage needed to go up. Anyway, maybe throwing on 2 diapers or a diaper and a pai of rubber pants when you go out may help too? I've learned also, not to give a crap(no pun intended) when it comes to what people think.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> This too shall pass.


Super Moderator
It's funny, those days seem so long ago even though they are not. My daughter is almost 5 with CF. I've found that when maggie's poos got so big that she had a "blow-out" that's what'ld we call it; it was time to assess if her enzyme dosage needed to go up. Anyway, maybe throwing on 2 diapers or a diaper and a pai of rubber pants when you go out may help too? I've learned also, not to give a crap(no pun intended) when it comes to what people think.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> This too shall pass.


Super Moderator
It's funny, those days seem so long ago even though they are not. My daughter is almost 5 with CF. I've found that when maggie's poos got so big that she had a "blow-out" that's what'ld we call it; it was time to assess if her enzyme dosage needed to go up. Anyway, maybe throwing on 2 diapers or a diaper and a pai of rubber pants when you go out may help too? I've learned also, not to give a crap(no pun intended) when it comes to what people think.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> This too shall pass.