I took my newborn son to the pediatrician's office for the first time back in 2008. They had some paperwork for his family history, etc. The M.D. browsed the paperwork and saw CF positive for me and said, "Oh, you're a CF carrier then?"
I said, "No, I have CF. So I know that my son is a carrier."
She said, "Well, he's not necessarily a carrier because he may have gotten your non-CF gene."
I said, "No, actually, he *did* get a gene from me because I have 2 of them - because I have CF."
She said, "You can't have CF - you're too big."
OMG!!! I know that I'm a little overweight and tall, but geez!
So that conversation was completely unproductive and to this day I don't think she understands that I have CF. I had brought up having my son tested for CF back in 2010 because I he had continuous bronchitis/pneumonia that winter and I was a bit concerned. She would not test him for CF because she didn't think it was necessary. I think she still had it in her head that it wasn't really possible. Some doctors!